The Same Dream, The Same Scene

by Aaliyah Rassool
31st August 2016

(Created August 2016)


The same dream, the same dream,

Every night the same dream!

The same scene, the same scene,

Every night the same deplorable scene!

For many a nights, I dream of that same night,

At first, a noiseless, random night,

A red-ish, orange-y, purple-y night,

A midnight blue evolving into a jet black night,

A star-less, empty, quiet night,

I see my nervous hands pushing open a creaking door,

A smeared carver on the linoleum floor,

Bone, gray matter, blood galore,

Two stark white, glass like eyes staring back at me,

My cold, trembling body, I believe I'll never be free,

The strong tasting smell of raw iron and earth,

This lifeless body on the floor is of the woman who gave me birth,

Father standing over her, he himself looks like a cadaver,

Pale grey skin, blue lips, a non existence has taken over,

He finally whispers... "She will never leave, never be with him." 

...while handling the lights, turning the crime scene dim,

"You DO understand why I had to do it love?" 

I hear his patronising voice, my answer his not worthy of,

I know what I really want to say, I know how I feel,

Watching father scrape off his hands my mothers' blood meal,

"You've got school in the morning, go to bed. I'll come to kiss you g'night once I'm rid of the dead"

I'm dumbstruck! Those words? I can't believe what he just said,

I run to my room, lock my door, pull my blanket over my head,

I imagine I'm in a sweet shop, a police station, a safe place, not my bed,

Through the deafening sound of my pounding heart I hear the door handle shake,

At this time I always sincerely pray I wake,

And like every single night, I do! Eyes wide open, a nocturnal awakening,

Sweaty palms, beating heart and at first my brain not rationing...

It's only a night terror, a mare, tormenting my nightly dreams, 

Right at that moment I hear a loud blood curdling scream,

"This isn't a dream no more" my brain concludes as I dart to the door,

Running downstairs, nearly throwing grannys' vase off the sideboard,

I reach the kitchen, pushing the half open door,

The smell of iron, a smeared carver on the linoleum floor,

Bone, gray matter, blood galore...

Barefoot, I walk in, truly my night-life has become bizarre,

But seeing this horrific, gruesome scene somehow got even weirder,,

As on the cold linoleum floor wasn't HER but my father!

Finally, two stark white, glass like eyes stare back at me,

A calm face, hair dishevelled and quivering lips I clearly see,

She utters the words, before I can even react or plea,

"Hey honey, now mummy's absolutely free! Let's take daddy and shove him under his favourite tree..!





