Starved Stallion

by Sum Nemo
21st July 2017


She starved me so I crave sweet touches

Illumination birthed foreign causes

Skin once soft thickened to iron

Running through these veins, bold stallion

Galloping battalion always a companion

To you, my trusting friends, I surrender

My faith, my courage and my anger

May we face our war of yet not with

Fear of hate or death but wet face

That greets the challenge, travel forth

My dear companion knowing that I too

Face battle with no end in sight

Mastered by endurance, faith alone

Will it take us where we need to go?

Although I miss her hand in mine

Even though I face the loss with kind

Heart and heavy soul, she still keeps

Bosom alone for I will not invite another

To take her place, to steal the sower

Taste she left when she deprived me

Of sweet touches and true blinding

For the sun never shone brighter

Then when she rode this valiant stallion

So I keep on riding forward, forward

My troops, move more toward

The field of battle where I shall fight

Hopefully another might invite some dispute

Dare some threat so I may cut her where she stands

And I shall tell her no one would

Ride this colt though wish she could.
