
- No, they're here for a long time - I began getting up.

- How long? - Jack said.

- Well, just a couple of days - I said, coming out of the bedroom. Hey, Wolf! And what kind of deal did you have for me? - I asked, sitting down on the couch and throwing his feet up on the coffee table.

- I need you held me in the same forest.

- In the woods? And what I said the wolf?

- By Nergelskomu forest.

- You're crazy and it is a fact - I said standing up in a fright, and hunter in me excited about the upcoming hunt. I tried to calm her down.

- Do you think I would ask the witch hunter and especially that it helped me if it was not a reason.

- The reason there is a very good. Nergelsky forest!! That's what pleases? I looked at the wolf, that it took him in the woods, I know that wizards afraid to go there, where their forces are useless. Well, the wolf he knows any forest inside out. It certainly must have been in the forest must have a trap.

- I told you there was - Jack said.

- Was and I'm done.

- They say you know every nook and cranny of a magical forest.

- It is better to not know.

- They kidnapped my sister and my cousin's children.

- You're a wizard, and I do not care what you have going on there.

- No, my sister seems to us it will be affected, they kidnapped my son - Christina replied in tears. I was shocked, like scrolls story. Yesterday it was so quiet. I looked at my sister came up to her and hugged her to calm, really meant it to be a wolf. What does he want from her.

- Four years were just perfect, and I did not appreciate. And here comes the magician pulls down my life, my sister's life and asked me to help him - I said, getting into the car of Jack.

- Alexander! Jack is not my fault that kidnapped my son - said Cristina.

- How not to blame? Here it was necessary to look for me? Alive, not alive, what his business!

- Maybe we will not talk as if I'm not here.

- Bring the car wolf, you still come to work.

- I should not have to leave it.

- Do not blame yourself, you're not to blame. We'll find your son, I promise.

- So where you're taking us? - Said I.

- First, the castle of my friends, and then into the woods.

- No, not the right answer, first we will stop at three places - I replied.

- What place? - Jack asked with disbelief.

- First, to Venice. It is necessary to restore an old friend, - I said.

- Clear - Jack said, grinning and pressing the gas pedal at full power, the car skidded and drove over as fast.

Chapter 3.

Venice 28maya 14-22 st. San - Marco bar 'Dark Night'.

I was around the house, which already was not for many years. Vampire kill me - I thought to myself, pressing the call. Voice, and the door was rude and angry:

- Bar does not work during the day. Get out!

- I think he is not happy to see us, - said Cristina, looking terrible building, which frightened her. She did not even want to go there because it scared the house. And what can be friends here? - Thought Christina zapahnuvshis jacket, because it was the why - it is cold and chilly. From this house was drawn cold and death.

- Tom, can first open the door, and then begin to chase.

- It can not be? - The voice said, and opened the door. Bruiser Scarface hugged me and I laughed. The wolf growled. Tom looked at Jack, and let me go.

- I thought you were dead? But how?

- Tom, I'm glad to see you too, but then I can tell you everything. Meanwhile, the vampire in? - I asked.

- At home, there he would be delighted - Tom said, passing them to the bar. I walked into a dark room, bent down, lifted the carpet from the floor. She took out a Silver medal on which was painted the scarab beetle on the other eye. I leaned the medallion to the floor.

- Sister what are you doing? - Said Cristina. I said nothing, but suddenly the floor lit by blue light and began to appear strange words in ancient languages. Jack could only read three or four words of the thousands that have appeared on the floor. After the words started appearing faces. They moved on the floor and would not scare petition guests. Most of all I drew attention to the person who was looking at her in the eye. Large, expressive eyes and moves his lips greedily said something to me. I'm in the mood for a wave of her and listened. Gradually I began to understand it, and I told the person. But she did not agree with something and furiously shouted something to me. Jack understood from the speech that she does not trust him and Christina well, Alex convinced the person that will be fine. The person sighed and disappeared, and at the same time the lock, and the door to the basement open.

- Witch, what is this language? - Jack asked struck.

- Do magicians do not know? I'm impressed! - Added sarcastically, I went down into the dark basement. I have a terrible headache. Such contact with ancient ghosts, vampires drain.

- True sister, what is this person? - Christine asked in surprise.

- This perfume. Defenders of vampires. Everyone has their own, they protect his dream of enemies. That's just try to do something and learn the power of the spirits - I said quietly.

