
by Kevin Koranteng
7th March 2017

About (www.wejustlive.wordpress.com)

If life could see its myriad self, what words would be said?  Would that the many sparks of the one   effulgent flame could share a single mind, and gaze upon its own reflection within the ripples atop the tides of perception.  The one endless horizon masquerading as the crests and troughs of the many minds.  Life as told in simile, metaphor, alliteration rolling among each other, tumbling over easy words and enigmatic entendres. What stories would be woven from that gaze upon the many distortions of unity itself?


Koiora is a Maori word that can be translated as ‘the state between birth and death’. Welcome, dearest reader, word lover and grammar queens to the stage of Koiora where words imitate life imitating words.
