Perfection belongs to who makes every single moment prefect

by Bbeant Core
10th February 2014

everyone run hide the perfection but no one see or feel to be the part of it.everyone feel having name and fame is perfection but never had a single thought to understand the real meaning of perfection, i just all it this is all about to understand.we only know the feeling belongs to us, once we can start feeling other we feel perfect because taking and saving is not perfection giving and serving is the full circle of perfection. we all greedy to take, we miss the perfection due to our own greediness so perfection comes to you once, you understand the magic feeling to feel other person's smile that all about to being perfect and making everything perfect as a peace full way.perhaps its not easily because we have to kill some demerit from our bloods that the tough task such as ego and fake show off.
