
by Michelle Yeboah
17th November 2014

I would be ever so grateful om tips for how to progress this further. It is supposed to be a young adult novel. Thank you

Chapter 1: Angelique

I woke up Saturday morning feeling like it was beginning of the end for me, things couldn’t get any worse and yet I had the feeling that they would. I was famous but not because I had talent. Simply because a photo of me had been leaked on the Internet. The photo he took the one he promised he would never show anyone. There it was getting retweeted on Twitter and liked on Facebook. I don’t know what came first if it was the anger or the tears or maybe they both came at the same time but one thing I did feel was relief. As weird as it may sound this boy broke me when he left me, I couldn’t eat or sleep, all I could do was cry. I would pray to God at night saying 'Lord, please if you cannot take away this pain from my heart, please just take away my life’ He never told me why he had to end it with me, he just said it was over. I did what every girl says they would never do if a guy were to leave them, I begged, pathetic – I know but I didn’t understand. I told him I would change and things would be different. He told me to be classy and to walk away. He’s words hurt like a punch to the throat. ‘Be classy?’ How can I do that when you have shattered my heart. I think the best bit was when he told me that we could be friends, I clung on to that for dear life.

Now this.

I guess that I can take solace in the fact that now, I feel nothing for him, nada, zilch, zero, its like all the feelings of love I did have for him have evaporated into thin air. Now he was just entity that happened to live in the same world as me.

My phone vibrated bring me out of my thoughts, it was Mia, I was sure she had to say something on the matter.

“Hello?” I answered

“Is this dickhead serious?” came her reply

“Hi, Mia, good morning to you too”

“Wait, you have been on Twitter and Facebook right? Your titts are out for all to see!!!”

“Yes Mia, I have been on Facebook and on Twitter too and I’ve seen my titts” I reminded her

Mia was silent for a few moments probably trying to figure out why I was so calm.

“Don’t you care?” she whispered

“I don’t know how I feel, I feel numb, the more retweets it gets the less I feel, if anything Mia, I’m happy” I told her

“Happy? What the hell? You understand that EVERYTHING is on show? That blue and green school tie is not covering up anything” she screamed.

“The truth is, I’m happy because today, I can officially say that I am over him, he use to tell me he loved me but someone that loved me wouldn’t do this, they wouldn’t humiliate me for a couple of retweets. I used to think that he was my everything and I would pray to God every night to make him come back to me, to make him realise I am the one he needs to be with”

Mia sighed long and heavy “So what exactly are you going to do?”

I shrugged, knowing full well she couldn’t see me. “I don’t know”

I hung up with Mia and logged on to Twitter, I was trending , my mentions were full of messages ranging from guys telling me I had a banging body and all the things they would do to me, to girls calling me a dirty slut. I had gained at least a thousand followers. I smiled weakly…every cloud has a silver lining – right?

Flashback 6 months earlier

“Babes, it’s not even a big deal, just let me take a couple of picture” Troy begged.

“You can take pictures of me with my clothes on”

Troy began to pout, he would always do this when he wasn’t get his way but I knew I had to stay strong on this. I just couldn’t let him take those kind of pictures of me. I could feel Troy’s eyes burning a massive hole into my back. I turned to look at him, he looked so cute laying there.

“Please” he pleaded – smiling that perfect dimpled smile that would always make me melt.

“Okay, but just one picture and you have to promise me no one will see it”

His smiled widened “You have my word babes, you have my word”

I undressed slowly because I knew he was watching me, I was like his personal peep show, I adjust my hair so it would cover my breast, I left my school tie on and wore his New York Yankees snap back and with his iPhone he began his photo shoot.

“You’re so beautiful” he would whisper every couple of shots.

As I posed I wondered how many pictures he was going to take, I did say only one and yet here I was still posing.

I stopped. “I said, only one” I told him” sternly

He laughed and he’s eyes glistened with mischief. “Okay, I’ll stop”

I climbed back onto the bed and lay next to him, still naked. Laying my head on his chest, with his free hand he began to play in my hair. With the other he went through the pictures he had just taken of me. All of a sudden I didn't feel so comfortable, suddenly regretting my actions, wishing I had never done it. You're a stupid girl – you know that right? The little voice in my head told me and the more I tried to ignore it the louder it got. I sat up on the bed covering my breast with my arm. Staring at him.

