Part of a chapter of the story I am currently working on, enjoy EDITED

by Kristy Burgess
21st May 2015

With the years passing Mathew and Charlotte could not be happier, with their little boy, now nine years old, so lively and so happy they felt like a complete family now. On a Tuesday evening when Mathew returned home from work he could hear Edward running around from outside, playing make believe. As he walked through the front door his son, "Sir Edward McLyle", ran passed him in his home made Knights uniform waving his wooden sword at his father, he then ran back and hit Mathew on his leg yelling, "You have now been slain you evil dragon!" then he ran off up the stairs giggling. Mathew laughed at the joy of his son, but he wasn't his usual cheery self, no whistling or smiling, Charlotte could see he looked quite serious, which scared her a little. "Whats wrong?" she asked. Mathew gave her a kiss and then walked into the study, Charlotte followed and closed the door behind her. Edward crept down the stairs and peered through the bannister at the closed wooden door, listening to the muffled voices. Charlotte opened the study door a while later with tears in her eyes. She straightened herself out and quickly looked up after noticing little Edward sitting on the stairs with his wonky Knights hat on. "Go up to your room sweet heart," she said, trying too sound like she hadn't been crying, Edward got up and looked at her, concerned, "Ok, mummy," and he made his way up too bed.

The next morning Edward came down for breakfast, he noticed his fathers suitcase still in the hallway, he thought that was strange because his dad was always off to work before he got up. "Edward?" Charlotte called from the kitchen, "Eddy is that you son?" Mathew added in the same tone. Edward made his way through too the kitchen and sat himself down on his usual wobbly chair at the end of the long wooden table. "Daddy?...why are you still here? Shouldn't you be at work?" Edward asked confused. "Er..Eddy.." Mathew started, but he couldn't find the words. "Edward.." Charlotte continued, "Your father has too go away for a while, he has a new job you see," Edward looked at his father then back to his mother, "A new job?..where?" "In America," Mathew replied smiling at his son, "I'll have to get a boat there, and it also means I'll have too live there for a while, so you will have too be a big boy and look after your mother while I'm away, do you think you can do that?" "Yes, of course because I'm a knight we are meant to look after damsals in distress," Edward said smiling and jumping out of his seat standing tall and proud over his father, "But I will miss you daddy," Edward added hugging his father, "I will miss you too son, but I will bring you back something from my travels" Mathew replied hugging his son tighter. "When will you be back?" Edward asked. Mathew looked up at Charlotte as if too ask what he should say and Charlotte stared back at him. "It won't be for a while yet son, but it won't be forever."

The next morning Edward was woken by a taxi pulling up outside he looked out his window and saw his father dressed in a fine suit and coat putting his bag in the boot of the taxi. Edward gasped, "Daddy!", and ran out of his room across the landing and down the stairs as fast as he could, he ran out of the front door bare footed before Charlotte had time too stop him too put his shoes on, "Edward!..." Charlotte yelled after him. "Daddy!", Edward ran too his father and gave him the warmest hug. Mathew smiled, not before steadying his feet after being barged into by his energetic son, and gave him a hug. "Morning Eddy, I was just about to come up too your room and say goodbye, but you beat me too it."

Charlotte walked up to them both and covered Edwards shoulders with his coat. "Goodbye sweetheart," she leant in and gave Mathew a kiss, and then wiped away her tears while chuckling, she felt rather silly for crying. "Come here you..." Mathew grabbed hold of Charlottes hand twirled her round and pulled her close to him, Charlotte's head was hanging low, scared to look at him in his eyes to say goodbye, because it would make it so official, so final. Mathew saw how upset his wife was and lifted her chin up too meet his gaze, "I'll write too you everyday...remember.." he kisses her gently on the lips, " won’t be forever." Mathew opens the taxi door and disappears inside. Keeping her eyes on her husband and noticing her reflection in the car door, she imagines herself at his side on his long journey, knowing the next few months will be hard without his smile keeping her spirits up.

"Morning Edward," Charlotte leans over her son as he is sleeping and kisses his forehead. Feeling her soft kiss he stirs and opens his eyes too his mum looking down on him. "Morning mummy," he says sleepily. Charlotte walks over too his dresser and takes out a smart outfit and a bathing suit, "we're going to the sea side today," she says to her son smiling. "Oh boy! Can I take my pirate sword?" Edward says excitedly jumping out of his bed, "Anything you want love, we have to do something while your fathers away now don't we?" She walks over to his bed and lays out his clothes. "Now hurry up and get dressed and I'll meet you down in the kitchen. Don't forget your bathing suit." Charlotte reminds him as she walks out of his bedroom door. So excited Edward hurries to get dressed getting his head stuck in his jumper sleeve, he eventually manages to sort himself out, combs his hair and grabs his sword and bathing suit. Jumping down the stairs two at a time, he charges out the front door with his mother close behind.

