The Mathematics Project

by Richard Spencer
15th September 2017

Class 10 board examination has a very important place in the life of every student. Everyone desires to perform well in this exam as in most of the cases it decides the future stream of a student. Traditionally the one with high marks opts for Science followed by Commerce and then Humanities. Students opting Humanities stream are usually considered below average, especially in the Eastern regions of India. Although this thought is prevalent in most part of the country, but it is more prominent in the Eastern Part. Therefore, everyone wants to score high marks so that he or she in senior secondary do not get any stream other than Science.

Although we had our board exams scheduled in the March next year, but we have to submit most of our board projects by the month of June. As a result we have to gear up very soon. These projects had 20 marks and everyone wanted to score good in it. Hence if we did well in project our board scores were also benefitted. Therefore, everyone was working very hard for their projects. Most of them were usually copying things from the books including me, but that was done in a very decent manner. Students bought new pens, sketch pens, project paper, file and all other important things required for making project. Things were bought in whole sale as no one wanted to take any risk. With a total of 100 students doing the same thing the stationer made a lot of money from us.

After the things were bought the next task was to initiate the project work. This too began with a great fashion as most of the cover pages were incredible. Now came the body of the project which had most of the writing work. Most of the students including me usually began with a very good handwriting, but the problem was that the handwriting didn’t remain the same at the end of project. The reason was simple. A large amount of pages were to be written in every project and we had a total of 11 subjects i.e. a total of 11 projects were to be made. Hence, if we would have written each and every page with same care and handwriting then our project would have ended in next year June. Therefore, to complete project such practice of writing was necessary. However, some of our friends even found a solution of that problem. They instructed 4 to 5 junior students to complete their project with each one writing two projects. Hence, the project got completed in time and that too in a proper manner.

Most of them somehow or the other completed their entire project in time except one which was the Mathematics project.  The reason was that the material of every project was present in the text books. Therefore, one has to just copy the required stuff from the book, but this was not in the case of Mathematics. The task of Mathematics project was that one has to write the share values and calculate the profit margins of 25 companies. It didn’t end here. The second task was to make a fictional bank account with regular deposits as well as withdrawals and then find out the interest which shall be given by each bank. After the interest is calculated we have to rank the banks on the basis of profit given to its account holders. This task was not very difficult as most of the things were present in the internet. Apart from that magazines like Dalal Street were also there in the market which can easily help us finish our task related with shares. However, as we say boys will be boys. If boys start working so hard for their projects then what will make them different from girls. Therefore, most of the boys left their Mathematics project for the end. However, some of us including me were able to complete their Mathematics project before the deadline.

On returning back most of the students asked my help regarding the Mathematics project. The solution of their problem was quite simple. Just let me your project for a couple of hours in which I shall copy it. Since some of them were also my friends so I provided them what they needed. Hence, in a couple of hours’ time 5 to 6 of my friends easily completed their Mathematics project.

However, now something happened which was not so unexpected. The Mathematics project of one of my friend got stolen. It happened during the evening prep. He left it on the study table for a couple of minutes as he went to the washroom. By the time he returned from washroom that project was gone. He tried very hard to find it back, but was unable to do so. As a result he made a new Mathematics project. How he did so, just like he did the former one, but, now there was a tremendous growth in the making of the Mathematics project throughout the dormitory. Within a couple of days’ time the whole of dormitory was able to complete their Mathematics project. However, the most amazing thing was that a whole lot of 60 students had only one difference in the Mathematics project which was the title page. Rest everything was the same. As a result teacher didn’t have much difficulty in correcting and marking the projects. When the marks were announced most of them got similar marks with me getting the highest of all. Good marks for good handwriting.



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Richard Spencer