Matred- Chapter Nine

by Kaila Marrero
21st July 2017

The hand in which Talon held the beam slowly started to dim and the pain started to gradually subside. I felt weak, pained, and the freaky part was that it made me feel powerful. Almost as if I could never be stopped. Talon backed away as he started to explain. "We're not going to get out of here in time for us to train," Why is he talking about training? "So, I'm going to train you now." He said. I nodded, confused but willing to listen. I thought to myself, wondering what he did to me. "Allow me to put your mind at ease a little," He said and I nodded. "When you were sent away from Matred and to Earth, they had your magic and part of your soul sealed." My eyes widened. I'm magic?

"Yes you are, but the reason I really didn't want to unseal it was because the pain could've killed you if you weren't strong enough." I didn't manage to say anything else but "Oh, um okay then," Talon walked up to me. "I want you to hit me." He said. Wait what? Did he really just now tell me to do that? "Talon," I began. "I'm not strong enough to hurt you, and I know you know it too." I replied. "That doesn't matter now." He said. "Find confidence in your own strength and hit me as hard as you can." He instructed. I really don't want to, but if this is what it takes for us to escape, then I'll have to. "Talon, why?" I asked. He sighed." Just hit me Blaze," I looked at him for a second not saying anything. "Trust me." He said. I trust in him, so I should do what he wants shouldn't I? I brought my fist back, clenched and afraid to break my own hand, I punched him as hard as I could. 

He didn't move. "I told you." I said and looked down to the floor, ashamed that I'm not strong enough to even just make him budge or lose his balance just a little bit. Talon brought my chin back up and told me to try again. I tried it again. He didn't move. He told me to hit him again, to try to get angry, but that didn't work either. Talon looked at me with a genuine smile. "Good.  Now learn from everything you did, because it was all wrong." He said and I noticed him trying not to laugh. "What?" I said and he chuckled. "Stand with your right leg back, and twist your fist so your thumb is pointing up." He instructed. I did what I was told and he continued on. " Now when you punch, step forward and twist your fist before it hits the target so your thumb is pointing to the ground." I once again followed his directions and paused  before I was expected to hit him. 

"Are you sure I'm not going to fail again..?" I asked, and he looked into my eyes. "Never be afraid to fail, always be afraid to give up." He said. I nodded. I did what he told me to do and as I stepped and punched, twisting my fist so my thumb was pointing down, I spark shot from my fist and onto his face. "Agh!" He screamed in pain and he covered the burn. Oh my god, did that just happen? I rushed to help him but he kept backing away from me. "I'm so sorry Talon, I don't know what happened," I said and he stood up rubbing his face with his hand before saying ow. "I'm fine," He exhaled loudly and put his hands back down. "That's the power you're going to have to learn how to control," He said and I nodded in agreement, showing I understood. I wondered what it was. I knew it was power, but what type of power? I was so  very curious to find out what I could do with this power of mine. 

"It lives inside you, only because you were born here and of both spiritual sides of the universe. With people who have two of the same spirit inherited it is easier if the spirit is pure," He continued on. "However if one or ultimately both spirits are evil, it is a lot harder to control because if you don't control the power itself Lucifer can take it and use you against people." My eyes widened. Why would someone do that to an innocent human being? Talon looked at me, and I immediately felt stupid because I'm not human. It was hard to admit to myself that I didn't belong on the earth, that I was born in such a dangerous, magical place. My entire life on earth was so terrible because everyone hated me. 

I was different. I wore dark colors instead of bright pink and purple when I was a kid and I was interested in odd things such as mythical creatures, spirits, and mermaids of course. I loved mermaids. I've always wanted to see them in reality. I knew they weren't real in our world, but I always told myself that they existed somewhere else in the universe, like on planet Neptune or something. Now that I'm here, I wonder if since many things that don't exist on my fake home planet exists here, if mermaids are alive some where. "Yes, one of my best friends is a mermaid actually, or former best friend," I looked up to Talon. I want to meet her so bad now. "When you get better with controlling your power, I'll let you go to her home town. " I smiled,  happy because I knew mermaids existed. This is why children need to keep believing. 

Talon started laughing. "You're one weird woman." He commented between laughs. I put my hand up to my heart, feeling the beat mocking shock. "How dare you!" I playfully scolded. "So mean.." I said and Talon laughed. 