As they arrive at the beach they both rush to get changed so they can start too enjoy the sun. "Oh Edward I'm exhausted already after that long train ride," Charlotte says as she slumps down into a deck chair kicking her sandals off and feeling the rough cooling sand between her toes. "Can I go and play pirates with the other children mummy?" asks Edward, "Yes of course darling, but don't wander off," Charlotte replies whilst looking through her old straw beach bag and pulling out a newspaper, and just like that Edward was away waving his sword making pirate noises and chasing his “crew” around looking for treasure.

The beach was crowded, the sun was high and the sound of children’s laughter drowned out the ice cream chime. Then, after a while, Charlotte noticed that she couldn't hear the innocent laughter anymore, she put down her news paper slipped on her sandals and looked around for Edward. He was gone, along with the other children. "Edward!?" she yelled.

Charlotte got up to get a better view of the beach and caught a glimpse of the children Edward had been playing with earlier, right down the other end of the beach climbing over the wall heading for the road, and there was Edward in amongst them. They were still playing pirates but too close to the road for Charlottes liking. She began to panic, walking towards the children shouting her sons name, "Edward!...Edward, come on its time to go!" Edward looked around, Charlotte thought he had heard her but he hadn't. The other kids crossed the road to the grassy area on the other side not noticing that Edward hadn't crossed yet. "Hey! Wait for me! I'm the captain!" Shouted Edward. He went to cross the road without looking. Charlotte saw what her baby boy was about to do and ran so fast all she could see was her precious child, pushing through the crowds of people, all unaware of the danger, tears rose in her eyes, everything was a blur , like it was all in slow motion. In a final attempt to make him hear her, hoping and praying he would hear her she shouted his name once more, "Edward!! Stop!" But he was already in the road. Edward saw his mother running towards him in a panic then turned to see why. A car was heading towards him fast unable to break in time.

Charlotte with all her strength leapt from the sidewalk and managed to save her son from the tragedy that was coming his way. Edward fell to the sun drenched road like a rag doll hitting his head hard off the curb, his wooden toy sword shattering and splintering as it hit the ground near the gutter, the children who he was playing pretend with moments before screamed at the sight. He was saved from a tragedy, but Charlotte unfortunately was not. She lay in a slump a few feet away from the car that threatened her young son’s life and which in the end took her own. Her deep red hair loosely blowing in the breeze, red still in her cheeks looking like she was in a deep slumber. Crowds rushed to the tragic seen. The once happy, warm sunny day that was, moments before, filled with children’s laughter, was now broken with ambulance sirens and stunned murmurs from the crowds.

Two days after the tragic accident word reaches Mathew in America. A policeman arrives on his doorstep. "Mr. Mathew McLyle?" the policeman asks a look of sadness but seriousness on his face, "Yes? Can I help you officer?" "My name is Officer David Chanley, May I?" Officer Chanley gestures towards the entrance hall, "Yes of course.." Mathew says confused. The officer removes his helmet, wipes his boots off the entrance mat, walks inside and turns too face Mathew. A little worried and annoyed that the officer hasn't told him what his visit is all about Mathew asks, "What seems to be the problem?" After a long pause the officer replies, "I regret too tell you that on the Saturday afternoon just passed, your wife and son where both involved in a terrible incident..." Mathew interrupts the officer pushing more information out of him, "Oh my god! What happened? Are they ok?" "I'm afraid sir...your wife was hit by a car...she didn't make it..." Mathew, in absolute shock slowly collapsed to the floor, tears rising in his eyes. Officer Chanley continues, "According to witnesses your wife, Charlotte, jumped in front of the automobile too save your son, doing so, she pushed him out of the way, resulting in him hitting his head and falling unconscious...he is stable, and currently in a local hospital...Mr McLyle?...Sir?..Did you hear what I said?..Sir?.." Silence.

That evening Mathew caught the first liner to England and what seemed like a lifetime he finally arrived in London and went straight to his son. He couldn't help but cry when he saw his son’s swollen face and bandaged head. But a few days later Edward was well enough to leave hospital and go home with his father. Edward was so happy to see his father again but he wasn't his usual joyful, full of life self anymore. Mathew noticed his son had changed, but tried to get through it hoping it was just a phase after losing his mother.

A month later, in the midst of autumn, the same friends and family that had laughed and cheered as the young couple said their vows all those years ago were now gathered to say goodbye and lay to rest their wonderful, beautiful Charlotte. The day was dark and full of sadness. But everyone took a moment too remember the good days, everyone smiled at the memories, everyone except Edward, he missed his mother dearly. When everyone had gone home after the service Edward pulled his father to the side, "Daddy, I'm never going to make believe again, I'm going to grow up," and he walked off onto the stony path, all Mathew could do was follow his son and cry to himself.

