Open Vision

by Xean .
13th November 2012

At a rate of 3,680 kilometers per hour, the moon journeys around the earth. Yet, we do not hear it.

The moon may rotate as fast as the earth does upon itself, but sound waves do not travel in vacuum of space. Like some attritionary Dantean being, it is trapped in a raking voyage amid the depths of stillness.

Stillness brings clarity. With clarity comes visualization. In life, leading one through the path to purpose. For it is after every darkness that we emerge to shine, once we open our eyes.

Like a withered tree in winter which grows verdant and lush under the summer sun, every period of stagnation in human existence has been followed by one of production. Thus it has been for ages and will continue to be in our development.

Strong foundations enable life and us to reach the skies. Though the way is often clouded, methods are visualized to scale the cliffs barring us from harmony; the natural pursuit of life, from the large to the small and everything between. The ageless quest calls, establishing cycles of life.

Treading narrow opportunities, we build upon space; finding means enabling survival and development. Learning from trials and errors, persevering through adversity, rising after every fall.

Until enough understanding and confidence is attained to not merely touch the sky, but to become dynamic with the cosmos.


