The Shadow of destiny- updated

by Becky Noble
22nd May 2013

For Emily Rose or Emily for short it was just a normal day with her parents and sister. They were on their way to the beach for their yearly vacation, which Emily hated going on. She was eighteen now so why she had to go on this stupid vacation anymore she didn't know. However, her parents insisted and here she sat, in traffic, with her dad shouting angrily at the cars in front.

Speaking of traffic there seemed an endless line of it that continued to go nowhere. Emily was getting so annoyed with the traffic that seemed to never shut up with its consistent honking and shouting. Let's not get started on her annoying little sister, Raven aged fifteen, who just wouldn't shut up about make-up, boys and other boring things.

Emily just wanted everything around her to just silence and give her peace, but it seemed like it wasn't going to happen anytime soon. As Emily was about to give her sister a piece of her mind, there was a sudden explosion that seemed to come from far away from where she was. However, it was much closer than she expected. As she and her parents got out of the car she could clearly see a veil of fire shoot up into the sky and swallow it whole. Emily wondered what was happening and was going to take a closer look until she hears this strange noise. When she looked around to see what it was she noticed that the cars were disappearing one by one in what looked like ordinary fog. As Emily looked at the fog she felt something trigger deep in her mind that told her that it wasn't normal fog it was something much more dangerous. Emily realized that she needed to get as many people away from the fog as she could, because she noticed it was quickly gaining pace and would be where she is in a matter of minutes.

''We have to get everyone out of here'' she warned her father.

''There's no need there must have been a fire close by there's no need to worry'' her father said calmly. ‘‘Were all safe''

''No were not I don't know how but that fog that approaching us is dangerous we need to get out of here'' Emily shouted worried.

‘‘Don't be silly there's nothing to worry about your just in shock from the explosion '' her father said trying to comfort her.

''NO you're not listening that fog will kill us all if we don't move'' Emily yelled angry.

''Don't be silly''

Emily's dad got interrupted from saying anymore when he sees something that proves what Emily has said all this time.

There was a young married woman, who was trying to get her baby out of the car when the fog suddenly appeared out of nowhere and swallowed her and the car. After the fog disappears all that was left was ash on the floor and the smell of burning flesh that hung in the air before it disappeared in a gust of wind.

'''Oh god it's happening again' her father said fear coursing through him.

‘‘What are you talking about?'' she questioned.

When her father looked at her she can see the fear shining deeply in his eyes and she knows that she doesn't have time to ask questions.

''There no time for an explanation just take your sister and get the hell out of here before it's too late'' her father anxiously said.

Her father then calls her mother and they each share a looking and knowing fills her mother's blue eyes. Her mother walked over to Emily and looked at her love in her eyes.

''I'm so sorry you had to witness this, I never wanted this life for you'' her mother says regret clearly showing. '' But it's too late for regrets. You have to take your sister and run as fast as you can and don't look back ever''

‘'Why mum? What's happening?''

''There's no time to explain you have to go before they get you'' her mother said anxiously.

''They?'' Emily questioned.

''There's no time'' as her mother said this she puts a locket around Emily's neck.

''Take this and protect it with your life it will help you greatly''

Her mother than pushed her sister into Emily's arms and stood beside her husband as the fog fast approached. Emily stood there for a few minutes wondering what was happening, until she realised she had to get out of here. She took her sister's hand and started running back to the city.

As Emily ran she got an urge to look behind her, she does. What she saw will forever haunt her. As she looked behind her she saw this light shine from her parents before their swallowed up by the fog. She turned around as a tear fells down her cheek.

Her sister looked at her and asked what's wrong, as she started to turn around to look, Emily kneeled in front of her and made Raven look at her.

''Don't look honey I don't want you to see it''

''But why where's mum and dad?'' Raven asked worried.

''I'm sorry honey but there gone'' Emily said tears in her eyes.

''What! No… this isn't happening… Why them?'' Raven said as she begins to sob heavily.

Emily pulled her into a hug ''Don't cry they died protecting us''.

As Emily pulled from the hug she wiped the tears off her sister's face ''Now we have to honour what our parents said and get out of here''

Emily took Raven's hand and they both started running again. All was going well when suddenly Emily heard a scream and felt something getting ripped out of her hand. As she looked back, she saw Raven getting consumed by the fog.

''No! Why me?'' she said shock in her voice.

Emily falls to her knees as she realised she is all alone, her whole family taken from her. Emily can feel she is about to pass out from shock of what she's seen.

As Emily waits for the fog to catch her when she falls unconscious, she sees a dark shape of a person run towards her and stand in front of her.

