
by Geeta Kumar
8th January 2015

you look at the dark , tempting piece, it sends a shiver of excitement down your back. So many days of abstinence. keeping you away from its allure and temptation. It has given you a strength of character, a firm resolve and determination. All positive qualities which you felt were lacking in your character. it did not need mum to remind you that when you decided to do anything you need to carry it through. You could remember the instances of taking up your books much before the exams, to follow a strict study regime and then mum finding you snoring your head off under the soft duvet. Early morning hockey practices which you would start enthusiastically, and invariably end up with you running out of excuses to give to the coach. Mum always knew you well. She would affectionately remind how important it was for you to have a steady resolve to achieve anything in life. Well so it was .You had the courage to make that strong promise and you had the determination to carry it through. But after nearly a month, when you looked at that dark, sweet temptation, would you not be forgiven if you broke that promise to yourself. You could not be blamed when you imagined yourself taking a bite into it , slowly savouring its sweetness and then the hint of caramel taking you almost to a point of ecstasy. You had to take that inevitable bite into that amazing chocolate bar, sitting invitingly on your brothers plate, not thinking of the fight he would get into with you also ignoring your promises to avoid your weakness in life, chocolate .Also ignoring your mothers well meaning advice and last but not the least the fact that you are at least 10 pounds overweight and should be on a strict diet. But these well meaning ideas do get relegated to the background when you take another glance in the direction of that dark temptation and then finally lose the battle.


Dear Geeta Kumar,

The name suggests you're an Indian and perhaps a Tamilian. Is it so? Good that you're writing here. Language is very nice. If the plot were to be thick, it would have been very nice. I am in Chennai.


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Short stories
Crime, Mystery, Thriller
A. Ravi