Matred- Chapter One

by Kaila Marrero
21st July 2017

I shot up from the ground, feeling part of me faded. What did he do to me? My skin was dry and rough on the left side of my body whereas the right was silky smooth like usual. I look down to see my jeans gone. I instantly look to make sure I'm still wearing clothes. My jeans and t-shirt are gone, and are now replaced with a black dress that ends a bit above my knees. Where did this come from? "Drat! You didn't complete the change..." I heard a loud voice from above me and I look up to see the most scary thing I've ever seen in my life. My heart beat against my chest hard. "What are you?" I ask and I try to run away but his cold hand clasp around my small frame. I struggle to get free. "Let go of me! Stop! Let me go!" I scream and kick but it's no use. He's a giant compared to a person like me. "Let go?" He asked with an evil smirk on his god like face.

He looked as if he was an angel that was severely burned by fire or something. He surely wasn't nice. "Yes, let me go!" I demanded and his hand slowly opened. "No! On the ground!" I scream as I try to hold on to his open palm as I slip through his grasp. He brings his other hand back up and shoves me off his hand with two fingers. I scream for my life as I plummet down from the clouds and to the ground, surely to my dramatizing death. I closed my eyes as I got closer to the ground. I'm going to die. I thought to myself. I'm going to die here and nothing can prevent it now. Before I hit the ground I feel someone's arms grab me up. I open my eyes and look around. "I'm flying!" I exclaim relieved. "You're not flying, I am." I hear a young man's voice and once again I look up to see a young brown haired man carrying me as his black wings flap in the wind. "Hold on tight." He said. I hang on to his scrawny ankles as he started to go higher up in the clouds.

"I'm taking you to Matred. I'm your guardian angel. My name is Talon. " Should I tell him my name? He's my guardian angel. "Blaze." I respond. I look up and I could've swore I saw him smile. "Nice to meet you Blaze." I tried to respond back but a bird almost hit me in the face. As Talon was carrying me to Matred, I just couldn't help enjoying the experience. The clouds are so beautiful and the wind on my face just gives me such an adrenaline rush. I love how the sun's starting to set and I'm able to be up here in the sky watching the sky change into marvelous colors. I'm envious of all the angels that live life like this, in the clouds. "Welcome to Matred." he announced Matred as if it was a magical place like a kingdom for a long lost princess. In a weird way I felt like I was somewhat of an heir to this place. Maybe I've watched too many Disney fairy tales.

As the clouds started to clear a huge castle came into view. "Wow!" I exclaim as we near the ground. Talon just chuckled, probably at my silliness. Talon slowed to a low hover as he let me gently back down on my feet. I tried to land gracefully and not make a complete fool of myself but of course me being the person I am caused me to trip and fall to my knees instead. "Great," I groaned as I got back up. "Talon?" I looked around hoping to see Talon nearby but he was nowhere to be seen. I don't get it. Didn't he say he was my guardian angel? Is he allowed to leave me alone to explore this place by myself? I mean come on, this place is like Laputa! I could fall off the edge to my death! "I'm not that cruel Blaze." I turned around and relief flooded through me. "Oh thank God. I thought I was going to die." Talon began to laugh. "Would you think I, your guardian angel, would let you fall off the edge of Matred?" He asked.

My face tinted red. He heard that? Was I speaking out loud? "Nope." He responded to my thoughts. Wait, he my thoughts...? "Perks of being half demon sunshine." He said with yet another smirk on his face. " You're half demon?" I'm shocked. He seems nothing like a bad person. "Sorry to burst your fantasy bubble sugar but yeah, and the demon that almost killed you, was my father. " He's half of that ugly evil creature that almost killed me. I don't get it. "You don't look like him," He scoffed. "Yeah I know, I got my angel appearance from my mother." I smiled. At least he wasn't completely evil, right? "You sound like you were close to your mother." I said. He scoffed again. "Please. I hate my mother. She's the reason why I'm like this. I never would've been evil if it wasn't for her. " The extreme sound of distaste coming from his mouth about his mother shocked me. Isn't his mother an angel? Aren't they supposed to be innocent?

"Come on Blaze, I have to show you to your-" he waved one of his hands in circles I think trying to think of the words he was going to say. "Your suite! That's what it was. Man, I hate English. " What language does he speak then? I think to myself confused. "I speak the Valysion Code. It's the language of mythical creatures." I wish I could speak that language. "Follow me." He ordered and as he walked along the long stony corridor I followed quietly. 

