The Midnight Postman

by Adrian quinton
16th February 2017


"Gary you are one Saaaad son of a bitch, you know that? Gary Derbyn was such that thing, and that was coming from his best friend. Gary had no right to have a friend like Martin. He had a great Job, and a  great woman, Rose was her name, She had a smell of fresh Cheery pie on a summer day. Curves in all the right places. Jet black hair  tied tight in a ponytail, The look of strength & determination - Everything he loved in a woman. I guess that is why she loved Martin and not me. Martin was strong, he was a go getta, most of all- He was a winner!  I on the other hand I was just a weak loser.

But he was a school friend, and a friendship like that can last a lifetime.

Gary man, when are you going to find a job - Hell, when did you last go on a date? Martin was the modern man, a 90s man.  Gary on the other hand was stuck in the mid 80s. The loner, the outsider - The Bum. People did not find that an attractive characteristic .

You have it all Martin, I have to sit back and watch you live.

And i have to watch you waste away! How long can all this go on Gary. When was the last time you got laid?

None of your darn business!

The bar had a smokey green look,  brown smelly chairs and a fat barman with a beard that still had last weeks food. Burger and beans!

I want to help you Gary, just say it man, i`m here for you. Come on pal, He kept his tone light as Martin tended to do. 

I have to leave this town Mart, I can`t go on any longer.

I understand Gary, I do, but I have problems too - Look man, i have to dash, see you Tomorrow.

Yep, sure will.

Gary arrived home to his Run sown House. It was a bare little room, a rather small TV white curtains, with the stains of many a take away. A small radio in the corner and a light with a bent lampshade. He went into his kitchen to fix himself a sandwich - The Ham had long passed its life on earth and started to have a green look to it. The bread had Mould spots. " Even as much as my life sucks, death by Sandwich is not on the cards.

His phone started to ring - Who in hell is this at this time?


Hello Mr Derbyn

Hello, who is this?

My Name is of no concern, i want to help you Mr Derbyn.

Is that you Martin? 

I don`t know of a Martin, i only know of you.

Okay you have the wrong number - Don`t hang up Mr Derbyn this is no joke, like i said i am here to - help.

Gary was willing to listen to this strange voice, if not for the entertainment value alone.

Sure okay, how are you going to help me, Mr No Concern.

 Midnight Tonight, you are going to receive a letter. This letter will be your ticket to a great life - a life that you have always wanted, does that sound nice Mr Derbyn? His tone was flat, but was strong and confident.

Who the hell are you!

that is not important,  I can give you the life you so desire. All you have to do is open the letter. But know this Mr Derbyn. If you so choose to throw it away, i will never bother you again  You can go on with the life you have- But if you so choose to open it, there is no going back. You must also open it before the clock strikes One or the Letter will be null and void. That is all i need to say - Have a pleasant night Mr Derbyn. And with that, the phone went dead.

Gary stood, Froze. Later that night he moved the chair to the right hand side by the door,  Gazing like a mad man at the letter box. it was 11:58pm.

It`s Martin, That son of a gun, man i`m going to get him back for this big time Tomorrow!

11:59......The time was so near..And then the alarm clock hit Midnight.

Just as i thought noth ....- In mid sentence a letter slipped under the door. Gary sprung from his chair and opened his door. There was not a person in site. Just a sweeping wind and leaves dancing the midnight jig.

There on the floor, a brown envelope. There was no name, just a bare envelope.

Gary started to remember the voice on the other end of the phone. There is no going back once this Envelope has been opened.

This was just a load of bull! Gary was too drunk, and far too down and out not to take a punt.

Gary decided to open the letter. His hand started to tremor. Here goes nothin. One....Two...Three - In front of him was a piece of paper, it read. YOU MADE YOUR CHOICE.

Is that it! What a con -

The phone started to ring again. Gary rushed to the phone. 

Listen you son of a Bitc - Gary!?


Gary...She sounded flat and very sad.

What is wrong?

It`s Martin - I don`t know how to tell you this but - Martin- He had an accident- Gary -He is dead.


