Midnight Sun (Censored)

by Marcus De Storm
27th November 2016

The Bordello Tales began with a 'Non-Erotic' story - Evermore - that grew in essence. Today, the Tales are much more than a seperation of characters...


Evermore Lake, Borello – 2 years ago


It was a beautiful day – the sun was out. The cold spell that the country had been having was at last showing signs of a break. Kirsten, my Mothers’ BFF had brought along her two adopted sons, Alan and Michael, who were adorable when they were younger, but not so much now that they had both grown up into fine young men.

Catherine and Jess, my young Cousins had already shown their faces to say that they had arrived on time at the place that they were instructed to meet, though they had no idea what it was that they had been summoned for, nor did I for that matter. My Mother had organized the whole meeting, and made it perfectly clear that we all gather here at the lakeside and nowhere else.

  ‘What are we meeting here for, Alice?’ Michael asked as he slumped himself down onto the sun dried grass. His legs buckling, his arms exaggerated and flopping across the green patches, while upon coming to a complete stop I happened to notice that he was missing Boxer Shorts under those tight fitting Denim Shorts he had taken almost twenty minutes to paint on that morning.

  ‘Were you in a rush this morning, Michael?’ I asked teasingly, returning my eyes to see that his XXXXX was hanging down – but not escaping – the inside of his leg. Finding it hard not to look at the relaxed soft member I glanced around at the other people at the lake; the families with their children tirelessly preparing food, sorting the younger ones out with drinks and making sure the blankets were down on the ground for a hopeful day of sunbathing and fun in the sun.

Inside my mind I fought against the distraction, one which through wearing dark tinted sunglasses would give me just the right measure of discretion, as well as save Michael from embarrassment; the youngest member of his family who came from Evermore Town, but who had come to live with Lucy out in the open air cottage that sat on the edge of Borello. After adopting them from Kirsten as her own, she had done quite a good job, considering.

Michael ignored me, it was what he and Alan did, if only to wind me up and get themselves off on my rants and ravings around the house. Having left home – my Mothers’ – to stay with Lucy who was a very good family friend, I knew that I would not be bothered as much by anyone there. It was alright, under the circumstances. Often, however, I would catch both Michael and Alan trying to get a glimpse of me naked when I was in the shower – But this stopped so suddenly when Lucy caught Alan spying through my bedroom keyhole.

  ‘Alan, was Michael in a rush to get dressed this morning?’ I asked in a quiet voice as to keep the questioning among ourselves, and not to allow anyone other than those who were sitting within our circle know.

  ‘He’s a sissy, Alice, says he needed his privacy…So, to answer your question, I have no idea.’

Alan was funny, sometimes hilarious with the things that he came out with, but none more funnier than when he and Michael got their ‘Comedy Duo’ heads on – most of the time when you least expected it, too.

With no response from Michael I gave one last look at the semi-hard XXXX that now started to grow along the inside of his shorts and out of the open gape. The sight was alluring, almost, as if I was being beckoned to its XXXXXXXX. Shaking my head a little before standing up and making my way over to the car park where I could see all the new arrivals enter and leave, through the dust clouds caused by over revved engines, it was not possible to see my Mother arrive in her car. Standing for a few minutes longer I suddenly felt a wave of warmth passing through my whole body, the entire feeling forcing me to yield. The tops of my shoulders suddenly became touched by a hand…then two, and then I heard a soft whisper blow in my ear.

  ‘I want you so much!’ The soft voice teased, as two strapping arms wrapped themselves around my waist.

The moment was absolutely mind blowing. Turning around to face the owner of the arms I stared straight into the face of Oliver, my illusive BF, though a lot of people would tell me that they had seen him many times XXXXXXX other women. Was this true? I don’t know, but it would take me no time at all to find out. You see, Oliver and I had this arrangement, much like an Open Marriage, if you will?

  ‘Oliver, what the hell are you doing here?’ I gasped.

  ‘Surprise!’ He called out half embarrassed.

This was more than a surprise, it was an awkward inconvenience; having taken up the position of being Oliver’s ‘XXXX Buddy’, as they indiscriminately call “Free Love” these days, typically picking out the ones who don’t want to settle down to a long life of meeting marital expectations and suffering slow decay. So, of course, now you know why my decision not to inform my Mother of Oliver’s existence was quite simply necessary, though by the looks of things that morning, I was about to introduce the man I had no intentions of doing so, to the one person who wanted to marry me off to the first man who would have me when turning eighteen.

