Robots and a Ground - Colonization of Mars. Violetta Ugra

by Violetta Ugra
25th July 2018

Robots and a Ground - Colonization of Mars

Violetta Ugra


I invite writers for business friendship: I will translate your novel into a good Russian language, you will correct my mistakes in English.






Negotiations for the sake of protection



Everyday efforts of scientists often seem to be a controlled goddess, which is easy to commercialize. But, even showing her strength, she is capricious. A weather report with a warning about the meteorite was no longer remembered. It was more important to have time to save the instruments.

- What was his look?

- They are used to hiding their own feelings, Vadim. He will say that I was impressed by his greedy eyes or comments from which anyone would have found him not only heartless. I almost lie about our genius, so that it melts.

- You're lying?

Vadim's face assumed an external resemblance to the Sicilian.

- Do you know what a plasma of interstellar space is?

- Why so long away? But there is plasma in the ionosphere of the Earth, in the solar wind, in ordinary lightning. By the way, there would work all the neon lamps, if they miraculously were among sent this in the solar system load.

- Then consider that I'm not saying anything about nuclear fusion that would knock you off course.

- Do not show me a piece of biomass that can think. The latter will cause envy, the former can not atone for such a defect.

Control of the ship, when Vadim was still working in the space workshop, did not look as absurd as the disputes that needed to be supported by the power of self sense. He did not want Arina to be offended. She would have made him look at her stupid perturbation with her lips in search of the right answer. He tried to have less resentment, sharpness and disdain in his voice.

- You were able to show him that we have been working for a long time, do we have successes, results, prospects?

- If he's not completely ugly, then what I did should impress him. He is not handsome, he is a man, accustomed to the society of men, overtaking their prey for survival in battle. I am a woman, I smiled at him, I was irresistible and flattered.

Vadim, as a man, understood that she was on the right track. He himself was not handsome, he was a little spoiled by a too big head and a little bearish features of face. He did not wear a beard, considering it and a wide-brimmed hat a classic sign of freethinking. In everything else, he, too, carefully tried to atone for the shortcomings of his appearance by the ability to hold, even style and stressed self-restraint in manners. Taldomov was more than once convinced that they help in matters better than a clear glance, strong-willed chin or the appearance of a southern boy with exquisite delicate features. Now he, knowing his girlfriend, was sure that the same way would bring good luck to her.

Arina disappointed by the meeting, but she already tried to look after work. She was no longer so young as to be considered beautiful. But her even thin features under the influence of time showed that she would remain feminine forever and her beauty is completely never fading.

In the last few days, some things have been done without she by players and technicians who monitored the equipment of simple artisans. In order of work in the uninhabited virtual space of Analytical cubes, her company, was watched not only by her. But usually, there was no trouble, arrogant grievances or a labyrinth of problems. Now, having checked what she had missed because of the negotiations, she found nothing serious, except some that for lying around without a properly named folder of molecular sample archives.

Majestic, fantastic Tananariva base, like at the tent because of its shape, it seemed to her eh one of the most beautiful buildings in the Asteroid Belt. When the shadow covered one of the sides of the slowly turning structure, the leisurely journey of the Lunokhod ended there. They were continuing only during waking earthlings at latitudes of Russia and Eastern Europe. On another route, huge in length, passing through the solar system, where the road markings were conducted only through computers created by earthmen, the movement continued.

The asteroid Tananariva was far from the permanent routes of all who traveled along it. The places closer to the road were different from it, there the landscape of asteroids collected like it, or from a distance similar to natural, often decorated containers with collected radioactive dust, similar to the terrestrial gas stations. She was also on the Tananarive. The blue platform was waiting for its customers, it still had five containers with space gasoline. It was not so much to reduce prices, but they hoping to sell something and release the packaging for a new booty at they have long waited for buyers. But the base was long away from the usual trade routes of earthly spacecraft. When the owners of the Analytical Cubes chose the place, saving the money, they left a base at place of the largest stone, the Serista Com, without spending a delivery costing about eighty standard fuel containers at old prices.

