by Umi Sinha
7th June 2012

Mentoring and Coaching – Manuscript Appraisal – Novel Groups and Writing Courses

I am an experienced writing tutor who has taught for eleven years on Sussex University's accredited Certificate in Creative Writing.

I offer affordable support, advice and feedback that writers can call on when they need it. Writing Clinic is a flexible, affordable and personalised service that can be adapted to your needs, whether you need ongoing support with writing a novel, feedback on a completed manuscript, advice on technical aspects of writing or simply encouragement and moral support. I also run novel support groups, weekly classes and writing workshops in the Brighton area.

What clients and students have said about me:

“Umi has read many thousands of words of my plays and two novels and has given consistently constructive criticism which has not only improved the quality of my work but also encouraged me to continue to write and – most importantly – to continue to enjoy the process. She has a real editor’s eye and is as likely to spot a missing word or comma as an inaccuracy or flaw in plot or characterisation.” Sue Eckstein (Radio 4 playwright and author of ‘The Cloths of Heaven’, and 'Interpreters" - Myriad Editions, 2009 and 2011)

I wanted to tell you my news which is I’ve won the Bridport prize. It’s with a story I started in your class when we did a homework on writing a fairy story, and I started one about a girl who leaves the sea for the forest. Three years and much work later it had become The Woodcutter’s Wife and won first prize in the Bridport, judged by Zoe Heller. I did find that whole first term with you very inspirational. Alison Fisher (Winner of Bridport Prize 2011)

More details on my website:


I'm considering finding a mentor to help with the self publishing process using IngramSpark. Any comments welcome please.

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After thirteen years teaching creative writing at the University of Sussex, I have worked with people writing in all sorts of genres and styles. At first I was anxious that I would be unable to help people writing things in genres that I don't usually read, but the truth is that the basics of good fiction are the same whatever the genre.

Plot, pace, sense of place, characterisation, dialogue etc need to work in any genre, and one can see whether they are even if the content, or style, or genre is not one's cup of tea.

Ultimately though you are only getting one person's opinion and even in matters of technique, readers and tutors vary. I try not to impose my own ideas on other people because your own voice, when fully realised, is original. That's why I prefer to talk to writers, face-to-face where possible, rather than send a written report, because understanding the writer's intention is more important than my opinion or guess as to what they are trying to achieve. And a relationship of trust can only be forged through two way communication.

Getting support doesn't have to be horrendously expensive either. And they way I do things people can test the water with a preliminary meeting for a very small outlay, so if the opening of something doesn't work, or there is a serious problem with the plot which is evident in the synopsis they can go away and rework it without paying me to read the whole manuscript.

But then I don't offer contact with agents or publishers, only advice with how to make your writing as good as t can be.

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I highly recommend the use of a private literary editor before submitting a manuscript to agents' or publishers' readers. I would not want to send an error-ridden manuscript to an agent or publisher, and then have to make a series of corrections. That would be time-consuming and very frustrating.

A good, private tutor/literary editor will earn their keep. They are gold in your pocket. But as Victoria has commented, you need to be careful in your choice of editor.

Unfortunately not all budding authors have the resources to employ a tutor/editor.

I am fortunate to have a brilliant, highly-qualified literary editor. I wish I had employed an editor from the start of my novel. I would have saved myself two years out of what has been four years of perspiration. It has been worthwhile, as I am near to completion of the first in a series of novels.

Good luck.

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