Last Flight Home

by Rob Powell
12th February 2016

‘Mary, there was something I was going to tell you, but for the life me I can’t remember what it is.’ Mary looks at John, smiles to herself thinking this was what he said last night, and the night before, and will probably repeat again tomorrow. Mary didn’t mind, in fact she likes John’s absentmindedness. From the day they met she felt it gave him an endearing quality and knew that she was just as forgetful; so it made them the perfect couple.

‘Mary, I remembered it’s something to do with the moon. Keep the moons light in your sight; it will act as our guide to navigate home.’ John pauses for one pensive moment ‘I know there is something else I wanted to tell you about the light. Oh well I’m sure I’ll remember soon’.

‘It’s ok John’, Mary responds and plants a loving kiss on John’s cheek finishing the night yawning the words ‘I’m so tired we have been travelling all day, let’s sleep now; love you much.’ John’s returning smile is filled with a heart full of so much love for Mary, and thoughts of how lucky he is to have found his lifelong companion, his true soul mate. And with that, he hovers by her side momentarily giving her a kiss and settling down for the night.

The cold air intensifies and voluminous clouds fill the night sky dulling the moons glow. There is a loud roar so close that the vibrations jolt Mary and John awake simultaneously. They look quickly at each other, disorientated but realising the impending danger both fly out of their slumber and make a quick exit. In terror and confusion John nudges Mary in front of him as he keeps an eye on the unknown predator attacking from their rear.

‘Keep heading towards the light Mary, remember it is our safest route’, John hollers at Mary who he can now hear in front of him crying with fear ‘go as fast you can go’. Mary increases her speed and is now flying through the woodland and making good ground keeping the light in her eyes focus. And then to John's horror, he witnesses Mary’s delicate wings go up in flames as she flies directly into a campfire flame. John opens his wings to break his flight. His eyes immediately fill with tears as he remembers what he had forgotten every night.

‘Mary, don’t confuse the light of the moon with the light of a naked flame of fire’.


Who's Paul?

Or is that what comes from typing to quick!

Profile picture for user rob@tech_41469
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Rob Powell


I have the same problem with my writing haha! That and I type so quickly I mispell words! But alas that is what drafts are for! Passion makes a writer, another person proof reading simply aids on the journey each writer travels. Of course I shall! I look forward to reading more!

Kind regards


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Thank you for your comments and they are much appreciated. I do have a tendency to do that. It is a bad habit and that I am trying to correct. It tends to happen through poor editing and enthusiasm and excitement when I am writing.

Please keep an eye on me and correct me whenever and wherever you see fit.

Profile picture for user rob@tech_41469
270 points
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Gothic and Horror
Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Rob Powell