Romantic jottings - work in progress

by Rebecca Dever
8th July 2022

Connection had felt as sudden and intense as a bolt of lightening. Their paths had crossed one otherwise ordinary day and conversation had flowed as naturally as breathing. Everything about him excitied her senses - their shared faith, as well as other things they had in common, his tall athletic build, fashionably dressed in turned up jeans, white trainers and a stylish jumper, and, especially, the visible reddening of his chiselled features, even in twilight, when she paid him him a compliment! The day before, she had asked God for bigger dreams in love and meeting such a spectacular man had felt like nothing less than a divine appointment. At the very least, if this was to be the first and last time that she saw him, she'd dream bigger than before because of their meeting. 

The stroke of his hand brought her back into the present moment.  She could still hardly believe that she was now sat here with him, looking into his soft brown eyes as they gazed lovingly into hers.

'I've longed for this day,' 

The deep gentle words caressed her eager ears and sent fresh tingles of excitement down her spine as his warm, strong hands reached for her own. As the warmth from his fingers flowed through her own, she started to think that maybe she could trust what the soul behind his eyes said - that she was cherished and beautiful. If he wasn't 'the one', she could not imagine anyone more wonderful. Before she could check her thoughts about lowering the walls of self preservation that had been so carefully constructed over the years, he spoke again and her eyes took in his beautiful smiling mouth and those perfect white teeth. Thoughts wandered away from his words and she imagined what kissing him would feel like. Judging by the loving, responsive strokes on her palms and the intense invisible sparks that came out of eyes whenever they connected with hers, she concluded that he would be both sensitive and passionate. 

She had always dreamed of finding someone like this but, over the years, hope had dwindled down to just a tiny flicker, not quite extinguished, despite many years of trying to stay alive under continued drips of toxic poisons in the cell of a cold loveless marriage. She no longer believed in the perfection of fairy tale endings, but had still not given up all hope of meeting a prince who wouldn't transform into a frog. Life experiences had forced her to become independent; she certainly didn't need rescuing, but at the same time, she was drinking in all his tender words of love, like a traveller dying of thirst after a desert journey. His words went deep, slipping past her barriers, and were like healing balm for her wounded soul... 


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