in search of light

by Abdilas Abakirov
12th March 2018

"Here are the stars, it's probably good for them, they look at us every night," thought Teak, lying on the roof late at night-they are always so calm, probably they are the night friends of the moon, the sun does not have friends, it's hard, probably.  There's always one ... Now I need a snack, delicious sweets, or this Mr. Brik has recently behaved differently ... I would be now my father, he would certainly have fed me.  How I missed him, it's a pity that life separated us, I would do anything to meet him.  I was sure that my mother was the best.  What happened to her ... Why do not I understand my father left me this junk, and asked me to keep it from my pocket, pulled out a small ball, a dark color, a map drawn on a piece of paper and a box full of herbs and leaves, I just promised to keep it, they say  served in the fortress and stole something, disappeared where no one knows.  But he gave me a great kit, he did not have such a set in our settlement, only the Gergens had something similar, they say from the fortress, there probably is not good like ours.  Wooden houses, sheds, fields and a huge wall, surrounded us from all sides and protected, I do not understand why.  Like no one attacked.  They say that there is nothing beyond the walls, that the whole world has died out and only the last inhabitants of this world living here.  As the caretaker and servant of the people says every year at the meeting, take care that we must save this world.  I'm also a servant.  He lives in the best house and reborn himself for a year, a big belly everything for people said it was evident who you were a servant, my house was taken away by the order of the fortress, but who saw it at all.  Someone lives there.  Closed from us and ordered ... It's good for my friends to change their clothes every year, but I do not need it, I've been going in it for many years, and it does not break like others, and I could not buy a new one.  They have parents, and good relatives, who gave them a job for an excellent price.  Yes, long ago I had no coins, I would have at least a few, I would not regret any one would make a gift to his beloved, she is my best, just loves me, for what I am and do not give gifts.  But I would take her to the house of commerce and she would choose whatever she wanted, and after that she would thank her friends.  Thanks that they are.  With them it's always fun, interesting ... And the Rimers fell asleep, and it's time for us to sleep ... Tomorrow again to work, to clean up for these drunkards, how tired I am, the same every day and all for pieces of bread and if you're lucky with Mr. Brick  the mood to get delicious, juicy meat.  If only Mr. Brick would be in a mood ... "-Tiik where are you?  Tiiik - there were voices.  Hearing a voice, Tik woke up.  Gathering all his junk as he thought, into his bag, he descended the stairs from the roof again. -Tiik auuu-da here I'm not horrible, wake the owners of the house-uf I'm looking for you everywhere quicker-it was Sun, small and puffy and  is extremely talkative and too curious.  He was always well dressed, always clean and fresh.  His mother worked in the management house and San always lived in prosperity.  Descending the stairs, Tik saw the face of Mr. Baga, the owner of the house, in the window.  Descending to the ground, he greeted San.  They always cuddled at each other, as if they had not seen each other for awhile, when the door opened violently and Mr. Bugi threw the sneakers.  But he was old and did not hit Tika, the sneaker fell to the ground.  -You would be Mr. Bug-quietly turned to him Tick - would have regretted himself, so jump out at his age or at least a sneaker, he's worth the coins Already embittered Mr. Bugi cried out - Oh you little bastard, away from here so that your foot is not here,  I'll turn-showing the finger-the guard, they'll punish you for sure-runaway, "San said. Already being in a few houses the screams of the old man were coming-and what happened? -Tik addressed-Bat contacted the killers-and Beryn with them-and Bering was the head of the killers.  He was a very strong fighter, and he always fought to the last.  Already panting, the teak asked - and you called Noka and Ruth -Yes, they should be there already, it's always hard for you to find. Running to the meeting point, for houses where there is no one, Teak saw Ruth and Bath lying and being beaten.Nok fought desperately with three and tried to help them.  Shivers ran through the body, along with fear, Tik ran to save his friends, followed by San.  "Here," Bering said, "you have to know who to contact with, especially Bat, and you will not live to be old."  The fighters still call themselves, three assholes, a mother's son and a loner Bat were bully, small and very sturdy, and what was in him especially, Tik was always ticking for himself, he could not be defeated.  