Spring came round once more and the days since the funeral were hard on both Mathew and Edward. Mathew had to take back his old banking job to stay with Edward, but his son made in increasingly hard for him. One evening Edward was sitting in his usual place on the stair well listening to his father on the telephone in the study, "I just can't do it anymore...I love him so much but these last few months have been heart breaking...I can't cope with losing Charlotte, his behavior and working all the hours god sends at the bank....I need you to take him, while I get myself together......I'm going back too America." Edward creeps back upstairs to his bedroom and cries himself to sleep, heartbroken that his dad wants to leave him again.

The next evening at supper time Mathew and Edward were sitting at the dinner table. Mathew noticed his son pushing his food around his plate, hardly eating a bite, "What’s wrong with you?" Mathew asked him, Edward ignored his father and pushed his food around faster and louder, then went to leave the table, Mathew peered over his paper and saw his son about to leave, "Sit down..." Mathew said quietly, "...finish your supper you haven't eaten any of it." Edward stops and looks at his father, "I'm not hungry..." Edward said in a miserable tone and then turned to walk away, "SIT!..Down, now," startled by his father’s tone Edward flew back into his chair and grabbed his fork, his dad had never raised his voice in such a way, ever.

The kitchen turned quiet for a while all that was heard was a dripping tap and the wind gusting through the window panes. Then Mathew broke the silence, "Sorry son..." putting down his news paper he pulls his chair up next to his son. Edward ignores his father’s apology and doesn't even acknowledge his father’s presence next to him, he just stares at his plate, filled with mashed up peas, carrots and what looked like some kind of chicken (his father was never much of a cook). Mathew continues to talk to his son, knowing that he is listening, "Listen Eddy, I have to go away again, back to my old job..." he stops and sighs, "..Your mother was so much better at wording things in a different way..." Mathew chuckles slightly too try and break the tension, clears his throat and continues, " will be going to live in Scotland with, my sister, your aunty Marie and wee cousin Margaret, she’s eight years old now, so you will have a play mate when you get there..." before he could finish Edward interrupts him clearly upset, "I heard you on the telephone last night! You don't love me, you want to get away from me!..."

Pushing his chair back he goes to leave again, tears pouring down his face. Mathew grabs him by the arm and says, "No never!...I have and always will love you, you're my son, my boy. It won't be forever I promise you, I just need to get our lives back on track so I can take proper care of us both. Do you understand?" Edward with his gaze fixed to the cold kitchen floor replies quietly, "Yes..." Moving his head to meet his sons tear stained face Mathew says to him, " will love it in Scotland...You know how much your mum loved that place right?....Heather Top Park especially, when she was your age she used to play in there for hours...your aunty Marie and Margaret only live two streets away from it." Edward lifts his head and looks at his father, "Mummy said it was a magical place, that when you stepped through its gates all your troubles vanished..." "That’s right son," Mathew says smiling, "Well she was wrong! There’s no such thing as magic anymore and your troubles are always there!"

Edward broke free from his father’s grip, ran up to his room and slammed his bedroom door, shaking the light fittings and knocking a picture off the wall. Mathew stood up and slowly-feeling defeated- walked over to the broken picture, picked it up off the floor and shook the shards of glass from it, it was a picture of Charlotte, smiling back at him looking as beautiful as ever. Mathew ran the tip of his finger around the outline of her face, he kissed the portrait and placed it on the china cabinet and before heading to bed himself he looked at her eyes and whispered, "I miss you, I love you".


I have deleted the first paragraph in order to help you and others to read it better, I hoep this is easier

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Kristy Burgess

Thank you for your comments, but it was origionally paragraphed properly, but you are only allowed a certain amount or words, so I had to delete parts and "back space" so it wasn't separated by paragraphs anymore. So this isn't my fault, but W&A's. If I had deleted anymore to keep the paragraphs half of it would be missing and wouldn't make sense to the reader. It was either loose the paragraphs or make multiple posts.

If you have a solution that would be great. Thanks again.

Profile picture for user nookscra_39776
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Kristy Burgess

Kristy, I'd LIKE to read this, but I'm not going to... yet. Do you know why? It's hard on my eyes to read a whole mass of typing without spacing between the paragraphs. If I paused to pick up a drink, it'd be - if only slightly - difficult to find where I'd stopped looking at the page.

It seems like a tiny detail, but it's advice that I was given on another social network, and it really does make a difference.

Agents and editors are going to ask for double spacing WITHIN a paragraph (those who want paper copies). This gives them room to write comments on your text. That's not necessary here on W&A, but if I comment, I have to COPY what you've written, SCROLL DOWN to the comments box, PASTE and COMMENT, then SCROLL UP again, looking for where I left off, which is no longer highlighted in blue, so I've got to look for it.

MUCH easier if your paragraphs have a space between them.

See the difference? And that's on a much narrower comments box than the almost full computer screen on which your text is displayed.

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Hollis i Dickson
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