Soul Searching

by Lauren Beasley
25th October 2016

I don't want happily ever after

I want violent storms and crashing waves

Dark skies and lightning

Because that's what makes me feel alive


I want to stand with you in the pouring rain 

And then when I turn to see you

Catch the reflected sparkle

Of the laughter in my eyes

Caught in your own


I want to go into free fall 

Not knowing when or where this is taking us

But just knowing that once we've left

We can never return 

Not that we ever intended on returning anyway


I want to feel all the highs and the lows

All the crushing pain and the intensity of a love 

So strong that I can't stop my heart dancing

And it makes me sing out loud when I think no one is listening 


I want to scream and throw things at you

And then when I can breathe again

Throw myself back into your arms

Because I know that is where I am safe


And I want to do all this with you  


I’m picking up the pieces of your broken mirror soul  

And as I gather the shattered fragments in my hands

I look into them and see myself