One could beat, break his jaw, but his spirit was unbroken.  He just never gave up.  Lying on his back with pain, Bat answered - if there was an equal battle, and it would be all level, I would not know to what extent you would have been beaten.  - You want on an equal footing, five by five, just tell me how you'll lick your wounds.  And they left.  "Nothing," said Nock, all beaten.  He was the last standing on his feet.  After all, his strength exceeded all peers, although the growth was average.  He was the best fighter, everybody respected him, and he respected us.  He was fearless, before any fighter.  So one day he beat a wise guy, who considered himself to be the strongest, although he seemed to be afraid of big and strong-I'll show them.  I will make this Berin apologize, for his words and take them back.  - Yes, you show them, in a thin voice Rutzhalko was saying that I was not as strong as you.  - on the contrary, I envy you-embracing Ruta Knock- you'll go far with your brains, maybe even to the house of administration or even better to the fortress.  And I'll be like my father on the field.  Ruth was the only one who studied.  I read books, loved to communicate with people, bring hope to everyone, could speak at the same level without hesitating with the caretaker.  He taught everyone to read and write.  All five were lying, five friends responding to the call of a friend, for the sake of helping a friend, but the price was a broken nose and a blue eye.  After resting and calming down, Tyk remembered that he already had to be at work. "The guys, why do not we go?"  I have to work already.  - we still rest a little bit - well then, In the evening we'll see, I'll be on the roof of an abandoned house.  Come there. -Good, answered Bat-till evening. Tick was already leaving as Ruth's voice heard-wait.  me on the way.  With you I'll go so that I can not drag myself alone.  Ruth lived in three houses from the house of merriment.  There he worked.  On the way, everyone looked at them so strangely.  The faces were covered in blood, the clothes were all soiled, and even Tik's nose was twisted.  "I think I should go to the hospital, I must straighten my nose."  - Yes, do not worry, it will heal.  - will heal that heals, but remains crooked.  Ran while my mother at work, she will correct your nose.  Tick ​​and Ruth ran to the hospital.  At that time Mr. Brik was indignant at the merriment houses. "Where this dodger goes, I myself must clean up for everyone."  He does not know when to come.  Constantly I fail, ungrateful offspring, I see him feeding him - entered at that moment in the house of merriment Mr. Run-took it ... Ltd. Mr. Rune-sit down- seeing him changed his voice, jumped off the spot pushed back the stool-what happened to you- said  Mr. Run, he was a tall, stout man, many young women envied his wife, but he was an example to follow, honesty and trust were his strongest side, if you did not take his mind into account, he was not in vain the chief overseer of the settlement and had the second most powerful seal in  settled  NII.  But although he ruled all the Gergens and they obeyed him impeccably.  Justifying Mr. Baghi - do I see Tika worrying.  There is no it till now.  There is a lot of work, but he is walking somewhere.  Remembering about Tika, Mr. Run - by the way, I would like to talk with him.  Today a complaint came Lazy and hating Teak, Mr. Bugi struck about the table and shouted, "What else has he done, let him come and I'll show him how to behave."  "Why do not you mister Bugi boil, nothing serious."  You please tell him about my visit and let him come to see me-well, of course Mr. Run-seeing him to the door and obviously podlizyvayas-as soon as he comes I will immediately send him to you - no, do not just go to my house at once - like  you will say Mr. Rune. And he went out slamming the door.  After going into the kitchen, Mr. Baghi began to tell everything to his wife ... They looked alike.Small, fairly full and similar in opinions.  Constantly somebody was condemned Loudly shouting Mr. Baghi and not paying attention to the fact that the guests can hear everything-I'll expel him, I promised his father to look after him while he grows up.  All I fulfilled my promise and repaid my debt, enough from me.  As if I have no business except him.  So much anger.  Aaaa-having drunk a glass of wine, Mr. Bugi calmed down.  -I told you a long time, but let's work.  We'd better feed our dog.  Than him.  And then there will be more gratitude.  And in general, what to do with him - let him roll from here.  He does not need more.  - taking a piece of fresh meat from the table, taking a bite of it, we do not even have enough food, we also give it to him.  Let the house management decide what to do with it.  They are engaged in anything but to come and get drunk here ... Tick said goodbye to Ruth and being depressed from the grief of defeat and pain, and even the stomach began to rumble inappropriately.  "Again, he thought, to go here to get out, to listen to the reproaches of Mr. Baga and his wife.  Let them work for themselves and understand how hard it is to do something under a cloud of screams. "Opening the door, he went in.  Mr. Baghi was not to be seen.  As usual, immediately leaving the bag on the table, Tick began to clean.  - Who here came to us - behind heard the voice of Mr. Baghi-look himself Tik appeared.  go look, he called his wife, look.  - oh oh oh, - doing the fork of the surprise of Mrs. Baghi, what a fine fellow.  All the same came.  And we thought you were lost. Justifying yourself made an attempt. Tick. Just forgive ... "Even bending his brow, Mr. Bugi and changing the tone in his voice began to scream - just say, you probably all just.  And here everything should be like I say I understood the scab.  What else did you do.  Interrupting the conversation, Mrs. Baghi reminded him of what he had promised to do-dear and I had already forgotten.  Get out and get your feet here no more and I'll be very glad if I do not see you never.  Leaving the house of fun, Tik was suppressed, she almost forgot, with a malicious voice, Mrs. Baga shouted - Mr. Raine was looking for you.  I hope he will give you what he deserves, and at least put him in prison for your indifference and not respect.  - happily stay-closing the door, heavily sighed Tik went out into the street.  The sun blinded his eyes, his head ached, and even his stomach gave him no peace.  "Why did he think so, he was walking just along the road to meet the sun, which is always wrong, which I do not do.  I have not done anything wrong, why I'm the only one here, nobody wants, always hungry.  Why I do not like everyone else.  Where is my father, why did he leave me, that I will always live like this, why should I have such a life ... "Sadness sadness melancholy all around him, everything settled deep inside, into the very heart.  Of course he wanted to burst into tears but everywhere there were people and the pride of a strong guy did not allow him to do it.  The strength was at an end, it was necessary to eat and Tik did not think of anything better than stealing fresh bread from the bakery.  People crowded in line.  There was a smell of bread that had just come out of the stove.  Teak stood in line, Slowly moving forward in line, he jerked into a pile.  -aaa where my bread, the woman screamed, he's a thief catching him-noticed one.  But here, knowing all the terrain, Tiku managed to quietly slip away.  Although rumors in the settlement about him crept.  In the evening sitting on the roof, admiring the sunset, he finished the last pieces of bread.  -Thick you here-sounded a female voice Quickly hiding, he jumped off the other side.  Quietly went to the corner.  Running out from around the corner sounded a "fool" - you know how I was frightened. -Visit is not very strong, if you smile It was his favorite, the only Rina.  A girl younger than him for a year is very strong and at the same time slender, with a white face like a cloud.  Next to her, he felt calm, a sense of peace and joy.  -you have again taken it for your own, you did promise not to steal and work any more, so I would work if Mr. Baghi would not drive me out-how many years we are friends I've always dreamed of when we get married-already crying continued she-parents want to extradite  me to marry.  They do not even want to listen to me.  I do not want to be without you, but there's nothing to change now - holding out the bag- I brought you food, there is my last letter and smear your face with fat.  - And when they take it away - in three days the family of the Panovs-a bit of reflection-and you do not want to do anything, you do not care.  With these words, she went down the stairs and left.  Tick ​​did not even try to stop her.  How badly it was broken.  He sat without moving.  So he sat until dark, none of the guys came, probably rest, thought Tik.  He unequivocally decided to stop the wedding somehow and set fire to the house of the Panov.  Incredibly he burned so no one and found the reason.  The day after the fire, she appeared again - you are generally sick yes, where your head is all for our sake.  Still, Rina was probably pleased with the circumstances.  They decided to move the wedding to the construction of a new house and so on.  In the evening he met Mr. Baghi, who asked this minute to come and work again.  Teak was very happy, felt full of strength and energy.  How well everything turned out.  The next day it was pouring rain.  After work, everyone fled.  Tick ​​was at work in a house of fun and surprisingly he was complete.  Usually there came lonely old people who hiccups are no longer fun but just good booze.  All as usual settled into places, drank saws drank.  Being already sufficiently drunk began to argue and the problem in the dispute could be any thing.  Each one proved his own.  As the door opened abruptly accompanied thunder.  
