Matred- Chapter Three

by Kaila Marrero
21st July 2017

I turned around to see Talon standing there wide eyed at me. I looked down sheepishly to my feet that was covered by the gown. "You look amazing Princess." He complemented me and I nodded too embarrassed to speak. "Thank you." I managed to respond quietly. Talon grabbed my hand and started dragging me in another direction out of my closet with not another word as I begrudgingly followed trying to keep up with his quick pace. "Talon why do you insist on dragging me into other directions when you won't even say where you're taking me?" I ask and he just smiles. Who said I wouldn't tell you where we were going?  How did he do that? I find a small amount of fear creep into me. What was that? Was he just in my head..? "Yep." He said, popping the "p". 

"Don't do that! It's freaky!" I hissed trying not to laugh as I playfully shoved him to the right. How would that make me laugh? I don't know, but the situation is just funny to me. Talon bounced back, kicking himself off of the wall so he wouldn't fall like it was no problem. His reflexes are impressive,  I thought to myself. I looked to see Talon's own original smirk planted on his face and I realized he heard or read my thoughts in that moment. I tried not to humiliate myself anymore by pushing my thoughts to the side and changing the subject to something more important. Where we're going. "C'mon Talon, I want to know where we're going?" I half complain half ask and he chuckles lightly in response. All he had to say was "It's a surprise" with jazz hands as he dragged me around the ravishing castle. 

"I can't believe I live here, and that I'm royalty.." I said unknowingly aloud. He smiled and let go of my hand. I looked up to see his hand that let go of mine on a silver door knob. Is this the room he wanted to show me? I wonder if- Talon's words cut off my thoughts. "Okay Blaze-er Princess Blaze- this is a special place that now will belong to you. I want you to cherish it like I have and most of all, be careful." He said and I nodded before I comprehended everything. Wait, did he say be careful? Before I could think another thought Talon opened the door and pushed me inside. What I saw next made me stop in my tracks, as if I was being submerged into quicksand. "It's's a..It's a," Talon hit me in my shoulder playfully allowing me to spit out the last word. "Dragon..?!" Why does this man have a dragon, and why and how is he not dead in the creature's stomach?! 

"This, is Zyaiku." Talon walked up to the chained creature and pet it gently on the head. I was completely tongue tied and I didn't know how to express all the different emotions I'm feeling right now. Fear, Admiration, and worse of all, curiosity. Why would I consider curiosity the worst? Because I've known since I was three that curiosity killed the cat, and I really don't want to end up like that cat. "C'mon Princess! Pet Zyaiku, he's really friendly." A quaint chuckle emitted from my lips and echoed through out the cold cell like room. "Talon. Dragons are dangerous, not friendly." Talon frowned at my response before breathing deeply and making his way to me quickly and grabbing my shoulder.  "Talon." I responded to his touch in a warning tone. He grabbed my hand with his other one and got behind me before pushing me forward towards the dragon ignoring my warning.

 "No! Talon!" I tried to wriggle free but it was no use. Talon was a lot stronger than me. I closed my eyes not wanting to see my new only friend at my recently assigned home feed me to his pet dragon named Zyaiku. After a moment nothing happened and  I was debating whether I should dare to open my eyes. I heard Talon's voice in the background but I couldn't comprehend his words. I was too focused on the fact that I'm a princess and a dragon is laying in front of me right now wanting me to lovingly pet it's scaly head. Suddenly, I  feel a warm hot gust of air being blown in my face. I could hold the suspense in my mind no longer. 

I opened my eyes and sure enough, Zyaiku was there, right in front of my face. I didn't want to leave, but I didn't want him so close. "T-Talon..." Talon ignored me and let go of me, walking towards Zyaiku with a huge chain leash. Where did he get that from? He didn't have that in his hands before. Unless he summoned it with magic or something but I doubt it. I'm pretty sure that it would freak out Zyaiku as if he was an elephant meeting a mouse or rodent of some kind. No. I can't be afraid. A weak princess is a fragile and vulnerable leader and if there is no one to be queen then as soon as I marry I will be the ruler of this magical place. 

I need to be strong. I  forced my hand ever so slightly as not to scare Zyaiku and I pet his rough scales gently. I let out a sigh of relief. "This isn't so bad." I said, impressed that the dragon is acting so well  behaved. Talon chuckled and came back towards me and put one of his hands on my shoulder. "I told you. C'mon,  we're going to be late for your reunion ball. " I nodded and pet Zyaiku once more before we walked out of the room with Zyaiku chained back up to the chain leash Talon was carrying earlier. "So how do these fancy parties type ordeals work?" I ask Talon and he just started laughing. "Don't worry about it you'll be alright." He responded. 

"Are you positive?" I asked uncertainly. "Yeah, now let's go. You don't want to keep your family waiting!" He said and we started walking. 
