The last survivor's

by Maxwell Ngobeni
23rd July 2024

Title: The Last SurvivorIn a dense, uncharted jungle, a plane crashed, and everyone aboard perished except for a tiny baby, not older than a year. The Rozen tribe, known for their deep connection with the jungle, found the baby amid the wreckage. They named him Kito and took him in, raising him as one of their own.As Kito grew up, he became an integral part of the Rozen tribe. He learned their language, customs, and respect for the jungle. Despite his unique background, Kito adapted to their ways, becoming skilled in survival and deeply bonded with the tribe.The jungle was both a guardian and a challenge. Its dangers made every day a struggle, but Kito used his knowledge to protect his tribe. However, he often wondered about his past. Finding remnants of the crashed plane, including a damaged journal, stirred memories and questions about the outside world.One day, a fierce storm hit the jungle, threatening the Rozen's village. Kito, combining his survival skills with the knowledge from the outside world, led the tribe to safety. His bravery cemented his role as their protector.After the storm, Kito learned more about the outside world when a group of researchers, lost and seeking help, arrived. He guided them to safety but kept his identity hidden. Through them, Kito discovered more about his origins and the world beyond the jungle. Yet, his bond with the Rozen grew stronger.Faced with a choice, Kito decided to stay with the Rozen. He realized that the jungle and the tribe that had raised him were his true home. He continued to use his knowledge to help the Rozen thrive, bridging the gap between their ancient traditions and the outside world's advancements.Kito’s story became a legend among the Rozen—a tale of survival, identity, and the power of family. It was a story of a boy who embraced his past and shaped his future, finding his place in the world by staying true to the land that had raised him.

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