Looking Glass

by Marcus De Storm
27th November 2016

Self-Published across Amazon, the story began as a 'Stand-Alone', until it was discovered that the story had a unique 'Fetch': Children traveling around the Universe by means of Mirrors, Reflections or Shadow!


The Shadow Runners

They were called “The Shadow Runner’s”, though their ability to run through shadow’s was not the only fascination about them that had me join their group of Wanted: The Shadow Runner’s; gifted with the ability to transport themselves by ‘Reflection’, or simply by immersing into any ‘Shadow’.

Our first encounter came when I stayed at my Aunt Milly’s house in Evermore’s East End, while the second was at my Cousin Steven’s house in Marsham, near Borello. And on both occasions I saw that Jaspro and Norsh had not aged in any way – they were still as young as they were when I was 6 and 11. How could this be?

Having just had my twelfth birthday, Jaspro had come to visit me for what he believed was the very last time. Taking me by the wrist with no reason and somehow taking me to a place I didn’t recognize. It kind of looked like a New York postcard; the tall buildings, apartments and skylines that bested the same views and awesome backdrops that proved it was the Big Apple. And, in no way mistaking the Empire State Building.

Jaspro was the leader, maybe, as he didn’t get given orders by anyone else that I knew of, but then, there were many things that he kept to himself and didn’t tell anyone else.

  ‘The Looking Glass helps us travel around,’ Jaspro said, his sitting up on the very ledge on some very tall building five hundred feet up in the air not causing him any worry. ‘Yous be a lucky ones, we will be old soon…then it will close – forever!’

He was somehow saddened at the expectation.

  Close! What do you mean?’ I asked making my way over to the ledge to join him.

  ‘The Looking Glass is only for us young kids yous sees Jack, though I am not a kid, I’m a young man,’ Norsh cried out to get in his tuppence worth before Jaspro noisily took over the conversation.

  ‘The Looking Glass is our way of keeping an eye on those that can’t stand up for themselves, kind of…here, we’ll show you, won’t we Norsh?’

With this Norsh stepped forward and took from his pocket a small square piece of glass – it was a mirror. With it he held it out for me to take a hold of, which I did with the thought that they may be pranking me and the glass did nothing at all.

  It doesn’t look special! ’ I exclaimed examining it closely.

Norsh and Jaspro laughed. ‘That’s because you have to say the magic words, ain’t it, Jaspro?’ Norsh called out with a giggle.

Jaspro nodded. ‘Cadabra is the magic word you have to say, or it don’t work none, Jack.’

I suddenly remembered that the magic word to the Magicians was similar, not exact, but certainly along those lines.

  Cadabra! ’ I exclaimed, immediately feeling the small square mirror vibrate and pull away from me, but I held it fast.

The whole top of the building that we were stood upon lit up with a very bright light, brighter than my Mum’s house lights that dimmed whenever she turned on the TV. Closing my eyes so as not to blind myself, I held out the mirror as far as I could before suddenly, as quickly as the light appeared, it vanished.

  Cadabra! ’ Jaspro and Norsh said in unison, as right  before us stood a young girl, she was around eleven-year-old dressed in strange clothing.

  ‘Hello,’ She welcomed me with a smile. ‘I’d be very careful with that, if I was you?’

Jaspro cut in. ‘He ain’t the likes of us, Cadabra, so don’t you be going and spoiling our fun.’

To me it sounded more of a threat than a request, but for the young girl, she took it lightly for some reason. I had no idea what he meant by his sudden statement that had Norsh taking back the mirror from me with a quick snatch.

  ‘Pity, he looks a lot better than you two…I mean, he looks like he can run better than you two!’ She quickly cleared up her mixed words.

  I want to go with you! ’ I shouted up.

Norsh was somehow excited. ‘Are you sure?’

I nodded my head and all three started to rush to one another, grabbing an arm each and dance around in circles doing a jig.

  ‘Starlight, Starbright, into the night, bring this child a star tonight. Lift his head to shine with beauty, transport him to his true place of duty.’ Cadabra sang out while breaking the six hand circle and surrounding me with Norsh and Jaspro, and then closing me inside where I found I could no longer move.

  ‘What’s happening to me?’ I yelled to no straight answer.

  ‘The Starlight will decide whether you are ready or not, take the mirror from Norsh and speak your promise into its image. Only then will you know whether you can be one of us.’ She spoke with a voice that was somehow enchanting.

Turning to Jaspro I asked him what promise it was that would make me like them, and in turn he spoke along with the other two still dancing around me in a circle.

  ‘You promise fine, you promise true. The things you will see and the things you will do, will stay forever a secret between both me and you.’ They chanted.

I took hold of the mirror from Norsh and stared into its dark surround of reflection that found my face, before repeating the words that they had told me word for word. At first the mirror didn’t do anything, but then, then it started to move, quiver and then shake in my hand.

  Erm…Guy’s! ’ I stuttered.

Staring hard into the mirror I began to see something behind the glass, behind the silver back, it was getting larger and very close to the point of crashing out of the mirror that was still in my hand.

  ‘Think of a place where you have always wanted to be, Jack Dawson…be free…’

My mind immediately thought of the one place I would always wish to be, the only place I wanted to be.

Further info can be found @NorthGableProductions on Facebook, @CasanovaDaVinci
