Matred- Chapter Thirteen

by Kaila Marrero
21st July 2017

 I woke up in my bed wearing my pajamas. I sat up from bed and instantly shrieked pulling the tiny blanket up to my chest which was unknowingly just my black bra. "Where did my shirt go?!" I asked and Talon stirred, waking and sitting up as well shirtless. He snorted as he picked his head up from his pillow. "Hello?" He looked around like he was confused before looking at me wide eyed. "Where's your clothes?" He asked and I shrugged because neither of us knew. "Okay, well what was the last thing you did last night?" He asked and I tilted my head to one side trying to think. "Now that I think of it, I don't know." I replied. "What are we going to do?" I asked, clutching on to the thin blanket that was covering my exposed belly. "Look for them I guess?" He suggested and I nodded in response. 

He was about to get up when he threw his legs back onto his bed and stared up at the ceiling. "I can't." He said and I grew curious. "Why can't you look for them?" I asked hesitantly afraid of what his response might be. "My clothes are gone too." He said and I layed back down knowing my shorts were far too short for Talon to see, and not wanting him to see me without a shirt on. This is the last time I ever wear just this to bed, I thought to myself and sighed intensely annoyed and wondering who would go so far as to steal the clothes to room mates that are of the opposite sex. Malory? Daxton? I guess only time will tell. 

As we just layed in bed not knowing what to do Daxton appears out of nowhere with an evil smirk on his face, dropping my clothes onto the floor by the foot of my bed. I stared at him in disbelief. Not that I couldn't believe it because he was the king of all jerks but because I was just speechless. One fear being that I was wearing the clothes he dropped on the floor before I went to sleep and now I was in different clothes, and Talon didn't remember a simple thing about the night before. Talon sat up making sure his blanket covered the lower half of him and growled at his heinous sibling. "I can't believe you." He said, nodding his head from left to right in angry disapproval. "Where's Talon's?" I asked and Daxton smirked not saying anything. 

His entire being just made me want to stab him in the head. Suddenly, out of nowhere a knife shot out from the wall and threw itself at Daxton. Daxton's feminine scream echoed throughout the cell as he ducked, throwing his hands over his head as if it was a shield. I stifled a laugh because I really didn't care for him since he tried to prevent Talon and I's lives from continuing. Was that me? I didn't know for sure. I didn't want to think so aggressively though  just in case that was me. I didn't know why Daxton has done what he had, but I knew I didn't like it. I wondered where Malory was. Considering that she's been here whenever Daxton showed up I'm actually surprised that she hasn't showed. 

"Don't you just love magical pranks on your enemies?" asked the witch. Was she a witch? I didn't know for sure, but she seemed like one. I haven't been sure of a lot of things lately and it's freaked me out because this entire kingdom is crazy complex. I knew this was a different planet, but I've only been to Matred since it's my kingdom. Malory came into view, wickedly beautiful as ever in a slick black dress that reached the spot above her knees. I scowled at her, hating her. I knew she was powerful, and I knew she was beautiful and a part of me hated that she was so perfect. I wasn't jealous or anything like that. She just really agitated me. I've always hated people who are pretty much perfect and embraces it so snobbishly. It nauseates me.  

"Wow guys," I scoffed and used my training to levitate my clothes and place them in front of me. Talon just smirked at Daxton as I used my magic to create a tiny dressing room for myself allowing me to change into my clothes. "You've been training her." Daxton muttered staring at Talon. He nodded in response. "She learns quickly, a little too quickly if I may say so myself." Talon said and Malory just chuckled. "Oh please, I'm the most powerful woman here," She commented and it irritated me. I want her to be quiet for once. "She might be learning fast, but I'm far more stronger with my magic than she is." I could feel her eyes boring into the back of my head from between my blanket, acting as a curtain and us as she spoke. She's so infuriating. I levitated a rock from behind Malory and chucked at her as I finished dressing, smoothing down my shirt before letting the blanket fall to the ground. Malory ducked and squealed and Daxton said nothing as Talon and I smirked at the pathetic sorcerer. I picked up the soft blanket and placed it on my bed and walked up to Malory who was on the ground stunned. 

"How-how did you just do that?" She looked up at me like she was scared. What? Can she not do that? I looked at Talon who nodded yes. I'm confused. So can she or can't she? I knew he was reading my thoughts so I waited for a response. He nodded no. She can't do that? Ha, that's funny. I looked down at Malory smiling. "Scared now, aren't you?" I whispered as we were face to face. She didn't say a word and vanished, a cloud of smoke surrounding the area where she once was.

