Matred- Chapter Six

by Kaila Marrero
21st July 2017

My eyes widened as I stared at the spot where Daxton was just a moment ago before he disappeared. "How did he do that?" I asked. Talon took a deep breath and walked further down the hallway until he reached a pair of french doors. Wondering where he was going, I followed slowly, unsure of if he was calmed down. As he opened the door Talon breathed in the fresh air and I followed, stopping at the doorway of the huge balcony. "What was that about?" I asked and Talon sat down at a nearby bench made of black marble. He didn't look up to me as he said "Take a seat." I sat next to him on the black marble bench and looked at him. "What's going on Talon?" I asked and he sat up and looked at me. Blaze, there's something you need to know about Matred."

I nodded. "Okay, so is that what this is all about, my new life here?" I ask and Talon looked at me seriously. "No, it's about your old life here." He replied and I looked at him baffled. "What?" I asked in response and he nodded. "Blaze I need to tell you somethings and I don't want you to say anything until I am 100% finished with what I have to say." He said and I nodded in response. 

"Matred used to belong to your mother, Maribel. She was one of the most heavenly of all angels until she met your father, who was a demon. She saw through him a little too late and as a result we all sent you to Earth and erased your memory before you turned eighteen. We all aged you backwards to an infant when you arrived safely in my brother Stephen's wings. My brother Daxton is immortal he stopped aging when he was eighteen because he wanted to be with you forever. I am half demon as well, and that's why I was sent to save you from your father, the demon who tried to kill you. His name is Lucifer, and he is one of the most powerful of Satan's spawns. I haven't aged since then either since I do not age when I turn eighteen. You don't either, but Lucifer doesn't know this. You've been sent here to train for the battle in which you are said to either be tragically perished or to be the one to conquer all evil and replenish Matred of all evil forever. The battle is in three years time and until that fateful day you are bound to my soul due to our past relationship. To keep you safe our souls had to be intertwined so I can protect you while you were on Earth until I brought you here. It's up to you now Princess Blaze, but know that this place belongs to you, and that you can leave any time you want. You weren't supposed to know until we started your training but I couldn't not tell you. Don't tell anyone I told you, or they'd hurt the both of us."

I couldn't believe anything he just said to me. I knew I was royal somehow but I didn't know I was truly the rightful heir to the throne here. Another thing is the fact that my father is a demon? How would that even be possible? Aren't demons and angels immortal? I have so many questions and I feel like I have limited time to ask. Where would I start, and what would I say? Talon and I have chemistry? And since when has my memory been erased? Is all this why I never grew up with a normal family? Why everything seemed so unreal until the tragedy? Talon's looking at me like he's expecting me to say something and I want to tell him that I understand and that I'm going to stay and defeat Lucifer but all this is so much. I'm not strong. I'm in a ball gown for goodness sake! How would I ever be able to defeat something so powerful that wants to kill me?

I stepped backwards and rested my elbows on the balcony rail, looking out into the rainbow sunset. "I don't know what to say." I said and took a deep breath of the crisp Matred air. Talon joined me by the rail of the balcony and did the same. "Don't tell anyone I told you that." He said, and I nodded as a response. I turned around to head inside with Talon following but was stopped by a curious, and extreme nuisance at the doorway. The one and only Daxton. "Tell anyone what?" He asked, tilting his head as if he was to be some innocent confused pup. Yeah right, I'm not telling him a thing. I pushed past him, ramming my shoulder into his arm as I walked back inside,hearing him yelp in pain.

I heard Talon's laughter from behind me fill the air and I smiled. It's Daxton's fault I'm not nice to him. He bruised my wrist, and called me vulgar. I'm not mean nor rude to people who I just meet so he deserves it. A voice, most likely my goody goody conscience was telling me to give him a chance, but that's never going to happen if his attitude doesn't fade like he did not only minutes ago. "Do stay with me, Princess?" I heard his voice behind me before a cloud of mist surrounded me and he appeared out of nowhere in front of me.

I could hear Talon yelling at Daxton, telling him to knock it off but he wasn't listening. He kept appearing in front of me, behind me, and next to me. It continued until I took the liberty to predict his next move and shove him away. "Leave me alone!" I snapped and he stepped back. " Better be careful of what comes out of that mouth Princess, that secret might spill for everyone to hear."

He walked away laughing and Talon and I exchanged worried looks.