  ‘Your Mother’s here, Alice,’ Jess cried out suddenly while clapping her hands together excitedly like some Walrus with an eating disorder – Jess was terribly thin, however.

  Alice!’ my Mother called from behind me.

The color of my skin flattened, while Oliver, too, stepped back with surprise.

  Mother!’ I replied, my whole body filled with altered states of confusion, embarrassment and the thought that explaining all of this would just about finish me off as a Bachelorette – if my Mother had anything to do with it.

For fifty-five, my Mother could not just ‘Walk The Walk’ and ‘Talk The Talk’, she could multitask on every level to almost anything and everything, especially when it came to men in particular, or in general, too.

  ‘And who on this god’s green earth are you?’ She cooed immediately beginning to flirt with Oliver, much to Oliver’s delight.

Oliver was at first flattered with my Mother’s eyes undressing him where he stood, until at last it came to the moment I had to explain where I had been hiding him, and why I hadn’t introduced the handsome young man before now? It was one of those moments.

As we all walked and talked while heading over to the nearby Beer Garden, I told my Mother everything that she needed to know about both Oliver and me, of course, I did leave out quite a substantial amount of information that could turn the day from a beautiful family day out, into a family gathering on planning a wedding!

  ‘He is so yummy…’

  Mother! You can’t say things like that…Oliver, tell my Mother she can’t say things like that to you?’

Oliver was glancing over at my Mother with a look that I had seen so many times before in his eyes when we were out and about, and like so many times before it ended with his eyes hurting. What was more alarming was that my Mother was making just as many suggestive moves against Oliver as he was to her.

  My God! How you look so much like your daughter, Mrs. Gruber,’ Oliver gasped a compliment that had me jabbing the thoughtless sod in the ribs.

  ‘Why thank you, Oliver, we often get mistaken for sisters you know?’

Pulling Oliver away from my Mother was looked upon as a wise move by the others who were forced to sit around and listen to their relative being ‘Picked up’ by a man thirty years her junior. It was becoming as irritable as the wasps that were bombarding the disguarded beer bottles and glasses around the Beer Garden, just before they came launching themselves at us. Oliver was not happy.

  ‘Do you have to stay here today, Alice?’ He begged with a pair of puppy dog eyes that almost melted my objections and excuses both. ‘We could jump in the Austin and be at my place in a jiffy.’

What Oliver was really trying to say, was that we could quite simply jump into his car and drive the several miles to his Penthouse Apartment in Evermore, where he would be covering his career measured XXXX with a Jiffy condom and have himself a very good time. Unfortunately that was not on my agenda for today.

  ‘Not today Oliver, I’m with my family and friends…’

  ‘And I’m your friend, too, Alice. Don’t you know I have needs?’ He sighed with frustration, occasionally glancing back at my Mother.

Something was wrong.

  Needs, Oliver! You mean when you want to have your end away during the early hours of the morning and then sleep through till lunch time! Is that the needs you mean?’ I cried out suddenly and without reservation.

There was no other delivery of the true facts than to deliver them personally while around others who shared the very same principles as yourself, like my sister, Jennifer, who had recklessly gone out one night to have fun, only to return home with a baby in her belly. I mean, she says that she used protection, but somehow I have the feeling she was crying out for help, but the tragedy of it all, however, as nobody heard her cries and she went ahead and did it anyway.

  ‘One last chance, Alice, are you coming with me, or are you staying here?’ Oliver suddenly demanded from out of nowhere – or rather, out of somewhere between him feeling my sisters arse and whispering sweet nothings into my Mother’s ear, to be more precise.

  I beg your pardon! What did you just say to me…?

Oliver’s face lit up with pure embarrassment.

  ‘I’m – Alice!

  ‘Drop dead, Oliver, I never want to see you again,’ I spat out in a volley of growls and orders that had my Mother look at me like she used to do when I was a cute little girl with a temper for odd and weird.

Oliver left in quite a hurry just after I gave him my answer, and even today, two years on, I have never seen hide nor hair of him. Back then, however, the world was different: On a pendulum waiting for the tipping point, my Mother would tell us all. It was a time that seemed all but a million years away.

(excerpt from Casanova Da Vinci's "Midnight Sun" a story from "The Bordello Tales Collection")

Further info can be found @NorthGableProductions on Facebook, @CasanovaDaVinci)
