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by Kairoden Page
26th September 2019

Some people may ask your favourite colour, some may even ask your favourite song, but no colour or song will live up to the expectations of his eyes and voice, an ocean to swim in and a melody to set sail. His caring soul, like his words, flow like a waterfall, yet this waterfall holds mysteries, a cave full of riches, a cave full of history, his words tell you his story, his words are written in his pages that will swim away in a glass bottle to shore, and if you’re that fortunate person, you’ll have the pleasure of learning him, learning what the gold and diamonds in his cave mean to him, learning the history of those treasures and becoming a treasure to him, yourself. His attention is a warm feeling, like escaping into the water, feeling the liquid surround you, feeling secure enough to swim onwards. His desire, a night sky, the stars being every reason there is to love him. You may not believe in those stories, the stories where the explorer finds a priceless treasure and fights till death against an enemy that came back for revenge. Yet, no matter how many movies you find appealing, that have legends of riches, it will never compare to his story of promise. But believe me, once you enter the hollow, you’ll never want to leave his presence, his aurora; you would do anything to keep him close, to keep that summer warmth, the keep that swimming feeling. You would do anything to stay in his safe bubble of storytelling as long as he is familiar.
