Looks Like a job for Jack

by Steve Pemberton
8th March 2014

Here is the first two chapters of a short story I wrote if people like it I will post the rest,

Looks Like a job for Jack

Chapter 1

Behind every great and inspiring company there is always somebody at the top of the chain. The big boss otherwise known as the big cheese, who undertakes the role of making sure they get the right person for the right job.

This is even true for beloved children’s characters. And that is where this story begins. This little tale goes deep inside the very headquarters of the very company which hide themselves away from the rest of the world. Who take it upon themselves to ensure that every child knows without doubt that the land of make believe is in fact very true and very real.

Tapping his somewhat thin and fragile like plastic white fingers impatiently under his desk. Hendry Humpty Dumpy the big cheese of the company known to only few as LIFE IS NOTHING BUT A FAIRYTALE. Finds himself growing bored and frustrated with how his search for the next best children’s character has been going nowhere for.. How long had it been? By yokes it must be nearly time to head on home now.

Henry Humpty Dumpy looks to his watch.

Now being an egg Hendry isn’t the smartest in the batch, that is why he soon finds his yoke like brain wandering away from paying attention to his watches little time display. Instead he has started to imagine what his evening with Mrs Humpty Dumpty will be like. Oh yes he hopes for a good old poaching tonight. He would like to do nothing more but to give her a good old frying, and since being knocked off that wall and being put together again he feels like his the egg for that job because he has returned new and improved.

“Oh yes my sexy little omelette Humpty’s coming home in oh it won’t be long now it’s only a matter of a mere of…………………oh EIGHT YOKING HOURS.”

Henry goes to slam his head down on the desk. But soon remembers his an egg and that would not be a very healthy thing to do. So instead he gently and very lightly taps his egg head onto the desk in sheer frustration.

“I’m not going to deny to admit to myself that I’m utterly and totally shell shocked to realise I have only been here for five yoking minutes.” Henry Humpty mutters to himself just as his phones intercom starts to beep.

“Mr Dumpty are you ready to start the interviews now?” his receptionist Jill asks in her angel smoothing sounding voice.

“You bet your yoke I am” Henry Humpty mutters wearily while still resting his face on the desk.

“Very well sir I will send the first candidate straight through too you.”

Chapter 2

When it came to the push and shove of it all Jack Leaping very much classed himself to be just an advantage kind of guy. There wasn’t anything special or extra extraordinary about him. Or at least he didn’t think there was. He was just another person trying to find his where in life, and get a job so he could provide for his family. Today was the day that Jack was hoping he would be lucky enough to remove himself from that claw like grasping rut of unemployment.

Jack Leaping shuffles further on down the long and winding queue line of people. Jack had made sure he had read and reread the application form, and nowhere amongst its pages did it mention that this particular job would in anyway resemble going for some could of audition. But never the less with loud wailing sobs of crying people echoing down the line as they run from the building having been rejected, the people Jack can see sobbing into their hankie’s as they stumble towards their cars all of them are wearing some kind of wacky and outrageous outfits.

With the butterflies starting to flutter madly about his stomach now Jack hasn’t even noticed he is nearing the front of the line. The glistening golden letters of the LIFE IS NOTHING BUT A FAIRYTALE logo shine across his sweaty forehead.

“Can you spare any change my dear?”

Jack turns his head quickly off to the side to see a little smiling old sweet lady who is sitting by the near the entrance to the building. In her hands she holds a little sliver money shaking tin, Jack can hear the gentle sound of a coin bouncing about inside.

The old sweet little woman who’s name is Vera Hubbard looks to him with pleading eyes.

“Please dear I went to my cupboard to get my doggie a bone, but when I got there the cupboard was bare.”

Upon seeing the pity in Miss Hubbard eyes Jack throws what money he can spare into her little tin.

“There you go, go buy your doggie as many bones that he can manage to eat.”

Vera Hubbard gives him a wide grin as he enters the building for the job interview that would surely change his life forever.


Do you mean in the story "his" as he is. (Humpty Dumpty part) and I want to know a bit more a bout Jack is he from a wealthy or poor family. Little but major details like that.

Profile picture for user tejinder_33822
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Thanks for the feedback I wrote this story for competition. But I ended up not entering it. So instead I thought I would share it with people online. A way to get my writing out there for people to enjoy as getting something published is a very hard thing to do.

I'm abit confused when you say it needs tidying up as I made sure I had someone proof read it for me. So i thought it was edited alright now oh well

Profile picture for user stevepem_25368
80 points
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Steve Pemberton

I'm no professional at this, so feel free to dismiss...

I like the idea, the theme and the style. Where do you want to go with this? I mean, it needs tidying up in terms of layout, punctuation, grammar and structure, but if you're simply sharing with no aspirations then it's great.

I'd be keen to see a final version of this. Well done. Don't lose your passion for writing.

Profile picture for user stuartsp_33828
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