'''Don't you touch her' that's all Emily heard before her world goes dark and she loses consciousness.


Emily woke up after a few hours. As she looked around the room to see where she is she remembers what happened to her family and tears began to fill her eyes. Emily was about to let the tears fall down her pale ash covered cheeks when she noticed a man in the dark corner of the room. Emily wipes the offending tears away before she embarrassed herself more in front of this mysterious man.

Emily continued to observe this figure but she couldn't make out his features. However, she could tell that she didn't need to worry about him; she could feel that he wouldn't hurt her.

''Who are you?'' she questioned her voice full of raw emotions for the family she lost.

''The names Conor '' he told her.

''Well where am I Conor? What happened?'' she questioned.

''Well you were about to get killed by the fog being controlled by what we call shadows'' he answered. ''After you fell unconscious I took you back to my house and I've been waiting for you to wake up ever since''

''Why did you save me when you don't even know me?''

Conor got up and walked over to where she sat. She noticed straight away the piercing blue eyes Conor possessed seemed to know exactly what she was thinking and feeling. The second thing she noticed was how pale he was, it was like he was carved out of snow.

''Well when I saw this'' he picked up the locket from around her neck. ''I knew you would be a great help in our fight against the shadows''.

''Alright I believe you but what happened on the highway''

‘‘Well the shadows have tried to destroy the world for centuries now'' he let go of the locket and sat down on the edge of the bed. ‘‘They were about to meet their goal when the phoenix order was created to stop them''.

Emily interrupted him and said ''who are these shadows?''

''There are many written works that describes them. Some say their lost souls of soldier's who died in battle and come back to make the rest of the world suffer. While others say that they are simply people who have become too obsessed with the dark arts and have changed themselves permanently ''

Emily sat there speechless.

‘'Now you know the complete truth of what truly happened to your family and the rest of the people'' he says sympathetic.

Emily could feel tears begin to build back up in her eyes but she quickly casts them away and looked at Conor, waiting for him to carry on. What she most wanted to know was what caused the deaths of her family and other people by the silent merciless fog in the first place.

‘'From what I gathered from unknown sources the shadows were planning to open a portal to the underworld but a battle erupted between us before they could. As we were about to crush their defence they brought out a vault made of impenetrable metal. No matter what we did there was no way of seeing what was in it, we couldn't even dent it. However, the worse thing happened. As we were about to capture this dangerous vault one of the shadows was able to open it and what came out was a dangerous silent killer'' he said sadness clearly evident in his voice.

‘'What happened after that thing was let loose?''

‘'It completely obliterated us. I was the only one left out of the six of us. As I was about to get swallowed up by the murderous fog an explosion erupted from one of the nearby oil companies. It seemed that one of us was able to hide and was trying to blow that thing up. However, it backfired instead of getting destroyed it ended up sending it towards were you and the other people were. The rest you know about. ''

‘'Give me time to think what you told me as overwhelmed me a bit'' she announced.

‘'Alright but don't be too long because we need to start your training'' he advised.

‘'What training?''

‘'Well since you're the chosen one you're the only one who can stop the shadows from achieving their goal of mass destruction''

‘'Chosen one?''

‘'Yes you're the only one who has the power and skill able to shut down there corrupted dark organisation forever'' he answered.

With that he left the room leaving Emily alone in her thoughts.


A few months has passed since the death of her loving family and finding out the truth. Emily trained nonstop ever since. All she did over these months was stick to a system of eating, sleeping and training. She was strict on herself because otherwise she wouldn't ever get revenge on those who murdered countless people including her family.


‘'This is the day of judgement'' Emily thought as she looked away from Conor and towards the people who destroyed her entire life. She clenched her bandaged hands around her swords, as they took a step towards her as if enticing her to come and attack them.

As the portal began to open she launched herself towards them ready for the fight of her life.


Thanks for commenting I will take that into consideration

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Becky Noble

I firstly must say that I am no great writer, and my grammar and punctuation is not the best as I suffer from dyslexia. However there are a quite a few grammar mistakes that I have found. They are not the end of the world mistakes, just mistakes that could easily been avoided. One of the main things you need to do is "proofread" you're work before you put it out to be viewed. If you are still not sure if it reads right, get some friend to read it back to you. Then you will possibly hear the faults for you're self. And in doing this you will quickly learn where you're mistakes are. Also if you have access to "kindle" there is a book that you will find invaluable to you're writing work. It is called "Undergraduate Writing: Fresh, Lean, & Clean. by Hyrum Lewis. This showed me a great deal as I am also taking a university course this year. The story though has good promise and you have a good mind for writing a thriller. This story can be improved and when you do you will become a better writer.

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