Matred- Chapter Fifteen

by Kaila Marrero
21st July 2017

"What?" He said flabbergasted and I shrugged. What am I saying? Marrying Talon? I don't love him! I've never loved anyone, or I just don't remember but can I learn to love something I was forced to forget? "Blaze, you don't have to do that." He said and I shook my head. "No, if that's the only way to save your life I want to do that." I said. He paused, not knowing what to say. I'm not going to force you to marry someone you don't love Blaze." He said and I nodded. "Talon I can learn to love you, I'm not going to let you die!" I protested and he sighed. "Blaze, no." He said. "I am the princess, practically the queen since she's not anywhere around right now, and I command you to obey me!" I said and Talon groaned. "How did you know you were Queen? I didn't tell you that!" He said and I froze. Wait, if I am rightfully queen then my mother would have to be dead. "Talon, is my mother dead?!" I asked and he quickly walked away from me. 

I walk back towards him and I hit him hard in the arm. "You better tell me! Where's my mom?" I ask threateningly and he sat down. "Sit." He said and I sat across from him as he gestured to the chair with his left arm. I crossed my right leg over the left and sat there with my hands on my lap. "Are you going to start talking or what?" I asked and Talon took a deep breath. "Okay, Blaze, what I'm about to tell you might upset you but-" I stood up and yelled at him. "No buts! Where's my mother?!" I demand and he puts his hands up. "Okay okay! Don't kill me!" He said and I laughed.  "I'm not going to kill you I just really want to know!" I said and he puts his hands back down. "Okay Blaze, on a more serious note." He said and I sat back down. 

He took a quick breath and put his hands out in front of him as if he was praying sideways. "Your father has her own. She's lived there since you left because she was afraid you'd die and gave up on hope and faith." He explained and I hung my head low. My mother is held captive under Talon's father and I wasn't supposed to know about this? Wow, I'd like to know who had this great idea to let that happen. "No one knew Blaze. We weren't here because we were watching over you, and in her loneliness, she went mad and willingly let him take her down to Hell." He said and I raked a hand through my hair. "Why would she do that?" I asked and Talon shrugged. "All I know is that your father is related to Lucifer somehow and in Hell he can do whatever he wants to anyone and your father was a bad man," He said and I stared at him. My father's in Hell?  "Am I like you?" I asked.

He shook his  head. "Most definitely not Blaze, but your father wasn't a pure angel." He said and I nodded in understanding. He fell. I read this once in a Mythology book on how angels are always considered pure until they fell from the clouds, fell from God's grasp. It was a way of telling me that my father was kicked out of heaven for something unforgivable.  "What'd he do?" I asked and Talon winced. "I really don't think you want to know Blaze," He said and I got up from my bed and paced back and forth in front of the table. "So you're telling me, that my mother is being held captive by someone who tried to kill me, who's also related to my father who fell from heaven and down into Hell?" I asked and Talon rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand as he looked down at his shoes. "Maybe," He replied softly, hesitant before looking up at me, his eyes a glowing purple. "Talon, what's up with your eyes?" I asked hesitantly and he looked away. "Nothing," he said and I got closer to him. "Why does your eyes change color?" I ask and he stares up at me with golden eyes. 

"It's a trait," he confessed and I nodded, not exactly sure of what that meant. "Okay, well what do the colors mean?" I asked and he shook his head. "No, no, no," He protested and stood up from his bed making an X like motion with his arms. "Why not?" I whined. He sighed." I, my princess, am a mystery. If you know what those colors mean, you know me." He explained and I tilted my head in confusion. Does he not want me to know him? "That's exactly it." He replied and I complained. "Why? I love you, what's there to be ashamed of?" I asked before my eyes go wide, realizing what I just said. I love Talon? No, I can't! He's half demon, half evil. I can't be in love with that! I thought to myself and Talon smirked. "You can't hide that, I know." He said and I put my head in my hands. 

"I don't even know when we're going to get out of here, and I just told you that I was in love with you without even knowing I was in love with you in the first place." I sighed in frustration, mad at myself for not knowing anything. I've tried to not think about Talon at all in any way in my head, knowing he'd hear it and I just said it out loud. Great. "You don't have to be ashamed of me, I just don't want to get you hurt again. I care too much." He said. I felt like I wanted to cry. My mother's possessed, my father's dead somewhere in Hell, and two people are trying to kill me by placing us in this cell and now I have a case of love on my hands. Great. 