People almost never left the Earth, giving the robots all their power in a space, where every earthman would have enough of an area like the US  to become President there, leave as much for to each other as, for over the Earthman and still have an area that does not belong to anyone. But a space was valued not only for this a luxury.

Anyone who knew how to conduct a dialogue with devices that plow in the black starry sky, understood the logic of the movement of turns around the Sun. There, rare lonely ships for months and years followed their path, which became for its creators pride, heroism, sacrifice, a duty to humanity. They formed the basis of the clan, and he became a life crutch, an officer's suit for everyone who wanted to remain involved in meaningful ideas. A clan exit into battle, for which a hundred years ago strewn military medals, would not even pull the hint on their rights for the sake of dishonesty. It aroused interest in fellow exquisite clothing of asteroids on photos of security cameras with their rails and small abandoned pits According to the poet, they sometimes reminding whether exquisite lace. The member of the community defeated the problems of the clan, but was also a man.

- Arina, you do not have to worry about failure. If we need to get the stones have to call several times or show devilish intuition, we can to act! If you need to get for him what he wants, and we can do such a thing, offer him this.

- Sometimes after such conversations it is scary, as if to return after a party with the sound of your own voice in your ears.

- Do not worry. Maybe you want something that you do not talk about?

- Dissolve the tail and walk in front of them with a sense of their own greatness. It  would also be helped by advertising. Order a few more blocks of newspapers?

- Do not be a victim of your own simplicity. Spending money, when we have to save everything for the sake of buying, is wasteful.

- We are looking for several bands on small editions -  she sarcastically cut off by his remarks, but maintaining a pleasant appearance. She emphasized her beautiful neck with the cutout of the blouse. - Otherwise, who else will recommend us?

- Well, act, - surrendered yet a man who, because of fatigue, seemed much older than her was. - Just do not forget to place half of the blocks through Igor.

- Are there any ideas, unusual phrases, techniques for submitting the material?

- Do not do anything ugly.

- All?

Vadim Taldomov thought about how well a wonderful dinner is presented himself, filled with talk about the decontamination of radioactive materials. Ground completely decontaminated, to the state of the earth's layer of fertile soil, which is slightly fertilized - and on it grow bunches of grapes, herds of sheep. Throw an asteroid with gold ore on top of, of course, without hitting the buildings, and you can read books about prospectors and compete with them, sticking around him with the children and with a large family of plates "private property". Then he imagined how he would tell about it colorfully, and then the seller would want to create a proverbial work of art with his own hands, and this ignoramus would start bargaining, not wanting to cast the asteroid any more to him.

- I do not burn out of curiosity, if you want to think. But solve faster, for us speed - insurance against large losses.

- Draw them beautiful ways of mining on an asteroid?

- So they will not sell us anything.

- And as to tell, that they wanted to part with them?

- To enthrall them with another matter.

- How?

- Anyone, where they have to part with the stones we need. So is only better.

- Just advertising?  Not the announcement of technical characteristics, but the film?

- Do something impressive. But not about the stones that we want to have to buy them. All that will make them think that it's time to get rid of them. A best about waves, unknown radiation of the cosmos, - take everything, because of what they want to sell asteroids and for this money to buy inexpensive radios.

- I can not get serious scientific data so quickly.

- Take the most famous recent discoveries, from those about which magazines with a solid reputation write.

Arina Sovina thought for exactly a minute, fingering in her mind the legends about heavy exploits, waiting for their heroes.

- Remember, Physics of Moscow looking for sponsors?

- Did their workshop detect the fifth-order strings and predicted that there are radiation that can hit a hundred lasers, and get the return of quantum entanglement?

- Yes. Did you hear they still have no money?

Vadim did not imagine the plains of Latin America, where their radars were located. And they also had ancient buildings in the center of Moscow, deserted, dilapidated from the lack of people. They lived there only able to protect themselves, when there was a fight around a dozen meters between the businessmen who wanted to sell or live there. Probably, because of the effectiveness of their struggle, they could be monsters.

