Return Of The Old Lags

by Adrian quinton
16th February 2017



Gangster films are the inheritor of the Greek tragedy: it's the only genre where the audience will be disappointed if there's not a tragic ending. Daniel Espinosa.




It was a big turn out for the Joe Baroffio Funeral. He was a respected Soldier in the Baroffio Family. So respected that he needed to be taken out, how do they say? He Got clipped! He was Gunned down in a drive by shooting out on 3rd. Four to the chest, one in the head - Just to make sure. Not the most original way for a Soldier in the Mob to go, but you live by the sword -and -sometimes die by cliché. The investigation was short and sweet, So it was safe to say “Bought and paid for” regarding this case.


For Freddy Lombardi & Junior Fanucci a funeral was not a rare occasion, They were both in their late 60s and gave up on the wet work. Freddy Lombardi in his youth was a crazy son of a bitch. He loved the wet work. He was the gentleman psychopath as he called himself -Junior on the other hand thought of himself more as a Business man, still never got his hands wet. But had a short Fuse.


The funeral had long passed - Junior had stayed seated, he knew full well Joe was going underground, and did not want, nor need to see it. Hell He liked the kid. But you know the rules of the game when you start playin it. He told that to all the young guns back in the day.


It started to rain, it hit the roof hard - Ah fitting send off for ya kid- Fittin send off.


Thought I would find ya in here you Drunk old Bastard.

Watch your mouth Freddy this is a house of God!

Where was yous when the kid was being laid to rest? He made a cross movement with his hands.

Did you have anything to do with this Freddy?

Why the hell would I do anything to Joe, Come on the kid was like a son to me.

Freddy you always were full of shit –

Hey Junior, watch ya mouth ah!

Freddy, your 69, you act like 25. And Take that thumb out of ya mouth.

Hey Young at heart what can I say. Freddy did look good for his age, still had puppy fat, slick grey hair. Junior looked his age -65, Thin and looked weak, but was tough as old boots.

Sit down by me Freddy, Take a pew.

What ya want Junior.

Do you Remember your first wet Job?

No June - I do remember my First Blow Job dough!

Freddy come on, let us talk like a pair of Old Gentlemen.

Old! You may look and feel Ya age, but I do not!

Freddy I could kick your Candy ass from here to Rome, and ya know it.

Did you get me to sit my Candy ass on here so you could pick a fight with me?

No – Just answer the question Fred.

Yeah sure I do. First was back in 75, Ya never forget ya first kiss and al dat. Still remember his eyes lookin at me - pleadin with me. I did it slow if ya also wanna know.

So June, let me flip it on yous, Remember ya first?

No Freddy, there has never been a first for me.

Man you are one lying son of a bitch!!

I never lie – The worst I did was pull out teeth, But never more dan dat, never!

Well well, looks like we have a saint heres, OR THE TOOTH FAIRY!

Ahh shut the fuck up fred.

Well... This has been a waste of time June as always, You gonna sit ya sorry ass here all day or what?

No Freddy, let us get out of here. Freddy was the first out the door, Junior was not far behind him. The rain had stopped and the sun started to shine. The song “ Sunshine on a rainy day” By Zoe popped into Juniors head. The church yard was long empty.

Hey Freddy?

Freddy turned around to see Junior pointing a gun.

Yeah very Funny June...June?

Your going to be my first time. Four to the chest, and one to the head. Freddy too was armed, He had a gun concealed in his Leather Jacket. He went to grab it -

Forget it Fred. Junior said with a stiff tone of voice.

You fuckin bastard June.

Now now Freddy, You could never control your temper. Gonna get ya caught short one day.

Okay June, pull the gawd damned Trigger. Do it June! I wanna pop ya cherry you 65 year old vergine bastardo!


Junior told Freddy to walk over to where Joe was laid to rest.

Look, June, you got to take my word. I did not whack the kid.

Then who did? Speak the truth now, or forever hold your peace.

It was the Brambila Family, Tony Brambila ordered the hit.

I tried to warn the kid. Told him not to mess with Alessia Brambila, Told him she was bad news! kid was stupid!

Okay Fred, okay.

So what now Junior?

Now Freddy, it looks like you and me are returning, for just one more. What do ya say?







