Real Freedom

by Mary Nekrasova
28th March 2013

Little Emma was sitting by the fire and watched her Pussy cat. She liked animals very much, especially watching them. Her grandmother was sitting by her and reading very thick and old book. Looking at her grandmother Sarah, she imagined herself the same, quietly sitting by the fire an old woman.

- Granny! – asked girl.

- What, Emma? – she answered.

- Do you remember yesterday you talked to my mother and told her that cats - the most free animals. What does it mean?

- Oh, my girl! Do you really know, what freedom means? – asked Sarah with a nice smile.

- Honestly? No but if you tell me about it, I will…I will always eat your soup!

- Well, young lady! Good condition, it is difficult not to agree - laughing, Sarah said.

- Please, granny, tell me about it!

- Okay, listen, but very attentively! – said grandmother and started her story, -

Cat – is a very clever and crafty animal. It will never give your sneakers as a dog and will never bite you very strong. It is very hard to adopt her, even when we think that it is listening us, it is not true. Cat will always do what it needs. It just respect her owners, who feed and play with her and it will never betray you.

- But a dog – is the best friend of human! – exclaimed Emma.

- Yes, it is. Look, your parents teach you to distinct exactly what is good and what is bad, right? But there are some things which are not obey to this rules. They can be both good and bad and it is not always clear, which of them are good. Freedom – is a huge ocean of opportunities and emotions. “Good freedom” will have such human who aright used it.

- What does it mean? Does the freedom can be bad or good?

- It does. Do you know when the human becomes free?

- When he starts to work? – timidly asked Emma.

- Of course, this too! – exclaimed Sarah. -But it is not important. Human, who really owns freedom is very wise. He looked in his life so many things, made huge number of mistakes but he taught on them and knows what should he do in some situation. And he does not need a care to warn about troubles because he can solve every problem himself, looking at his experience. Free human always has a goal, confidence and a head on his shoulders.

- But the same things we can say about intelligent human. What is the difference?

- On that, my dear, that intelligent human is always dependent on someone else ‘s opinion, his mind is always evaluated. And a free human does, as I said, without any care, looking at his live experience.

- It’s means, that you can not be a free if you inexperienced and stupid, isn’t it?

- Yes, absolutely true! - said Sarah with admiration in her voice.

Emma was going to ask one more question but suddenly the front door opened and came her elder sister Amanda.

- Bye, guys! See you tomorrow at the Michelle party! – Amanda shouted to her friends, who drove her in the car.

- You are early today. Usually you are going back at home on 12 o’clock. Maybe you finally don’t forgot that you have a school tomorrow. Maybe instead of wineglass of strong juice you drank “elixir of memory”?

- You start it again! I have already grown and I can decide myself what should I do!

- You are confusing things, my dear lady, there is one grown-up here it’s me, and you are still a teenager!

- Stop telling me what to do! I am a free human and I know myself what I can do and what I can not do!

- Do you know what does it means to be free?- asked Emma with interest in her voice.

- What? - Amanda looked angrily at Emma.

- Do you know what means freedom?

- Of course, I know! This is so important?

- You just said now that you are free human. This means that you should be a wise girl who experienced a lot of fails and taught on your mistakes. Such human doing what he wants, does not needs a care because he knows himself what to do.

Amanda was shocked from words 11- year- old girl. But Sarah was admired Emma’s words because it was so true! Amanda did not know what to say.

- Absolutely true Emmy! So, listen to Emma’s wise explanation of your phrase “free human”. You can call yourself even a genius but will it be true or not…

- So, experience depends on freedom?

- No, it is freedom depends on experience. You are still don’t know half of difficulty and if you will get round it like this, when you spend days and nights on the parties, you will never gain experience and you will can not call yourself free. Otherwise it is just words.

- So, I should to study my lessons and correctly behave myself , shouldn’t I? Is it the main reasons of freedom?

- Yes, it is. How can you get out from the difficult situations? Only due to your head on your shoulders. And hold on hands freedom without head is impossible.

- But I am a teen! All teen going to parties!

- And you listen to all! And how can you called yourself free after so many


Sarah looked this hope at Amanda. She wanted to prove to her that parties and friends is not the main part of life. And it is time to take up her life, begin to study and think.

- I… no, I can not.

- Look, Amanda! You are very hard-working girl, you must to think about your future. Please, while you can, think about our words.

- Fine…

- Go to sleep, you should get up early tomorrow.

- Good night.

- Good night, dear.

Amanda full of thought about her behavior and what is really meaning of freedom went up in her room. Emma also was sitting by the fire and watched her cat.

- Well done, Emmy! You was able to teach the lesson from my words!

- Thank you, granny! Then Amanda will study very good?

- Yes, of course she will.- not sure answered her Sarah.

Emma smiled at Sarah. She started to watch her cat again but she has a question on her head.

- It is means that we have a free Pussy cat? It sometimes was the same as Amanda, wasn’t she?

- Maybe. But it changed because I called it free. – Sarah smiled in answer.

- So, it did!

Little Emma precisely understands real meaning of freedom and inferences about why free human doing what he wants, came by themselves. Maybe this speaking will change the ideas of Amanda about freedom. Sarah was very pleased of Emma and she also teaches her different philosophical things, helps her to find real meaning, and not a superficial definition, which for many years used by people. Every human can called himself free but it is just words, and a real people who love and have freedom will laughing at their self-confidence on their hands but not a freedom. Freedom is not a fleeting wind, freedom is a powerful hurricane which destroys all obstacles on it way to happiness.


Thank you very much!

Oh, I think, you have a very difficult and maybe interesting life, haven't you?

Yes, I have a lot of stories about difficult and interesting life. But I think because of my age I can't write all true about it. So, I watch to life another people, elder than me. But though I write about my life experience too.

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Mary Nekrasova


Freedom to me was coming to Mexico when I was young and not having to work some dull, hateful job just to eat and pay the rent- Here I was able to reinvent myself. And now I have decided to reinvent me as a novelist.

Your story is interesting, especially the idiom in which it is written. Do you have any more?

Keep at it. That's the best thing I can say. And good luck.

Best wishes,


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