
by B Crichton
28th April 2012

(Ps. This is only the preface, though it holds important bits, and please know that I AM Afrikaans speaking and that I'm only starting to go through it now.)

I desperately need advice. My novel starts out slowly, mostly introducing the main characters, but I know that agents would get bored with the first and maybe second chapter too. Normally that part is what they want to see. What should I do? I can't really change it as the information is necessary and builds up to an extreme story.


One thousand and one... Think, think, think! If I dare let my shield down, they will attack me and they will know when I do. If I don't, none of us will survive. I cannot let my friends die around me. I cannot let them down! What will happen if he dies? Briefly, she looked down with worried eyes. I love him with all my heart and I will not be able to live without him. It's now or never! She closed her eyes and lifted her chin to the heavens above...

We all have hopes, dreams, and different plans for the future, but one thing is for sure... You never think about meeting out of the ordinary people or doing things you never thought you would be able to do. I once watched a movie about a sorcerer who believed enough in himself that he could change the world by using magic. He did end up revolutionizing bits and bobs of the world although no one had even the faintest idea that magic existed before, throughout and after, and he nearly died trying. They say that magic subsist in your heart and I surely believe it. From what I have experienced, everything you see in movies is real and living all around us. So this is my story of how I found love, friendship and magic.

Some years ago...

‘C’mon... Hurry up!’ Cassie yelled on her way out the door. ‘We are going to be late!’ Goodness, I really wish they would hurry up!

There were no clouds in the blue sky, except for the one above Cassie’s dark haired ponytail. Out ran Dad and Molly, all panic stricken as they rushed towards the silver Merc.

‘It’s about time!’ Cassie said with a gleam in her eye but both of them seemed a bit confused. I hope they did not forget anything...

‘Stop that Cassandra Minerva Reed! You have to learn patience and not always get away with what you want.’ Dad flashed a look at her with one brow raised, which made her sink into the white leather seat she’s been lingering on.

On their way to Gold Reef City, the three lanes of newly built highway was quiet enough for her Dad to do about two hundred kilometres per hour, but no, never expect Dad to ever exceed the speed limit. He’s made it clear since she could remember, and reminding her every time that driving over the speed limit could cause a serious accident, one he would not ever want to be in. So that was it. Driving all the way to Johannesburg on a calm sunny Saturday morning was going to take about forty minutes... Forty minutes of scenery, that consists of buildings, one cordon-off lane of road works and ABBA.

I really wish I were eighteen, so that I could have my licence and a car! However, some things could not be changed. Any way, it would only be one more year...

Arriving at the already half-full parking lot, Cassie got more and more excited, not only because her friends were meeting her there, but also the fact that a certain person - whom she liked very much- would also be there. The moment the car got to a standstill, she jumped out and bowed over her dad’s tinted window, as she illustrated to him, to roll it down while she was hopping around impatiently like someone on the verge of wetting their pants.

‘What’s the rush?’ He asked with a frown resting across his forehead.

With no means to make this a long story, she quickly replied. ‘Dad, I’m meeting Melissa here. Please give me some money, I need to go!’

But when dad started arguing with her, she got more irritable and with her eyes and her chin lifted to the clear arid sky, she silently wished he would give her the money and leave her be.

'Melissa is waiting for me!' She moaned.

When she looked down, he handed her R300 and said, ‘I’ll phone you when we leave.’

Her astonishment was great, but her excitement was greater. With a shriek, she gave his baffled face a kiss and ran off as Molly still tried to read her, her rights.

In the fun-filled park, she met up with Melissa who was waiting right under the Big Wheel as promised on their last conversation together with other school kids she had never spoken to before. Melissa followed her optimistic hug with a hundred questions.

‘How did you manage to convince your dad to come? I didn't think you would make it! Isn’t he very busy with that huge new project? Did they just let you go on your own?’

With all those questions and answers that she knew was actually highly unlikely it made her briefly question it herself.

