Matred-Chapter Five

by Kaila Marrero
21st July 2017

Talon and I were walking in the hallway now, just us. Arlo never came back after I mentioned how I was feeling before I threw up and honestly I didn't mind. I like spending time with Talon like this. For the small minority of time we've spent time together alone, I can already tell he acts differently, and smiles more when he's not around other people like Arlo and Stephen. We continued to walk in silence until suddenly,  I heard footsteps behind me and I grabbed Talon's arm and looked behind me. A man that looked a little like Talon was standing before Talon and I. I began to wonder, could this possibly be a relative to Talon? "Who are you?" I asked, and the young man just smirked. "Me?" I nodded as a response. "Surely you should know who the infamous Talon's brother is?" He said and my eyes widened as I looked at Talon, who was very still and staring daggers at his supposed brother. 

I wonder what's become of their brotherhood. Talon acts as if he's the enemy. I wonder, if they've ever been close to each other. Judging by the eye daggers Talon is throwing at his sibling, I'm guessing they used to be and something ripped them apart. That being said, I wonder now what it was. Talon nodded a silent "no" and I realized what he was saying. Stay out of it and don't be curious. I understood and I wanted to listen to his silent advice but I wanted to know why he seemed to be so still and silent when his brother entered the hallway. Talon's brother stepped a little closer and Talon stepped backwards, tugging me back by the wrist as well. "That's close enough." Talon spoke with a distasteful tone, glaring at his brother. His brother looked from Talon to me and I looked down at the carpeted floor beneath our feet. 

"Talon, no need to be rude," He walked closer and Talon stepped in front of me as if he was a guard dog protecting his bone. "I said that's close enough Daxton." He spat with gritted teeth. So that's his brother's name? Well, that's surprising. To me he resembles more of a Derek with his cold piercing eyes and masculine figure. Daxton got in Talon's face and spoke calmly, staring at him in his eyes. "You're no guard dog Talon, I just want to meet your little princess here, is that too much to ask of you, brother?" He looked behind Talon and into my eyes and I just stood there staring at the two brothers, hoping Talon doesn't snap and throw a punch. I'd hate to see how strong he really is. Talon slowly released the tight grip he had on my wrist and stepped away from him and I. "You have two minutes." He said and Daxton smirked. "Perfect." He replied and I stood there awaiting something to happen between all this intense tension between the two of them, and the curiosity and stress in my own mind. 

Daxton grabbed my hand and started pulling me in another direction. "Excuse me, but where are you taking me?" To my astonishment Daxton smirked and said nothing in response. I tried to pull my hand free of his grasp but it was too tight and trying only hurt my wrist more. "Hello?" He looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Yes, Princess?" He stopped and turned to me. "What's your deal, and where are you taking me?" Daxton just scoffed. "Oh, so my brother can drag you around but I am not permitted to such things? How vulgar of you." Vulgar?  Doesn't that word mean rude? "Excuse me, but your brother is a lot nicer than you seem to be." His eyes widened. "I'm amused young Blaze, but you should know that aside from my pitiful sibling, I always get what I want. " He replied. 

With that being the last word I'd want to hear him say I stomped on his leather shoe as hard as possible and pulled my hand free from his tight grip. His girly scream filled me with delight as I walked back to where Talon and I were and left the pathetic sibling of Talon in the other hallway as he held his foot in pain. As I neared Talon, who was looking down at his shoes most likely in boredom, he looked up to me and seemed concerned. "Where's Daxton?" He asked. "He was being very rude to me and snobby so I left him in pain back there." I replied and we exchanged evil smiles. Talon walked up to me and gently picked up my wrist. "Where is he?" His smile faded as he asked and I looked into his eyes that seemed to be seas of anger. 

"I pointed to the direction in which I left Daxton and I watched him storm off with clenched fists by his sides. Confused I looked down at my wrist where Daxton gripped me and sure enough it was already bruising. I quickly ran after Talon who was walking angrily towards Daxton. Daxton stood up with a frown. "Oh brother, why do you insist to fight?" He said as he dodged a fast punch from Talon. Talon kept swinging as Daxton kept dodging in sort of a teleportation sort of way. As much as I wanted to see Talon's pathetic excuse for a brother get beat up, I couldn't bear the thought of a family fight. I've never liked family feuds. They're unnecessary and not important. "Guys, stop!" I jumped in between Talon and Daxton and pushed them apart. "Stop." I repeated and Talon turned around for a second before putting Daxton in midair with one hand by his shirt. 

"If you ever hurt her again, I swear to you I'll finish what I started and you'll get a huge blast from the past." He spat and Daxton smiled before a cloud of mist surrounded him and he disappeared from the hallway. 

