Steve Jobs Manipulates Me

by Luciana Saragih
11th December 2011

How much time do I have to spend to think about a MacBook Air that I see at the exhibition? My head got dizzy when I had to decide to purchase an iPad or the other brand? It’s all absurd to me because of one innovative man, Steve Jobs. I remember about one of his inspiring statements from many years ago : put sex in products. Yes, he was right, Apple’s products look fantastic, sleek, able to boost your status, though more expensive. Frankly, some people don’t really care about the price. Who cares about it when you look sexier with an Apple product on your lap? The impacts are quite noteworthy. As you know, there was a Chinese boy who sold one of his kidneys for an iPad ownership. One of my friend bought it for her young son. She wants to prepare him to deal with the future and learning new technology. iPad is his digital book and game station right now. My other friend bought it for social status. He doesn’t use it for working or pleasure. It’s his jewelry on weekend getaway.

Several weeks ago, this miraculous tablet dragged me into confusion situation. In reality, I might not really need it. At one occasion, one of my friend showed me his new one. He treats it like a gold medal, cover it with a high-priced black fine imitation skin case. He trained me how to operate it. Actually, he has a little idea about its purposes. He’s using it for only two regular activities: browsing and gaming. So, what else? He said it’s important to support his up-to-date lifestyle. When I grabbed it from his hands, the tablet surely teased me. OK, this is a truly attractive product. Today, one of the most popular products in the world. I felt tempted, I thought I need this one. I fought feel the need very hard. If I succeed blocking the desire, I could save hundred of dollars.

Then, I began to think many excuses. E-mail? You can check it using your smartphone. Heavy gaming? My desktop computer does it better. Thousands of jazzy tunes? iPad equipped with limited memory. It will be empty without software. I have to download free apps and spend an extra money for installing only my desired apps. As you know, the app business is booming on these days. A new huge gold mine of digital era. So, Apple makes me depend on these apps to make this tablet very useful. How about the internet? There are two options: wi-fi or wi-fi with 3G. An amazing trap, right? They say asked the experts on the website. Imagine this, I live at residence with poor signal coverage, I can’t browsing. I have to install wi-fi device in my house. Outside, I have to go to a place like restaurant or coffee shop where provides wi-fi for customers. First, I have to buy some food or a cup of coffee to get free internet facility. Another additional cost.

Steve’s legacy is flirting my ego really hard, even after he died.

This tablet conflict trapped me in complicated eagerness. My mind said, you didn’t really want to skip this gadget hype. I was totally confused. Buy it or not? I realized there are a lot of tablet products in the market. Many brands produce great tablets. I searched many information as possible. These brands offered abound of remarkable product design, specification, utilities, variety way of payments and installments. The alternatives made me think so hard before I decided the right one. It caused insomnia. I had to count sheep again and again for two nights! Finally, I failed. Yes, I decided to buy it. The final decision: iPad is still the winner! Because it’s so sexy!

Steve’s ideas weren’t the first. But he made obvious rules: improvement and innovation. iPad is a pure innovative product. You can see the very first sophisticated tablet prototype in 2001: A Space Odyssey, the best sci-fi movie of all time, created by Stanley Kubrick in 1968. In the movie, the astronauts used the tablets for video conference activities. My grandpa and grandma used thin square tablets from flat wood or stone called grip for study at school. At the 21th century, Steve and his team injected stylish modifications to this obsolete object: put white or black smooth acrylic, the sound as tuneful as singing bird, the brightness of the touch screen as clear as crystal, and complete it with the kingdom of apps. The fusion reflects progressive technology perfectly. Although people don’t need it or hate it, people are still purchase it for prizes, seasonal gifts, or just for elevate admiration. Imagine, a book-scale product is able to change the way we reading, delivering presentations, listening to music, gaming, writing, e-mailing, and many more. As the matter of fact, it’s also stimulate traditional media industry and book publishers around the globe to perform transformation. Everything goes digital.

I love the the way he manipulates me. Now, I can write my stories with style. Who is the next Steve Jobs? How about you?

By Luciana Saragih (2011)
