A Strange Friendship

by Waris Ali
20th January 2023

                     A Strange Friendship 

Siraw loved traveling hither and thither so, he traveled and traveled but Alone. On his journeys, he met with most people and made friends with but often he was disappointed, he was a kind of an old fellow of Disappointment. Often Despair also got in his way but he somehow coped with all miseries and forgot everything and tried a new start. As the saying of a wise one " The loneliest is the first one to give his hand," he was one of them, he knew somehow that no matter what he try he'll get disappointed, he was like a man who carries kerosene all the time knowingly to get burnt but he also had a strange kind of consolation which he often used when facing something irresistible, a consolation of that type which could be called "A Divine Gift".
Time is unpredictable so Man as well, he was about to set on a journey that would dramatically change his life and perception, before that, his previous past journeys should be told as follows: He started his journey when he was too small (as all of us, life is a journey ) when he had grown up a little his father died, It was like losing a common gem in your chest which tells its worth only when lost, which absence reminds you of its absence decades long. Siraw's childhood was good when the Gem was around after its absence the real miseries of life started, everything had turned upside down and he realized it far more later, still, he clung a Delusion of positivity to his heart to get better consequences. 

He got himself on a beach so beautiful and charming with a pleasant chilly breeze accompanied by pleasant sunlight rays which revive the soul with a feeling that makes one sad and gay simultaneously, a feeling which one craves all his life but seldom appears when age grasps us tighter. With wet eyes, he conversed with himself " Yonder lives the dead memories, long dead but leaving the slightest fumes possible to please the mind, to ring the pump of blood called ( Heart ), sometimes I wonder whether all of us feel it or is it just I? A familiar voice echoed in his ears saying "You are not alone I too feel the way you feel, deary, dear, you aren't alone. HaHaHa!" Siraw turned back with a slight humiliation for getting so lost in his thoughts and not noticing his surroundings, he saw the figure and recognized it, it was a fellow of his from school. He asked this fellow with astonishment " Haven't seen you for years, on earth are you doing here?" " Was about to ask the very question to you." "I found peace in wandering to escape the things I don't find my liking, you can call it a coincidence that we stumble at the same place." " OOO..! That's interesting so you find refuge in it by doing so, Do you mind if I ask whether it is a hobby?" " No, it has become a lifeline for me," said Siraw " It's a matter of life and death." replied the fellow laughing as if discovered some obscure secret of the Cosmos. " I appreciate your passion and I also respect your views, I remember you when we were at school, you seem to be so different from the others as was I if I am not mistaken, we used to be close friends some time ago, and share funny stories, do you remember?" the fellow said.  Siraw waited for a moment and answered " Yeah, how could it be forgotten? Such old memories, such good ones to be remembered, I often say to those memories and times that remember you will be remembered." "Ah, what a fascinating response you must have become a literary man." the fellow said joyfully. " Nah, not that type of you think to be," said Siraw. " So you here for a voyage?" " Voyage? I don't think so." "Why not, I have been here more than once and I know some routes to get to the island ahead of us." "Ahead? Where?" " See for yourself." As the fellow said there was an island ahead of them which was left unnoticed by Siraw. 
"If you want to we can fare together, what you say?" " What can I say? A voyage would be a good thing to experience but Iiii.." "I what? Do you fear the sea?" "No of course not." "Then what's the exception?" "How are we going to fare when there is no boat present?" Such  a bad observer you are, have a look." "Where?" "There." as it was said there was a motorboat parked on a side covered with sand in the front side, dancing with the waves. Siraw was fascinated again " How it got there?" "Haven't you noticed? it was already there." "I might be dreaming or is it a delirium?"  " No delirium mate, it's real." they both went there and Siraw touched it for his relief and it was real. " So, How about a voyage?" " What? With whom?" "Ah, who would it be supposed? Do you see anyone else?" the fellow said with open arms as if trying to hug the air. Siraw was confused for a moment by the fellow's kindness and friendliness toward him but he trusted him supposed to have known him for many years. " Okay, let's go." " Thank God I thought you gonna take the whole day thinking, let me give you some advice that you think so much and that could be poisonous." "We  must check it before we start our journey." "Yes, it's good to go and have enough fuel, see for yourself ." the board was okay and fueled and after checking it they started their journey.  Toward the Island, they encountered many beautiful scenes, they saw nature's most beautiful features. Siraw thought how beautiful could the island be which has a route like this and he was right. When they reached the Island, it was beyond Siraw's imagination and he became so obliged to the fellow and he thanked him a lot. The fellow even felt apologetic about the warmth his friend showed him of his favor. The Island was so beautiful as if Siraw's imagination came true that moment. They wondered there and to Siraw's amazement, people were living in it (the fellow called them his friends and they became friends with him through that fellow). Together they had an amazing time tracking the whole Isle. After spending some time there they set back for the beach from where they came but an accident happened in the middle of the sea the boat stopped, the fuel of its tank got exhausted, now they were stuck in the middle of the ocean. "Oh, what now?" asked Siraw.  "We may have to wait for help, there is no other choice for us." "You said it had enough fuel so what happened?" " I don't know, half of the fuel has vaporized. I think it's the engine that consumed too much of it."  They waited too long but no help came and all of a sudden Siraw felt something beneath his feet. When he looked he saw a hole and water was flowing inside the boat. He put off the jacket he was wearing and put it on the hole to resist the flow, also he put pressure on it with his foot. They both were curious about their condition and hoped for help. With time, they started to change and they were no more kind to each other, they became bitter with each other. It was to happen, Siraw felt that there was no hole in the boat anymore and it was surprising and frightful, he started to feel the calamity he was facing, bonded with his emotions toward it. Soon he realized the reality and stood up facing his friend and said "Truth to be told, everything here is an illusion." the fellow was shocked and said " Are you out of your mind? What has happened to you?" " All I am telling is the truth, no one is called crazy except the one who speaks." "You and your God-forsaken philosophy, come back to your senses, be patient help is coming." " No help will come except we help ourselves." "Stop your nonsense you are frightening me!" "Hah! You think it's real don't you?" "Yes for God's sake." " No, it's not real you fool, look! There is no hole in this boat." "There is one you lunatic put the jacket back!" " Sorry I forgot that you don't possess those eyes through which I see, so you see a hole Hah? Let me show you a glimpse of reality then, in truth, there was no Island, no friends, no boat, and even the sea is an illusion. Oh, Subjectivity my beautiful truth forgive me I forgot you for a moment, when no one is around you are around, you are the despair that breaks all the despair, you are the most powerful illusion which blinds every illusion, every time I feel ill you cured me, how careless would I be if I not notice the very presences of you, sorry, for a while I was infected by their misconceptions. Where would I find a friend like you when everywhere is a filth called Relation, a delirious disease created by a filth named Meanness? " "To hell with you, you delirious lunatic. What foolish of you to think yourself a philosopher? To whom are you talking?" said the fellow. " Oh! Beg your pardon for such inconvenience, I was talking to Myself." said Siraw and he turned the boat upside down and they both sank. The fellow suddenly found himself on the beach, he felt something in his hand. It was a piece of paper fisted on his hand, he opened it, there was a message written in it saying: "Farewell."

Areas of interest