- Perfume? - Said Cristina.

- Yes. Each person has a guardian angel. When a person becomes a vampire Angel keeper and goes to the place of the spirit comes to him. Complicated, and that he was guilty on the ground and help. Done correctly, it means everything, his soul calm down - I said going to the grave. He reminded the sarcophagus. The coffin was made of crystalline quartzite. He wore vytachany characters and figures of animals and gods of Egypt.

- Sister is written here in the Egyptian that he was a priest at Nefertite. Is he so lives?

- I do not know, I did not ask.

- All of you know, I just do not want to talk.

- What do you argue with the spirit? - Jack said.

- That because of anything you did not want to start, but I am convinced that you do no harm - I said and cut her finger with a knife, dripped a drop on the coffin, and this drop is turned into the silver water and began to flow through the capillaries that were vytachany all the sarcophagus. Then clicked the locks as the hearts of men and the coffin was opened. Alexander opened it, the vampire asleep.

- Enough sleep vampire, skipping the most interesting thing - I cried pushing vampire in the side.

- Witch? You're alive? You never when you will not let sleep. For you, the most interesting day, but for me at night when you finally remember - excitedly explained himself a vampire, getting out of the coffin.

- Many say. We are waiting for you upstairs, - I answered.

- We? About? Good afternoon ladies - said vampire smiled and kissed Christine's hand.

- Do not listen to Christina is still the toady. And you better let Vampire hand of my sister.

- And when you learn manners, I just said hello. Hello Jack. How are you? Long time no see - vampire said, shaking hands with the wolf.

- Hello.

- Are you familiar with the wizard? - Asked if I was surprised by turning while on the stairs to the vampire.

- Well, yes. Did I not tell you, we met in Alaska.

- Well, you know! - A witch and was snapped up.

- What is it? Or else say? - Asked the vampire, rising behind me. I throw a furious this wolf. All he knows you see. Who is he? Narcissistic turkey.

- Do not pay attention to it now, it does not stop his feet got - Jack said with a grin.

- Please note today I did not go, so with which foot I did not get up - I said angrily, sitting in a chair.

- Well, it is clear to you, - said the vampire, sitting at his desk. - Well, what can I do?

- This is what can help - I said, taking a card Nergelskogo forest. - I need you to do for six days was here - to show on the map cliff.

- Witch as a vampire can go that distance, it moves only at night and tell me where he finds shelter in the afternoon? - Jack asked, looking at the map.

- I thought of everything. You're a vampire will pass here and here are your halts, where you can rest, - I said, pointing to a map. And where she spent her finger on a magic card appears dashes and crosses appointed. - I want to know what happens at night in the woods Nergelskom what you see unusual activity. And remember here for these two boundaries do not intrude, - I said, and The boundaries are marked with red color.

- Why not? - Asked the vampire, listening to the witch.

- There are families that do not like not only to each other, and indeed magical creatures. So it's best not to mess with them. And here is our way. But you take that with a vampire who - suddenly something useful. But talks will be made through the animals, - I said.

- Only Alexander not send more horses, my kids ate it, and I did not really have time to question her, okay? - Vampire said, putting the card in his pocket.

- Okay, I'll send the bat - I replied, laughing.

- No more beautiful girls - smiled vampire.

- I wonder where I'll find them - I laughed.

- Stop flirting with him, - growled the wolf took me by the arm and drawing to itself.

- Wow, I missed something? - Asked the vampire.

- Do not worry about it - I hissed pulling arm of a wolf.

- Okay. The plan will go great - said vampire. I understand you need weapons, and so, I think I am the master, he lives in China, he is the grandson of the famous swordsmen, - explained the vampire after me.

- Are you a wizard already offered? - Alexander asked angrily.

- Alex - Jack laughed.

- No, I did not offer a master magician - vampire replied, smiling and shaking his head.

- Good. Can you warn bull and Wind, I'll wait for their berth number seven.

- Yes. I will warn, - said the vampire. I nodded to him, wearing glasses, looking around at the sides and went outside.

- Alexander You go with Jack, and I'll go to the shop witches. Buy a couple of herbs, well, look around at all - spoke Christina.

- Can store witches exist? - Jack asked, walking up to the car.

- Yes there are, and where we are without it, - murmured Christina laughed and kissed her sister's cheek went down the street.

- Hey, be careful! Christina on the docks at nine in the evening, I get it! - I cried, after Christine.

