The Only Child

by Lawand Omar
7th February 2012

A scream. A bang. A boom. All that was to be seen was just more than a buff of smoke. The only sound that was to be heard was the clear sound of rubble escaping just as a head appeared. It was a boy. He had chocolate, mahogany hair with his wide coffee eyes. He had olive skin with his scruffy, but clean hair with his aroma smelling of a deep scented jasmine garden. He also had a fine-looking appearance. His name was Lawand.

While he escaped, the earthquake of doom (which is known as that name), no one was to be seen, not even a movement. The atmosphere was an uncomfortable scene. If you just laid a feather, it would be plunging into a nightmare of sinking in a pile of wreckage. Although a few rays of uplifting sunlight were exposed, the skies were filled with leaden, dreary clouds and billows.

At a blink of an eye, a sudden cry called out, “Hello, anyone there? Hello?” It was just a faint exclaim that brought Lawand’s attention. But all the young man could see was a pile of rubble stuck beside torn buildings. “Hello?” the person cried. Lawand, at a leisurely pace arose and unearthed, with his bare hands, a crooked hole (which was smaller than a matchstick). With all of the energy left in him, after learning and working on kick boxing, he struck a powerful kick called the tornado. This left a mature, heavily built looking lady (though she was a professor, wearing a lab coat which was actually hard too see with a naked eye due to the filth). She had fair-haired, blond hair with cyan eyes. There was a bit of curiosity in Lawand’s mind until he thought about the science lab a few streets ahead. She had stood up with a small package in her hands.

“Hi,” the lady exclaimed in a very deep posh accent. “I’m Professor Samantha Jones but you can call me Sam. You are unbelievably lucky. From my estimation as of the status, the magnitude could be without a doubt, over 8. I fortunately also keep an emergency kit for earthquakes.” Lawand looked around him for any survivors. “Should we check for any survivors?” Lawand muttered and coughed at the same time. “My bad. You are right. Let’s split up.” Sam demanded. “But shouldn’t we work together?” Lawand suggested. “Well… You should find your parents.” Samantha ordered.

Lawand, with still having a tense mind, carried on finding bodies. He found countless lives of people (especially children). He had a sorrowful heart when he found even babies souls crushed upon building that flattered thousands.

Suddenly, Lawand found himself in a deserted street, turning around, beaming at all the destroyed houses, which carpeted the streets with bricks and dust. He blocked his ears from the deafening car alarms. Tears ran down his cheek, bleating, “ I lost everyone, my house, my friends, my family.” Lawand sat down on the street crying out loud until a voice from the rescue team called out.“ Anyone there?” he yelled. “I’m here, .I’m here” Then Lawand had been taken in the arms of a rescuer and he quickly fell asleep.

A smart looking man woke Lawand up.

“Hello little lad,” the man spoke, “I’m Alan Blunt, from Scotland Yard and we would like you to tell us what happened. I know you had a stressful time but we do need information.

Lawand woke up in a medium sized tent. “Where am I?” Lawand asked. “You are at a warehouse, well not for storing, but this is now used as a shelter. Now, we brought you soup then you can tell me what happened.” Mr Blunt answered.

Lawand stared into the wall, speechless, ashen and pale. A few people tapped his shoulder, advising him to eat until Alan Blunt came walking in and had given him a bowl of warm soup and a piece of bread. “You should eat up some of your soup to gain energy and then we could look together for your family.” Blunt suggested.

Lawand, time to time, slurped his soup, and glanced around to see the survivors. Lawand then noticed Sam, unsoiled. He had then thought of the doubts precipitously. How come Sam was all clean and he wasn’t? Just then, Lawand overheard the professor claiming that she had a conference in the University of Cornwall. More suspicions had come into Lawand’s mind.

The next morning, Lawand had decided to explore the warehouse. Room after room, more and more work was shoved out for the survivor’s space. But unusually, no sign of Sam. And when he checked the bathrooms, there was no shower. But now Lawand was homesick. He could just visit his house, just to see any remainings.

