Matred- Chapter Ten

by Kaila Marrero
21st July 2017

The rest of the night we practiced my punches, my power limit, and how to use my magic. I'm able to conjure up pretty much anything I put my mind to as long as I have enough energy. Talon and I both used our magic to decorate our cell as a part of our training. Overall I think we both did a great job. We added dividers so we have a bathroom, a tiny table with two chairs so we can eat when  we conjure up our food, and two small beds in the corner, where we're going to sleep. I used my constructing skills that I've gradually learned to control to put a window in the stone. It took some time and some pain but I eventually got it after a few hours have passed. I tend to learn pretty quickly, so Talon said. The view of the clouds was amazing and I'm very proud of what we've accomplished. 

After all this training we sit down with our bread and butter and eat our dinner. With barely any energy left we both crawled into our individual beds and fell fast asleep, or so I thought. I woke up at what seemed like very early morning with a weird sensation..almost as if I was near a hot oven.  I sat up immediately and brushed my hair away from me, pinning it up behind my head as I tried to calm down. I didn't feel sick, and I wasn't nauseous but I just felt really hot and I didn't know why because the cell was pretty cool. I got up from my bed and looked around. I looked to the right of me and was surprised to see Talon not in his bed sleeping. His eyes were wide open, as if he was in shock, but I didn't know if he just slept with his eyes open or if something's wrong.  His eyes were dilated and still, and it was starting to worry me. 

"Talon?" I nudged him a little with my hand. He didn't move. "Talon? Wake up," I said and nudged him again. He still didn't move. I stood up from bed immediately and went to the corner where we kept the water he conjured. "Please let this work," I said before throwing the water all over him. He shot up from bed screaming and relief washed over me. Talon looked at me irritated. "Is there a reason for dumping water all over me?" He asked. I walked over to him and hugged him.  "You're not allowed to do that, Daxton will hurt you if you do and he finds out Blaze," He said and pushed me away. "I don't care," I replied, sitting next to him on his bed. "And I was worried! You were sleeping I guess but your eyes were wide open staring at the ceiling and it started to freak me out." He looked at me for a second before he started to laugh."You're so weird sometimes," He said. I folded my arms in front of my chest, annoyed because I was just trying to make sure he was okay. "What?" he said crossing his arms over his chest too. 

I nodded my head and said it was nothing and got up from bed walking over to the table, sitting in a chair. He got up to and sat in the chair across from me. "What's wrong Blaze?" He asked reaching over the table, poking me in the side which tickled. He better not tickle me. He pulled away and sat back down. "Okay, no tickles," He said and I thanked him for understanding. "It's just irritating," I sighed and rested my head on my elbow on the table. "What's irritating?" He asked. Everything. I thought to myself and he nodded. I cracked a small smile looking at Talon with my head tilted. "Do you intentionally read my thoughts or are they just like voices in the air?" I asked and he chuckled. "I hear them, like, normal people voices, just quieter and less clear I guess you could say since it's not actual sounds." Well that's quite a mouthful to say. I thought to myself. He chuckled again, saying yep as a response. 

I got up and walked over to the kitchen and sat on the counter. I'm so bored, I thought to myself. "Well, do you want to do something fun?" Talon asked me, a glint of excitement in his glistening eyes. "Sure," I replied and he held out his hand. "Dance with me. " He instructed and I hopped off the tiny counter and grabbed his hand. "I thought you didn't want Daxton to find us like this?" I asked, a small smirk on my face. As he pulled me closer towards his sculpted chest I felt pure electricity on the small of my back where his large warm hand rested comfortably on my skin. He leaned in closer to my face so we were very close in proximity. I felt a warm tint appear upon my cheeks and I tried to hide it. 

If only I would've just rejected Talon in the beginning, maybe then, Daxton and I would've never met and we wouldn't be breaking the law of Matred by being in physical contact. I knew this was right, even when it was told to be wrong. I knew everything was moving so fast but a part of me was just enjoying this. I allowed my head to rest on Talon's chest as we danced in small circles around our cell, hearing his rapid heartbeat. Why was his heart beating so quickly? Is he scared? Happy? I wish I knew. That was something about Talon I quickly figured out. If he wanted you to know how he felt you'd know immediately. Sometimes he wore on a cold expression, completely emotionless and the next it'd be replaced by an emotion. Talon's face was so close to mine I bet if I spoke he'd feel my breath on his lips. Fear and butterflies invaded my stomach.  Oh god, I liked him, didn't I?

