Matred- Chapter Fourteen

by Kaila Marrero
21st July 2017

"Scared now aren't you?" Talon mocked and we started to laugh. "She disappeared though!" I exclaimed, striking him in the shoulder. He put a hand to  his shoulder but he didn't stop laughing. "You're so animated Blaze!" He teased and we sat there and laughed as we ate our garlic bread. "How did you even know how to cook?" Talon asked me. I put my bread down on my plate and brushed the crumbs off of my hands. "I lived, basically alone. I was adopted but," I stopped trying to remember what my Earth life was like, but for some reason I could feel those memories slowly fading. "But?" Talon looked at me and I shook my head trying not to freak myself out, pushing the terrible thought away so I don't scare myself into thinking I'm losing my memory. 

"But they were never home, so I taught myself to cook simple things, hence the bread," I gestured to the garlic bread on our plates and continued."And I just advanced over time." I said and Talon nodded. "You need to make me more food some time." He said and I laughed. "Like my food Talon?" I asked and he nodded, stuffing his face with the bread I made before childishly nodding and smiling, exposing his teeth and still trying to keep the food in his mouth. Our laughter died down and the silence that followed was very awkward as we just stared at each other, waiting for something, anything to happen. "Awkward silence..." Talon said and we laughed again. 

"I'm bored," I complained and flopped on my bed. Talon did the same and looked up at the ceiling. "I wish our window was big enough to climb out of, but it's not." He said and sighed in hopelessness. "True though, life in here is so boring." I replied and we just stared at the ceiling for a few minutes out of boredom. "Let's do something, I need entertainment." Talon suggested as he sat up from bed. "What do you want to do?" I asked, and he tapped his chin repeatedly with his index finger. "What are you doing?" I asked in curiosity because he's never done that before and it looks funny. "This is my thinking face," He said and laughed. He stood up and walked over to my bed and sat down, staring at me. "Um?" I said and he simply just replied with "This is now a staring contest." I laughed and stared back and tried not to blink. 

I'm not good at this, I thought to myself. Talon nodded with a smile. I could feel my eyes straining but I didn't want to lose so I ignored the pain in my eyes as they were exposed to the air. Talon, completely calm, just kept switching eyes. He stared at my left, and then when his eyes started to strain he moved to the right and so on. I wonder why he's doing that, I thought to myself. "Because it distracts me from the pain." He said and smiled. I like it when he responds to my thoughts sometimes. Yeah I know that's weird, but that's just how I am I guess?

It's been almost a minute and I can feel the tears running down my face from not blinking. "Blink Blaze, you know you want to." He said and I shook my head profusely. "No, I want to win!" I said and he chuckled at my foolishness. Finally my eyes couldn't take the pain any longer and I covered my eyes in pain. "Oww!" I complained as we both started laughing. "I win!" He said, and threw his arms up in the air. I wiped the tears from my eyes. I hung my head down in defeat and got up from my bed, walking over to the counter before propping myself up and crossing my legs over the other.

"So what now?" I asked and he shrugged. "Escape Lesson 101!" He said and smirked as he pumped his right fist into the air. "Alright," I replied and moved my hand in a figure eight motion conjuring up a notepad and shiny ball point pen. "What to write down?" I asked and he smirked. "When we get out of here, Malory and Daxton won't know what hit them. " He said and we exchanged smiles. I laughed. "I feel so bad." I said and Talon shook his head. "You're crazy girl." He said and I smiled beginning to write some things on the notepad to remember.

"What are you writing?" He asked hesitantly and I smirked. "Nothing to be known as importance just yet." I sang and he snatched the notepad. "Hey!" I whined as I tried to snatch it back. He quickly held it above his head not letting me get to it. "Talon!" I complained and he sighed. "Blaze, you're not dumping a bucket of our trash in  runny mud on the head of your former sister in law!" He said and I pouted. "But why not?" I whined again in protest and he chuckled at my childishness. Wait a minute, Malory's my sister in law?! When did that happen?

Talon put his hand to his face before sighing. "I said that, didn't I?" He said and I nodded as he hit himself lightly in the forehead. "You're such an idiot!" He insulted himself. I watched as he continued to call himself stupid as he paced around the floor aggravated. "What's wrong?" I asked confused because he seems so mad at himself. "You're not supposed to know that either," He clarified and I gasped. "You don't think that matters right?" I asked and he made a face that said yes. "They can't kill their heir to this kingdom though can they?" I asked and he nodded no. "They can't kill you but I'm not married to you anymore so I'm done for." He said and use frowned.

"Why don't we change that then?" I asked and Talon looked at me.

