A Mummy Morning

by Victoria Constant
22nd December 2016

Ask any mum how their daily morning routine goes and try not to be surprised to be told there are often the spoken thoughts of “Is that puke or milk?” the questionable smells and wondering thought of how so much shit can come out of something so tiny. Doing silly dances to keep the little darlings entertained all whilst swearing under our breath as our eyeliner flick becomes a laughable raccoon eye. How the hell does Holly Willoughby look so good!? And I swear if I have to hear “Hi I’m a penguin. Let’s sing a song” one more time I may just stick this mascara wand in my eye. It would definitely be far less painful! 

Nevertheless us mothers have two options usually. Sport the mombie look, or struggle to do the simplest of looks. Above is the make up I use for my day to day wear, on the days I’m not snuggled under a blanket watching Disney movies over and over – it’s for my daughter I swear! All the makeup I wear for my day to day look can be found in your local high street, including Poundland and Wilkinson. At the end of this post I shall post the brand, shade and where you may find the make up included. Oh and yes, that is the bloody penguin that is destined to drive me to an early grave! 

As you can see, the colours are quite natural and there are very few products. Who has time to contour anyway? I’d rather mummy cuddles than defined cheekbones any day. I’ll save that for special occasions thank you very much. I must admit however, with the extensive lipstick collection I own, I can be seen to regularly sport a red lipstick. On a really lazy day, I can even be seen to wear as little as a coat of mascara and lippy. I guess that’s all for now. I’m off to hide that damn penguin whilst my daughter is distracted with Pocahontas. Until next time. 


Hi David, I've just logged back on. Thank you so much! I'm so pleased! I hope other mother's find my blog both humorous and accurate :)

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Victoria Constant

Hello Victoria;

This is a great and very accurate account of the adventures of any mother especially the new ones. My sister has just had her second and I'm sure she would definitely agree with you.

While reading this I swear I heard my own mothers voice in my head, something for me to ponder maybe.

Well done and keep going!

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