‘Yeah, I told them that we never go out anywhere, and that I wish I didn’t have such a boring life. Dad said it was fine if we went out today, and that I can choose the place, and so I did.’ She continued after thinking for a moment. ‘I suppose they’re starting to realise that I’m an adult now, and they have to start treating me like one.’

The conversation was soon over when she saw Terrance. Oh my gosh, he’s gorgeous! With his blonde wavy hair and those China-blue eyes, he marched straight to her. Her heart was pounding hard and a bit faster with every step he took, as she’s always had a crush on him, but for the first time he noticed her... He was looking directly at her making her cheeks turn red instantly. Well, that’s what she thought up until the moment he gave her a nod, and walked straight past her to give Melissa a hug that was standing right behind her, smiling too.

What the bloody hell? Am I that ugly that he doesn’t want to notice me? Is it the train tracks on my teeth that make me invisible? Cassie was wearing a red hooded polyester jacket and a pair of blue jeans, which was very modish and trendy, making her wonder if it was the right choice after all. Melissa’s brother was Terrance's best friend, so she’s seen him so many times, but never has he actually had a conversation with Cassie who wanted it so much. Melissa on the other hand, was very pretty and Cassie could understand why she was always noticed by any and every male figure in a hundred meter radius.

Without showing any pain or rejection, Cassie held her head high, and acted as if it didn’t bother her in the least and as she swung her fringe aggressively out her eyes in a turning movement, she bumped into a tall, good looking guy. WOW! She thought to herself.

‘Excuse me!’ He smiled at her and walked on with his mates, looking back briefly.

Don't mind if I do... Cassie grinned secretly until Melissa's voice rose; destroying her only happy moment, she has had with a male.

‘Hey Terrance, I don’t know if you remember Cassie.’ Melissa knew how Cassie felt about him, and it was really sweet of her to include Cassie into the conversation.

‘Hey.’ He gave Cassie a quick glance but did a double take. The second look was longer and an inch of his mouth changed into a smile, but then he turned back swiftly and gave Max a soft punch in the stomach.

‘You should come with dude! That Tower of Terror ride was the bomb! We’re going again!’

Max, Melissa’s brother threw his arms around Abby, his short and very pleasant girlfriend and gave her a long kiss.

‘I’ll be back shortly. Going to join them for a quick ride, otherwise he’s not going to stop nagging.’

With an astonishingly wide Colgate smile; Max, Terrance and Seth walked off to cue for the famous, heart-throbbing ride. How is it possible that two people can be that happy like Max and Abby? Moreover, can Emily please take her pretty eyes off Terrance! Dammit!

***CHAPTER 1***

Melissa and Cassie lived in the same brown face brick four story flats on the corner of Swallow Street and 10th, and they spent most of their time together at ‘The Office’ which was actually a pub and grill. Both Cassie and Melissa worked there. Melissa was a bar lady and a waitress and even though Cassie was an already qualified accountant, she did the official duties, but she loved mingling with the locals and it was fun to work with her best friend Melissa whom was paying for her own studies, because she had failed one year and her parents refused to pay further, but Melissa decided to do it herself. So after the morning’s bookkeeping sessions, Cassie would help around as a waitress or bar lady for extra money, although it was never expected of her.


Thank you for your comments!

it is always deeply appreciated and definately noted. Thank you.

Profile picture for user burns@vo_21491
270 points
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Speculative Fiction
B Crichton

Oh and I agree with Phil

Your reader can work these things out for themselves, given the right information and in a more subtle way.

Profile picture for user dastacey_21864
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D.A Stacey

I would suggest that you write your story in any order that you see fit, you can always swap things around during editing.

Yes, it would be better to have an opening with more pace, but that's what, cut, copy and paste are for. Then, you can provide backstory, foreshadowing and flashbacks, as much as you like, in any order that works.

I would suggest that you don't worry about how it begins or ends until after you have your story written. Then, edit, edit, edit.

Profile picture for user dastacey_21864
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D.A Stacey