??? My first novel ??? Title to come

by Debi K Moore
17th January 2012

Marmie is busying out in the shed, plucking all the feathers from the chicken when she hears a scream. Bert comes running out ‘tis having it ma, tis having it’.

She wipes her blood stained hands on her dirty ingrained white apron and rushes in to assist. Kate was sweating with the contractions and her dark curly hair was sticking to the top of her head.

No one wants to see a loved one in pain but Marmie was made of steel, an efficient hard working mother who just got on with it. There really was not time for much sentiment with her. She knew life was hard she had lived through wars; lost many she loved and knew you just have to keep going otherwise some bugger might just shoot you.

‘There see my girl said it won’t be too long’ now you gotta breathe, remember, breathe. 'Tis done this before, this one should pop out soon’. 'Now lay back and let your mum have a look see if there is an ‘ead there'.

‘Tis lovely sweet girl, good on you and bless sweet Jesus she is breathing’ he says with his hands in a prayer position. ‘By God, she’s a small one, I tell you that for nothin’ says Bert.

‘Let me hold her' says Kate ‘get all this blood off first my girl’ and Kate notices her mother has chicken feathers stuck to her apron and wondered how strange, her blood, her babies blood and chicken blood. ‘She chuckled inside at such madness; but we are at war she reminded herself. Just gotta do our best now.

Note - very very rough starting project and I always need a good proof reader before publishing!


The tenses are a bit jumbled, but it has a promise of colour and vigour. Good luck with it.

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Do you have a synopsis for it at all? Maybe get a title from that?? :)

Profile picture for user wickss@s_21509
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"Bloodthirsty Majesty", I guess it might be an interesting title for your history.

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