Pickups Bullets & Screw Jobs.

by Adrian quinton
18th February 2017



Now remember Jane, Detective James Carter said. `All you have to do is get him to say where the pick up will be, That is all, then we have him, you got that? ` Yes sure thing office “get him to tell me where the pick up is”, She had the tone of sarcasm in her voice. She was a tall red head, a stunner, and born fighter - `Listen here Jane! Do you want to get out of this alive, or in a body bag? Because you know better than I do that when this man flips - `Look Detective- I know the man he is. `okay then, good luck Jane. `Blow me! Jane thought.


Jane Gonzalez had been with Logan for years, he met her in 79 at a Miami Night Club, it was 1987 now and she was still his property, she had the choice to leave him, but there would be no future in it for her, “Jane Jane, the new name in worm food! Remember. You are his dope, his high- His only fix in the night.


She walked in the warehouse, Logan Bolivar was sitting at the table, standing by him was his right hand man Blanco – Blanco was a ruthless cold killer, but never spoke `What are you doing here Jane? `Can a gal see her man from time to time?

`sure she can, he walked over to her and gave her a kiss on the lips, Logan could see a small bead of sweat roll down the side of her face, `Boy oh boy Jane, sure is hot in here. He smiled at her, His gold teeth made her cringe. `What do you think Blanco? Blanco nodded. ` Please, take your coat off, Jane did what he said, `There, that is better.- Jane knew Logan could smell a Wire. He gave her a grin

`Now your top,

`No I am fine Logan -

`Your not, you look all red and sweaty,

` Please just leave me alone.

Carter, he is on to her! Detective Mirra said

Wait she can do this!

But sir –



` He said again `Jane, take of your top. - She slowly took of her Top -

That is it we are going in!

No Forget it. I believe you – Jane slowly pulled down her top, and wiped her hair from her eyes.

Believe what?

`I Believe that you are lying to me!!!

He flicked out his knife and stuck it right into her ribs! Jane cried out in pain, He looked at her straight in the eyes and started to grin,

She looked at him, He twisted the knife and she spat in his face.

She fell back hard.

He pulled out his 9mm.

` Detective Mirra, Your money is waiting.

Detective Mirra pulled out his revolver in a flash, before Detective Carter could react, His head took a bullet at close range.


`Sorry Jane, but this concludes business for tonight.

`Hey Logan!

What Doll?

Blow me!

He was about to pull the trigger that would end Jane when all of a sudden Blanco Pulled out his revolver, Logan took a Bullet through the back of his head. His Mouth opened wide -The Bullet past straight through his left eye taking skull and brain matter on exit- Logan was as dead as Mr Dead who lived on dead street.


`Blanco hun! Talk about last minute. Jane stood up holding her ribs. She was in a lot of pain.


`Hijo de puta!!! Jane cried.



The door to the warehouse then opened, In walked Detective Mirra and closely behind him - Detective James Carter.


They both walked over to Logan, He was lying in a pool of dark red blood face first on the floor. Jane walked over to Blanco. She put her arm around his waist and held her ribs with the other. They all stood in silence staring at Logan.


` So much for the pick up then, Carter said drily, holding his ear…..


..I hope you enjoyed the twist better than Logan and Jane.

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Practical publishing
Short stories
Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Gothic and Horror
Adrian quinton