- This is a great program. Scientific workshops, if  they need to cope with all kinds of calculations do not like to negotiate.

If Arina had only to read the insistence for the schoolchildren, even only those who had her as a governess, she would have been able to surprise the ever-restless children at a speed with which she logically parried the interlocutor's remarks.

- Then we make such an advertisement: imagine the cosmos as a kind of easily found powerful radiations, fields, clusters of microparticles.

-  I will not depart from your work for a minute, if you find, for what they can be used."

- Let's offer them something to hit?

- Than? And where? Blast asteroids of the solar system or just throw all our work and get carried away only by astronomy?

- That's good. Let's offer to look for such fields around us.

- And what will be the prize?

- Security. If they exist and operate or fly to us, we will have to defend ourselves.

- That is, in advertising, we talk about this scientific idea, cleverly, interestingly?

- Yes, the intrigue is that all the details will lead to knowledge that will help us survive.

- I have agreed. You act, but first show me what happened. As long as you think about what will to torment the imagination of our fans, I will take care of our cameras and robots. I do not want bad advertising if we miss anything.

Vadim flinched when he heard the echo of his loud voice within the walls of the office, when Arina finished the video conversation, not having heard the last sentence. He was sure that the already made protection of his mine breaks as hard as a metal wire, which must be cut with a knife. His nature required real deeds, so a few hours later he looked at the finished Arina movie almost in passing, and merrily said to the camera a few phrases about the radiation that could be around the motors of space vehicles. He talked about geniuses capable of giving quantum entanglement, collecting energy from generators spaced at the right points on good motors. Then I looked at the record and decided to remake it. He did not like the stammering and the absence of a direct, confident, unblinking stare.

Life, filled with meaning and self-improvement, helped to educate one's own mind. The symbolic values of the legislators of cosmic fashion from the Earth were to make work full of filled with important and lucrative ideas, the gold of scientists. They distinguished man from the beast, the wild beast. Life, which includes the constant work of complex mechanisms and robots, required constant training. She added the ability to regularly check all the subtleties of automatic systems. But she also gave the opportunity to be an artist, able to behave amidst a charming little platform, which the professionals assigned to ordinary players. Their life was already charming. She lifted a spirits and looked like toys or a lofty space for rituals.




Mine and its problems


Igor liked advertising, invented by Arina. He added sound effects to it to make the ideas look more youthful. Remembering that buyers are in a hurry to part with money at a heart beat rate of one hundred and ten beats per minute, he chose the right rhythm that stands out clearly in all topics. To reduce the cost, only one carefully thought-out picture was drawn, reminiscent of the draft of the received wave. They did show it several times, then bringing it closer, then removing it from the viewer.

- I hire you, because apart from you, I hired one more person, - he said, inviting a tattered-looking artist offering low prices and which has already made at least one hundred orders at the exchange.

- Is he a multiplier?

- A painter, but you need it for a job that will shade his masterpiece.

- What's his name?

- Tryphon Martov.

- I've never heard of him. Can I see in what style it will work? Or is the picture ready?

- I'll show you her sketches and his portfolio, the style I chose there.

- Did you find it on the same exchange as me?

- He already worked with me. The man I checked.

- A wonderful way to choose. I will do the right thing for you a day faster, if you sign a commitment later to contact me again.

Igor agreed, even when he offered to sign a contract of intent for one order. He had plans for screensavers for broadcasts, so a cheap designer just pleased him with his tractability’s.


He liked the work of this hippie. To show the material, so unlike the usual splinters of molecules that arise when the program is hypothetically divided into forms that are ready to react with others, he changes the place on the screen and the video footage of scientists with comments. The invasion of cosmic signals was horrifying. Igor liked a thin as a wire line, he proud of his idea. The artist forced to use it for drawing primitive, but similar to the round man images. Two such clever men suffered from all the misfortunes, slowly counting the losses. 