As Lawand dawdled across the mashed up city, he then glanced to notice a familiar teddy. This must have been his house. He did see some of the structure. Lawand, tried to gather all his belongings as he headed to the shelter. But on the way back, he saw a figure most similar to Sam. Lawand loped to see her more closely but by the time he got there, the figure had disappeared almost into thin air. Lawand’s confusion cropped up into his mind. Maybe it was his imagination. He really wasn’t sure. Anyhow, he headed back to the shelter.

Day after day, Sam the professor had left early and arrived late. What did the professor do in all those hours? Lawand then decided to wake up really early and to check what Sam was up to. But then he would have to sleep very early; he knew it would be worth it.

As the morning sun shimmered upon the land, Lawand quickly set a jumper on himself and immediately noticed a body leaving. Hastily but vigilantly, Lawand sprinted out the door, luckily spotting Sam (without disappearing). But regrettably, just near his house, Samantha disappeared.

Lawand then gave a momentary look at the ruins of what looked like the professors house. The clue that gave it away was a half torn picture of the professor. The remains of the house was a staircase and a few standing walls. The staircase was filled with dust and had a wooden door on the side of the staircase. The walls had a bit of the green wallpaper it used to have but most of the surviving walls were crooked.

Lawand fretfully peeked into the door of the staircase to see a tunnel! Lawand walked leisurely but nervously a few steps into the extended, dusky passage. The young man kept a slow pace until he saw a light from the pitch-black conditions. Light around the door and the keyhole stood brightly like a big blue sun. Lawand carefully examined what was there through the keyhole. He saw Professor Sam with this immense, strange looking machine. Lawand, with a fast beating heart, sprinted back to the shelter. On the way, Lawand wandered and said to himself, why did you leave? Should he turn back? It was though too late to turn back. He had arrived at the shelter.

Lawand that night felt a bit guilty of leaving too soon and tried to make it up to himself. When dinner was served, he went and asked the professor, “Hello Sam, I haven’t seen you lately in the shelter and wandered where you were all this time?”

“Oh err…I have been to different universities each day!” Samantha hesitated and answered. Lawand knew she was lying. That night, Lawand didn’t sleep that early like he did last night as he knew the exact same location as he was going to do the same thing but this time, he will stay for longer.

When Lawand woke up, it was time to get a move on. He had over slept. Like yesterday, he had put on a tepid jumper. He then set of out side. The atmosphere had improved as a lot of the ruins had cleared out. Lawand hoped that the entrance to the lengthy tunnel wasn’t cleared out. With all the immense fate, it wasn’t flattened at all.

Without any hesitation, Lawand stepped through the tunnel with caution and with awareness for every step. He had then finally reached the door. He slowly leaned down and he gendered and didn’t blink through the keyhole. It was a lab with a chemical side and a machinery and electronic devices side. Sam was in the chemical side, what looked like the measuring intensity of a liquid.

All of a sudden she took of her mask, lab glasses and gloves off to leave a widening smile. She applauded and cheered herself by even banging the wall with joy. She shouted with her grimy voice, “Yes! Yes! Yes! You thought I’m crazy. Then enjoy another bomb. Opps another earthquake! Tomorrow everyone has to know I’m the genius they all laughed about. They have to respect and obey me.” She suddenly grabbed a book and whispered to herself while flicking pages, “Which next well is deep enough for this bomb? Not this... Not that…this is not deep enough. Aha! This one is perfect. But how can I get there? I bet the M1 is the best route.”

Lawand had heard enough. He had raced out the tunnel leading himself to the shelter. But halfway the run, he had stopped. Should I tell the police or the manager of the shelter? Can they believe what I am going to say to them? Oh wait, the man from Scotland Yard: Alan Blunt! He then carried on running back to the shelter.