'What' the matter?' he asked puzzled. 'Come, lay back down' he said pulling on my arm softly. I didn't shift.


'You promise, you won't show no one, not even your boys – I need you to say I promise, I won't show no one, I need you to say that okay'

'I would never do that to you, your my baby, my queen, my forever'

I didn't react to his sweet words, instead I just stared intently at his iphone, wishing somehow I could magically erase the photos with the power of my mind.

'I promise' he finally whispered. 'These pics are for my eyes only...okay?'

He had did what I asked, he promised. Laying back down, we settled into our original position. Me on his chest and him playing in my hair.

Then all of a sudden my grandmother's voice echoed silently in my mind 'A promise is a comfort to a fool'

Present day

I could feel the anger in my body raising but I wasn’t angry at Troy, I was angrier with myself. I gave him the power to put me in this situation. He is always can have this messed up power over me, he can hold this against me for as long as he likes. I reached for my phone and called my confidant, Mi

a, she answered after two rings.

“That isn’t the only picture” I blurted out

She didn’t say anything for a while but I knew she was there, I could hear the chaos of her house in the background. I could here her breathing. I think she was thinking of something comforting to say.

“Angelique, how could you be so stupid?” she said so simply.

I was a little hurt by her words, I was expecting a little bit of sympathy, but Mia was never the one to sugar coat things, she was one of my most truthful friends.

“I don’t know” I sobbed to her silently.

“You have to call him, you have to call Troy”

That was probably the one thing that I did not want to do, I didn’t want to call Troy so he could feed me lies and better still tell me it was my own fault that he had exposed me. Then again I needed to know just how much power he held over me and if I could get him to stop. So I guess I had to call Troy.

Hanging up with Mia, I scrolled through my contact list until I found Troy’s name, I stared at it for the longest time, almost as if I had never seen it before. ‘Hurry up and make the call’ I told myself. For somebody that supposedly felt nothing for this person. I was feeling a lot of fear. ‘What are you waiting for?’ I hadn’t spoken to Troy since we broke up. Correction he hadn’t spoken to me. I tried, texting, calling, facebooking, tweeting, I gave up when he started putting up pictures on Instagram of him and some random sket from South London. It was just going to be weird calling him.

My phone started to vibrate, I smiled it was from Mia ‘Hurry up and call him’ it was as if she knew about my apprehension.

I called him.

The phone was ringing.

Ring, ring…ring, ring.

There was no answer, perhaps he was avoiding me. The thought of this annoyed me, he was brave enough to leak a nude photo of me but was a coward when it came to facing the consequences?

So I kept ringing, I lost count of the amount of times I did ring him, after a while the calls started going to voicemail.

Then came the tweet ‘My ex @xAngelFacex is belling of my phone like crazy, we all know I aint answering that shit #Sket’

Sket? Sket? At this point I’m unsure if he is stupid or dumb, it could have been a combination of the two.

One thing I know for sure is, this was not the boy I fell in love with, I didn’t know who this person was full of malice and hate.

All I could do is watch as my mentions went crazy, I felt like this wasn’t going to go away any time soon.


Thank you, Carmelita - yes your assistance is very useful, I wanted an unbiased opinion as all my friends will say they love it.

Profile picture for user michelle_33339
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Michelle Yeboah

Hi There, its a nice story. I gather you are aiming at ages 15+ if I am correct. I wouldn't use words like 'dickface and titts' and not the swearing either. The story also seem to more telling than showing and I think if you are writing as a 1st person, a lot more emotion would be involved even for teenager especially. I hope my views is of assistance. I read the Shadowhunter books aimed at teenagers. It was so hooked and a lot of emotion went into the feelings for each other I forgot the age group. There was no rude language or mentioning of body parts. I'd like to read more of your story though. Thank you. Best Regards,

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