The Resolution of 1882

by Richard Spencer
30th September 2017

SCENE: - May 1882, Calcutta.

PLOT: - Punctually at 5: 45 p.m. Professor Narendra Chattejee left his home to enjoy a cup of coffee and sandwiches with his friends at the Coffee House in the College Street. Mr. Narendra Chatterjee was a professor of Economics in the famous Presidency College. He was a man in early 40’s who was known for strict behavior among his students, but was known for jolly nature among friends and colleagues.

On reaching Coffee House Prof. Chatterjee saw that his friends were already there and were discussing some topic. Madan Biswas, one of his friends noticed him from distance and immediately said, “Nothing to worry about, our professor friend has come. He will solve our problem.” Then everyone stood up, greeted their friend and sat back on their seats. Prof. Chatterjee signaled for a cup of coffee and sandwich to the shop owner.

Prof. Chatterjee after settling himself asked Madan about the topic of discussion. Madan was about to begin that Sauvik interfered and said, “What is your opinion regarding Lord Ripon and his policies, Prof.?” Prof. Chatterjee replied that Lord Ripon is a liberal man who takes good decisions for the welfare of Indians. He seems like an angel sent down to earth if we compare him with his predecessor Lord Lytton. Then Prof. Chatterjee enquired whether Lord Ripon has passed a new act. On hearing this Madan, who was a clerk in the Government Office said that a Resolution has been passed by the Viceroy office on Local Self-Government.

Professor didn’t have any idea about the resolution. So he asked more about it. Then Sauvik Ghosh who was a lawyer in the High Court said that this resolution got assent by the Viceroy a couple of day’s back. This resolution of his will provide Indians more representation in the rural and urban municipal bodies. Further it will also give Indians an idea of self-governance and other important political knowledge.

This Resolution made Professor and the coffee-shop owner who was also listening to their conversation very happy. Then Prof. Chatterjee said, “Brother what’s there to discuss? It’s a very good resolution and will definitely benefit Indians.”

On hearing this Sauvik said, “I completely agree with you my friend, but this is just a resolution passed by the Viceroy. Will this be enacted by any act is the question on which the discussion is going on.”

Before Professor can say anything, Debashish Banerjee interrupted him. Debashish Banerjee was a second year Political Science student in Calcutta University. Due to his revolutionary ideas he often got thrashed by the local police. Hence, he was popular among the people of the locality. He said, “Sir, sorry to interfere, but I don’t think that the English men will ever implement this resolution.” On hearing this every eye turned to him. “Why do you think so son?” asked Professor. Then Debashish replied that after exploiting India’s wealth for so many years, these English men will now teach us self-governance. Don’t you think that if Indians learn self-governance then the English men might land into trouble? Further they commit atrocity on one side and are showing their soft side by giving us political knowledge. Therefore, I don’t have faith in these English men.

All except Professor nodded. Madan asked Narendra, “Do you have answer to this question, Professor?” I think said the Professor that Lord Ripon is a kind man. He feels for us and will definitely do something good for us. On hearing this Debashish said that all white skins are cunning. They can never think for the benefit of Indians.

To this Professor replied that all white men are not the same. I know that these English men have committed a lot of atrocities on Indians over a century, but, try to understand that they are doing their duty assigned to them by their Government. Further there are officials like Allan Hume, Lord Ripon who are trying to do something good for Indians. Therefore, we should support them instead of criticizing them. Lord Ripon has done his duty by passing the resolution. Now it’s in the hand of the British Parliament whether they enact it as an act or not.

If everyone on this earth does his duty properly then no problem shall exist, but, this is not happening. So now we are supposed to do   our duty and then help others to do their. If we can’t help them then we can at least remind them. Doing our work and leaving everything else in the hands of God sort of mentality won’t work today. So if we want to change world we need to change ourselves.

Everyone agreed to this including Debashish. Debashish said, “Now I understand your point, Sir. I will give full support to this resolution as it is for benefit of Indians. I also understand that this is my secondary duty. My primary duty is to study. So now I will study first and then join the freedom movement.” “You are a true professor. You have solution to every problem.” On hearing this Professor grinned.

“Add this into our accounts.” Said Sauvik as everyone completed their coffee and sandwich. It got a bit dark so everyone was in hurry to reach home. They hugged each other and rushed back towards their home. While returning back to home Professor also bought some sweets for his family. On his way back he prayed and thanked God that he was able to lead his people in a right direction.

EPILOGUE: - Today everyone knows that the Resolution of 1882 laid the basic structure of modern day local self-government. Although, this was not enacted by any act, it was a resolution that was passed in 1882.

Lord Ripon is known as Father of Local Self-Government in India. However, it was love and support of Indians which made this change happen. It was the love and support of people which made Lord Ripon all- time famous Viceroy.


                                                                             THE END


A Historical Drama.

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