Rubycorn the Unicorn

by Jennifer Chant
10th May 2018

Rubycorn the Unicorn 


Rubycorn the unicorn was smaller than small

Truly and honestly, she was just one inch tall.

The tiniest unicorn you ever did see,

Rubycorn was little but as cute as could be.


Being cute didn’t matter to Rubycorn, however,

To be tall, large or big would give her more pleasure.


In the flavourful forest, where Rubycorn was born,

With wild berries and treats, the trees were adorned.

All of the animals, magical and wild,

Bounded off every morning with a grin or a smile. 


Whilst filling their tums with sparkle-berries and pears,

All Rubycorn could do was just stand there and stare.

Although her diet of leaves was very nutritious,

She’d be telling you fibs if she called them delicious.


You see, Rubycorn was simply too tiny and cute 

To gallop through the forest and feast on the fruit. 


One morning she awoke to a pattering of rain 

As she shook off the droplets, she groaned, “Leaves again!”

But just as she was about to take her first bite, 

A burst of sunshine lit the sky up so bright. 


Then sparkling, glittering, a bridge between clouds, 

A glowing rainbow appeared, shimmering and proud. 

Gazing in awe, Rubycorn’s friends gathered round, 

but their eyes widened as they heard a faint sound. 


Murmuring, whispering, the wind seemed to say,

“Dear Rubycorn, heed this advice, don’t delay:

Forget about height, don’t worry about size, 

Spread your wings, take flight and fly through the skies.”


The sparkle-berries, glistening in the morning sun, 

Looked very tempting, so she set off at once. 


Inching herself forward, fluttery by flutter, 

“Rubycorn: You can do this!” She heard the wind mutter. 

Tired yet determined, Rubycorn was almost there, 

In just a few moments she could feast on that pear. 


But when she landed, Rubycorn realised she’d found 

Not succulent berries, juicy and round,

No, It was something much more that she’d discovered, 

Courage and bravery were what Rubycorn had uncovered. 


Now there was never a day, when she didn’t take flight 

Or gallop through the undergrowth with all her might. 

With her new found valiance, Rubycorn now stood tall,

Despite being cute and despite being small.  
