One Saturday Dating

by Sonja Mills
20th July 2015

Wow! In the space of two months two replies (the rest were morons)

The first is very homely, bit lost boyish

writing to the lost boy, much simpler uncomplicated could say whatever not think to cleverly about the replies

The other, to put it mildly is an arrogant pig, but........

He Wrote:

almost six foot,pensive of inkstained fingertips,expansive about musings,brief 'bout

banter,pace without panting,yawnfully well-mannered practical and personable and parsonable and clerical and collarable and tolerable and scholerable,yet romantic than manic,spiritual if not notably pagan ne'er profane poet by birth,yet earthy by whims and wiles of wombmanly


ily of

musical note,worthily bespoken bloke,inklinked not chained..feigned of fatefuls,waned of bated breathfuls,lost to lusties,starcrossed busties,lest nightsky e*er fuelled,fade for

all my sloth to praise as diamonded than dust. to dust displayed. ...

He was looking for:

even temper not tantrums,flattery than cynicism,emotionalz than clinicals,receptives not rejectives,majesticz not miserlies,echoes of intuition than egoes of erraticz,composure than anxieties,pretty not petty about perfume,make-up and sss


but he wrote first!

Re: One saturday Dating

hi asstral.sonja......buxom mum...africanne...braided bride,once so tonged,now sharply tongued___art thou shrew,or sweet juliet___cleopatra-niled so guileful of whims,in dance,to romance your anthony-- now your julius departed..or asp-tongued..asstral clue enough feature,ears,my foot..and luscious,fleshly lips to kiss,not hiss as asp,sonja........ kiss-kiss,asstral....telescope recognise this ? not so far to look 30 million miles,here it is.... Diamond in black velvet skies, Venus of eternal sighs. Two children in chorus... mummy wants more___ art thou so cerebral,cherie___sounds of calypso,lipso__jazz,bluesy-moody,you tell me__and mention some names,ref.70/80sfunk.. and viv richards,who played for glamorgan,my home county named after captain henry morgan,of carribean fame,and rum...spent some hours in kent,once,with malcolm marshall,was room-mates,in swindon,with a young preacher from st.vincent...22y.o.nigerian muslim,named lola by her carib.father,in tottenham!

1999 a lover of mine...had sprinted 4 kent skooolz...bit pacey,m'self,too..yoo must have a long stride,lofty-nice macho sentiment that legging it,wont do you any good,at ? french and west indians.... my first love was french,raymonde,catholic convent school,virgin..but did judo ! Edge of HER tongue was sacre-bleu...d*yoo curse,or mutter oaths,sonja ? Very few lovers,tho__but quite like flattery,earn some off you,meanie for all this,hmmmm..? been in the london poetry society since1997... heather,lola,katya,so far...none of them born,in london...3 in 5 years is enough,but ....actually born in a first,tho so few honestly... emotions concern me,as poet,not ears_or y*** are rich in feelings,know it,for sure,sonja.


never kept the original e’s thought he was a nut.

But….he touched me, he made me angry, but I found answers in my anger and I responded. In the first couple of e’s awakened some part of me and I responded as Sonja's do full on (with reservations), but still more open than I have been in the longest time.

Still cute on yoooooo, asstral,not cut to the quick,sonja..

enjoyed branagh,denzil w. and emma shrew...cultural...friends,romans,countrymen lend me your ears-i come to bury caesar,not to praise him....mark anthony over julius* corpse,ides of march,rome,60A.D.approx. your friends vultural 4 y*** ears,sonja-----do i need repeat myself,asstral ? How was egypt...cleo,are you slender ethiopian,in your roots,or willowly erect kenyan,how do YOU feel,cocckney maid apart,about y*** rootz,rooty---now then miss here and now,about that black BOOTY ,miss it na is it now,missy ? Emotions,at rest, r.i.p.... too much,mumsie,too long i say__lola nippled hmm-ish,corks pon rousal...flutterings at all within y'breast,yet...miss het-up,much ado about nothing,neglected as booty,delectable + delicious,if yooo respect my opinion,on you,sonja.....thank you for y*confidentialzzzz,now to bed,with you,so you may confide me next,your fantasy___not memories__my ears are yours,let us be hushed in tones....*night'night,kiss_kiss,sonja! cerebra only spanish 4 brainy woman,pussytwat... i am fonder of you,for y*** missive_you are never dismissive_be reASSured,sonja,fondler and fondler....not too rude,am i ? tis pubic not public address,just me to you,personal

