From Noir, With Love

by David Alagoa
26th January 2016

From Noir, With Love…

Dear  Aya,

I had trouble sleeping last night. My eyes were closed but sleep had gone on a road trip. If dreams were faces of people my heart aches after, then you were my dreams last night. I tossed and turned. I found my pillow to be a pile of discomfort. I studied the rate at which the light bulb flickered in the darkness. It matched my breathing pattern. I did everything I could to not think of you. And I failed terribly. I thought of you through every moment of my sleepless night and every thought made me realize how much of a sad lover I am. By the time daybreak came, I came to one conclusion. You were worth it.




Dear Aya,

You suck. I hope you find this letter offensive, ball it up and set it ablaze with a match. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I did not show you my artistic side just to get drawn to you. Please, kindly get yourself out of my mind. I’d rather not think than to have your smile torturing my fond memories of you. Goodbye.



(P.S: Please don’t leave. I need you)


Dear Aya,

I have found a new addiction. I have found a new muse. A paramour. A fatal obsession. No longer will I hurt myself to find enough emotion to bleed on the page. With you, words flow effortlessly like blood from a fresh cut. This is the effect you have on me. This is bad for my health. I will stand in the court of Love & Other Emotional Crimes and turn down any form of appeal with a Devil-May-Care smile. After all, isn’t that why it’s called a guilty pleasure? Stay with me awhile. I need my daily fix of Aya. I promise I won’t overdose.



(P.S: I cut myself while shaving this morning & the wound went from a bloody mess to a lipstick stain)


Dear Aya,

I am going through what is known as a La Douleur Exquise. I can’t have you. I will never be with you. It kills me but I love every moment of pain & want. I want you the way a kid wants to know why the sky is so blue. Maybe later I will understand why this happened. Till then I’ll be the kid who plays under the blue sky and not ask any questions. Aurevoir.