Lawand searched around, thinking, how is he going to contact Alan in an emergency. He then all of a sudden realized guards were at the door. Lawand begged for them to contact Alan. There was still time. It was in the afternoon. Lawand kept begging them until the guards heard about his losses from the earthquake. The heart-loss guards accepted Lawand’s demand.

A few minutes later, Lawand receive news of Alan Blunt in a meeting.

“Would you like to leave a message to Mr. Blunt?” one of the guards suggested. “Yes. Say that this is critically urgent about the earthquake. Please come as soon as possible.” Lawand requested. “Of course. We will make sure that this message is phoned through as critical!” the guard replied.

It was the evening and Alan Blunt rushed through the shelter, finding Lawand standing by the door. “What is it Lawand?” Alan urgently stammered, “Have you found your parents?”

“No. Its not about my parents,” Lawand said “Its about who caused the earthquake.”

“Yes, Yes, it’s a natural disaster.” Alan nagged.

“NO, NO, it was the professor who caused it. Professor Sam.” Lawand urged. Alan, quietly, with a smile, replied, “What has the earthquake got to do with the professor? That is not possible” Alan questioned. “Sam first made a bomb and planted it at the Cornwall well and she had now just made a new bomb and it is heading the M1 now!” Lawand explained. “But how can I trust you, Lawand?” Blunt asked.

“I could show you to the lab where the bomb was made.” Lawand recommended.

Decisively, Lawand and Alan Blunt headed to the lab and through the tunnel… “This is a bunker Lawand. How did the professor make all of this?” Alan stated. The group then dawdled to the lab where Mr Blunt with a surprised face stammered, “Oh my god! This lab has the most highly sophisticated gadgets I’ve ever seen! But there is no time, we have to quickly arrange a search.”

Alan, used a radio to talk to the headquarter of Scotland Yard, talking to the boss, explaining the disaster that occurred, and being granted full authorization for his action. Instantly, he called the office for information. “I need every piece of information of Professor Samantha Jones. Her activates, background, credit card… everything! Do you understand me? This is critically urgent” Alan demanded. It only took a few minutes for the others to respond. “ Well the only piece of information for time being is she had been sacked from her job at the university, because the university didn’t approve her ideas and she wasted a lot of the recourses at the university. And on her credit card record, she had hired a vehicle yesterday.” The officer stated. “Can you check the full detail of the vehicle?” Alan requested.

Alan had dropped the phone and asked Lawand, “Well done Lawand. Do you know where she is planning the next bomb?”

Lawand answered the question by saying, “ Well she looked at this book of deep wells and said the best route is across the M1.”

“Well that actually really helped.” then the phone rang instantly. “It is a white transit van with the number plate of TY59 SXZ. Good job and well done.” The officer declared.

“Can you also tell me what the deepest well which is near the M1?” Blunt requested. “It’s at the Buckinghamshire area at junction 6.” The officer answered. “ Send me a helicopter to pick me up and take me there.” Alan asked.

Alan Blunt called the operation team for back up and full force including the SAS force to be sent by helicopter before junction 6. While he was heading to Buckinghamshire, he was thinking about a plan to not make the professor notice his game because he was worried if the professor found out she may explode the bomb in the motorway and causing a severe casualty. Then he thought about a fake accident before junction 6 at the M1. He then complied the idea to action.

After a few minutes, the queue started in M1, starting before junction 6. Alan contacted the helicopter to detect any white van. There were 5 white vans, which meant he had to dedicate 5 teams to go and capture the professor. The commands were capture the female driver. When they arrived from a few minutes, he got a call stating that there were 2 female drivers that had been captured. Then he commanded to arrest the one with the number plate of TY59 SXZ. It then gave the result of the evil Professor Sam. Alan went back to the shelter and thanked Lawand for his brilliant action that saved thousands of lives.

A few days later, Lawand’s parent’s were found, alive and in good health in one of the hospitals nearby. Lawand was awarded The Queen medal for his heroic bravery and Alan Blunt was promoted at his work and also received The Queen medal. But the professor was sentenced to life in prison. Every thing had worked out in the end.