I had taken a leap of faith since I last wrote and I shared my fantasy with the lost boy as I said to him it was selfish and cowardly he is going away, the likelihood is that we will never meet.

I just wanted some one to share a part of me that no one else knew.

I knew the poet did not deserve it. I felt that the lost boy would understand I hoped he would not be offended.

My fantasy it’s not prose

This may sound really stupid, but I have always wanted one person to know my dream my fantasy, you are the unlucky recipient.

You see for me to be free is what I really dream not run and hide deep inside from all that I have been.

I am so sorry if I have embarrassed you, I have been quite selfish and a coward, I am just fed up of being mumsie stable strong independent, I really don't know anybody who would think of me as anything but a perverted freak, and I know I shouldn't be apologising I am just a normal person, and I am rambling.

So I wish you Bon Voyage! Thankyou again for not being Judgemental

Love SR

He wasn't I am glad a bit cringe worthily embarrassed but incredibly pleased that he did not think what a pervert.

I got to hand it to life it teaches you surprising lessons in surprising ways, the door will not be shut again, I love the feeling, If poet was not so arrogant, I would have written more.

Who am I you say..of y*self..trusts to..

depends..pensive..yooo____about me responding ,as true romeo __to you,__would you yield to how i perceive you,over and above the way you see yourself ? __me seeing you as especial__worthy__or of use as vessel__ref.10yrs.na__made use of,as vesseq,despite yourself,as expressed to me,if you welcome the attention and promise to respond,as woman,pleasured ..short skirt than short shrift___my approach being one too mumsie,too long...need culturalz_you enjoyed branagh,his wife emma shrew--and denzil w....lend me y*** ears,say friends a tad vultural,in demands upon y*** womanly airs of sympathy__you wont need telling again where my demands felt pressing,upon y*** lips...moreso na-na confessed lack-lust-re to me,as she bootie,as velvet glove,fit my fingertips,in play...starring role too,once come to it....lissom miss ,snakehipped in dance,fluted...entranced..exit,black mamba wriggling,writhing chanced..with a little en-couraging,i br!

ing,to boost your self-esteem,as worth,to me...not too rude? 'night'night,for now,sonja kiss_kiss let me see an x please,in your next missive,missy...takes two...i am fonder of you,for your attentive to you..reach out a little more,i wont let u fall


Re: who me, you… our roles

sonya,you say perceptive,or cute_solid,orfluff...and what you r relates to how i behave to i can rhyme...In mini skirt dress,yet ladylike then act, Yes,as you please to how I react. Flattery where flattery is due,you say....words from y*** tongue,i press back on y'lips,as rhyme,in kiss,miss here and now...impulsive and impatient,to kiss soothes y*** stresses to be agressive,with me...if not rude..fingertip caresses of y*** tresses,once to long is your hair ? You can sound so closed,do you not know how tight-petalled you feel,to me,sonja ? Gently,tease open those petals i reward an even tighter clasp,for all you curious,with me,once....again you wonder about yonder skies,then ponder...,even longer,less wary...yes,you think me too wandering,while you so too languishing,you so wilfully confess to cut and sharp,or you want cute--i wish it styled,by you,into cute as pretty,as witty,le!

ggy elegance,lissom and lithe---mine to perceive,so,briefly__you,candyfloss--me,stunned...agreed ? Come,come woman--assent to it,by your words i shaped it so,let*s both consent to engage with it,as holy writ__and act on it,too-yes?sayso and dally,dither...yet hither my prize girl,to assent,willingly and readily__wither no *no* na-na girl---ja-ja,you are__that is yes-yes...try thrice,as nice--candyfloss girl. my imagination unravelled,to you,sonja


SR TO KP Not cute not fluff yet no solid stuff

I can play, Imagination is a wonderful thing, i have a wonderful imagination.