- Yes!

- Well go witch? - Jack asked, as I sat in the car.

- You know, I was annoyed to hear when you call me a witch?

- What's wrong with that you're a witch, it is your nature, - Jack said, starting the car and touching. - I do not mind when you call me a wolf or a magician.

- Clearly forget this conversation, and go quickly to the airport.

- Aye sir!

Upset and solving the puzzle in the head with the appearance of a wolf I kiss the road was silent. I could not think what to do with him this was the main problem, because I liked it, and that's a problem. I was a bit quiet when we got to the outskirts of town. I came up with a brilliant idea I need to get away and I opened the car door and jumped out of it. And then the fun began pursuit. I heard curses wolf and sharp braking the car, but he did not catch up in the night, it was the first in the second I ran to the forest, and he did not. Sharp breath, I turned off the track into the woods to shoot down wolves from the track. I stumbled in the dark thick undergrowth. Leaves on the trees were too thick for light to penetrate them, and I was moving too fast to notice the moon, but when I said I realized that a folly. Damn! Damn! That's why he did not take his eyes off me and growled at all. He found a couple of the full moon, when the wolf hunt for the female. Damn fool. We had to sit in the car, he also held himself there as I wanted to run. I just teased the wolf. Jack felt the rising beast in him, as he had already begun to change. He was bigger, there were claws, his senses sharpened. Going deep into the forest, he sucked in his breath, feeling the scent of the forest, grass, trees, and the sweet smell of the fumes. He howled at the moon, and ran after her. I heard him howl. Damn I had no luck. What to do? I saw an abandoned house and ran to him feeling for a wolf. He's already there. I managed to close the wooden door as the door rattled, scaring me.

- Wolf you have to calm down! Breathe deeply - I said holding the door, but the response I heard him growl.

- Open the door, a witch, - Jack growled and hit the door. On how hard I came off, but not hurt. I looked up and saw the wolf.

- You should not have to run away from me - walking wolf growled at me, I tried to crawl away, but he grabbed me by the leg.

- Where are you going - said Jack.

- Yes'll wear silk underwear and sprinkled perfume - I muttered. He threw me on the floor and turned over on his back. Lay his hand on my mouth.

- Shut up, - he growled. - You're not going anywhere. - Never run away from people like me, do not leave me.

- Are you who you say wolf? Huntress? Yes, I like you .... - muttered through his clenched hand. He turned my head to the side, his face buried in my neck and began to sniff it. He ran his tongue over her skin like in a restaurant. He groaned, kissing her. Lightning movement of one claw he raspolosoval on me shirt and a thin bra under it, and then slowly pushed half my breast tissue. I tried to get out from under him, but he growled at me, and looked hungrily.

- I'm sorry, but you're not worth running away from me. He was torn between my jeans and easily coped with my resistance. Greedy eyes slid over my body. Hunter took me a couple of his because he is strong, but does not want to be a witch with a wolf. Lord, from this you can go crazy. Fear shiver went through my body, making the fight in small convulsions. He seemed to be an eternity sniffing me.

- My,-he growled. His fingers in my hair, he pulled me to himself and to me pritisnuv your hips. Kiss Jack looked more like an attack than a manifestation of affection. His huge hands lay under my back to press me to his bare chest. When our skin is touched, he groaned - and I was like an electric shock. I liked the warmth of his mouth, wild, like nothing on earth tastes. He rumbled what that unfamiliar words. I felt it - gentle words. Beat him trembling. He bit me sharply into a vein in the thigh and I cried, but not in pain and pleasure. I wanted to make it bit more. I heard his powerful howl glee that I had a couple. What I wanted something hit him on the head for the ego, but it was distracting me with their lips, which seemed even hotter because of the cold air, he touched my neck, cheeks and around my body. He was on his knees, holding me in, took one breast and squeezed it in his hands. The touch of his hands and fingers, caressing my skin tingled thousands of tiny pins and needles. The blood rushed to my nipples, making them hard. His expression changed instantly. He looked toward the woods, and muttered curses. He was grabbing my dress. I moved like a robot. I was all on fire and put it out could the wolf and I leaned against him and looked at him pitifully. He moaned and kissed me.

Not here, my dear, and not now. We have to leave us under surveillance. I could not say why, but he did not demand he grabbed his arms and threw me on the shoulder ran to the car.


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Daniel Orpeus