I am not immune to the flattery, play on McDuff.

My hair is short.

I don't want cute i don't think you are, KP sees then KP says, your language is different, open to interpretation.

R u romeo? touch of the bard, but the words are used.

Respond as a woman! but i am and pussycat and lion and mum and child and bitch and lover, and SR

But you are more sensual than i am used to, i am not sure if you r patronising or i am being sensitive.

My colour is black, what ever beauty you see you see. I took time to learn I took time to be, I have deep passions and yearning and longings i haven't explored them for a while.

Hi KP,

Off too Birmingham today

i did not understand your last E ,

Much later try again


Hello sonja-may, spikes spikey,spicey…gi’’s a clue,birmingham_london..

this is too clever,by half...quoteth the bard,methinks,in

deference....noted how neat,exact,as if in pact,with Bard,you prosed me,pretty

petalled rose assenting later than sooner think ,so

imPETuously,pussykat,quilled in quink--tis as so,asstral--minky-silken,felt wet..slinkily-hid

yet not shy-shrinking,to my 'tips,your inner lipscrimsonned pink,linking

quick felt clasping finger cleaved,in suck,as babe so comfited,to sleep

in drools--in woman,finger-seeps to oceans pooled her passion,yond

nipples mere risked to frisk,black beauty,corked....nah,tis to yooo THIS

due,sonja-may---experience of lola,braided,fully paid in

cleo-prose,then...i am a living poet presenting --present ref y*here and now..and as

gift and taking breather from y*rift__intensities of letter by letter

composition is aching back of head,where creativity dwells,cerebrally__why

i asked you__neat words,cerebral,the bard__purpose methinks thy blink

to stonish thee_not stone,i*m told,bossybootie--cant think how to blend

bitch,cept itch,badassed bitch..yeah am less suaded ,more sensual to

abuse yoo with such crude terminology...i dunno tho..badassed black bitch

too sensitive hurt,curt-tongued fronts her femininity,frocks her

fanny,and no defence of panties,as socks,for all barking bitch yet

skirt-a-hitch,yooo dooooo don miniskirts ?,its your defence mechanism lipped,than

hipped makes you vulnerable,twixt thighs__flattery is romeo,to urgency

in juliet__is french for july,may__headache ceased__am seeking sorta

mounting lift than romeo lilt--and hitting low,baby..wanton wills to

prickled lust,so ambling,next charged,enthrust..throb-fevered venal

entwined with thundersault flashed ecstatic at bootie*s fork,once

scorched,soonest spattering to spurt,the wench drenched ,in quench,serenal flattery to your oceanics,sonja sultry-steamy,moistened

missy,purring pussytwat,neat-pleated innerfolded

fleshly,warm*n*wet...*night*night black bitch,kiss_kiss badass,lick_lick pretty-petals


think my ink copycatty,pussytwat_


Hi sonja,morning…

did yoo get effort,sent yoo overnight,else just checking,get logged

off,by this machine,as if too long,about it_message then disappears,not

sent,no copy,nothing to prove i even wrote_total waste of effort...if yoo

got it,relax...doo nuffin...if yoo didn*t just tell me so,please,if you

will... kiss_kiss,afraid to talk,lest my ear cuffed,for bothering busy



Curious i am, Open i am, Woman i am, Pleasured i am, Ready i am

Kenneth Gudge Kenneth Gudge I think perhaps you dream to much,

I like the colour with which you rhyme it reminds me of a different time, when I danced on cars ( i really did) and smokey bars and with dustbin lids.

My future self is not written but I am not pussytwat I am pussykitten. My future self all i see are all the colours i used to be.

With your words you open doors you don't make me wet but i am not bored. you can walk with if you choose i'm not afraid i have nothing to lose, i wonder what you have to gain there i go cerebral again..and i still wonder with your passion and fire why i think you are just a liar why do i hear torment and pain, when all you do is flatter and stroke (you are such a demanding bloke) but i heard it just the same through the colour so much pain, i wonder what you have left behind or are too afraid to bring to mind. Perhaps one day you will reveal without the rhyme without the spiel, still with colour and with flair, without the long dark wavy hair (whose pic was that?) the man that you profess to be cleo on no antony.

What is X


Re: Curious i am, Open I am, Woman I am, Pleasured i am, Ready i am

wot may.i say,sonja..tease afflirtation dissertation allusion

profusions surges i am less a man for mixing messing musing a woman hued as

rainbow,an allusion in itself...? Flesh to flesh no aint a 4

letter word,i aint a gigolo..if the allusion sustained,of fanciful

airs,it will distract you__you womanly sense implorings wearying you to

wantons...two pronged tactics,on sonja,unrelenting

still__walk,huh__ears, sense my enjoyment ,in prospect..anticipatory....x is

sign of kiss, you wish to retrieve it ? all*s fair..or be

woman,one faulter, at a time,willingly tho hesitating warily will

falter you still,unrelenting,but one kiss nearer....each x daubed by your

name ,is forsworn by your name next to it.......wot is walk with.. ? whom

is it do not say.. i like this kenny,who does what he

says,promises fulfilled...i read you,sonja-may,as ready to make yourself

sensitive to whatever is my will,that you perceive it...if not floss,you are

perceptive--had lotz of pain,judo boxing rugby with a frail figure,am

past master at winning ,no matter the pain...point is missy sensitively

perceptive,pain wearies as lust earns its chance__i put lust to

task,too,as much you perceieve pain...for your loving tenderness perceptive to

my pain...confessed open and REceptive,pleasured,readied-alerted to

behave as thinks best respects my wishes...expects me tame her til

tailored to those perceptions you state,holding fast that you free to make

them ,needing reassurance i welcome you to do so,by my responding,to

you,_have found this a bitch to get my head round___you warm to me,deep down

you quiver to most every touch,pussycat not tigress stressed

tones,wavering to pussykitten not pussytwat,dare mew my way,big

well-perceive me strokeful,welcome and open for more,then offer mew,huh to

ears,huh to walk,but explain it,kiss of luscious fleshlies,rightly

claimed,dare deny me,so confess it,please,and bitch to cross me else another

i expect to see when next...make you further cede to my

taming,now so mewed,soon silent assent___badaassed bitch ,black twat

crimson gashed,slit fit for sliding than biding my time twixt twat as

merest relief and strokings of pussymitten,soonest shaped glove,for honest


wot say you now,faltering next __yes,am tired,no not vexed,and neither

sexed,black bitch til your full measure assures it timely to press you

firmest ,mid-fork...your plight direr still,maiden,once trothed_not wet

yet pet__at least pet you answer to__

progressive,submissive,mistress of your curiosity,victim of my urges,

yes urgingsthat you allowed,now urges pon conquest felt,in you....polite

now posed the question,next asserted yond long siege,now in

motion,while you trained to devotion..lovingly



I take your point Jimmy I spent too much time thinking about the conversation not enough time putting it together.

Profile picture for user smayrile_36624
270 points
Developing your craft
Sonja Mills

No Kate it was not as I have never read A girl is a half formed thing.

It is just conversations between two lonely people.

Profile picture for user smayrile_36624
270 points
Developing your craft
Sonja Mills

I loved the first line.

I got lost after that.

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