Tiny Tim

by David Easton
5th May 2014

Tiny Tim was playing one day

Until something he noticed turned everything grey

My height is a bother I hate being so short

But bigger kids laugh and it's not even my fault

I'm not tall like daddy and I'm smaller than mum

I'm short like the finger that’s next to my thumb

I can't reach the high shelves where all the sweet things may be

I just ask my mum nicely who then reaches for me

I wish I could do things that big people do

Like go on my own to the park and the zoo

I wish I could stand up when bullies make fun of my height

I'd scare them away with an awful big fright

But I'm just so tiny it just isn't fair

So he sat all alone and was feeling despair

With his heart filled with sadness and his spirit down low

He went to his mother to tell tales of his woe

She listened carefully face filled with concern

Her son had a gift and it was time that he learnt

So she softened her voice and breath warm with care

Then whispered something so sweet in his ear

Don't worry Tiny Tim this won't be for long

Every day you keep growing so won't you hold on?

Being short isn't a bad thing I want you to see

One day you'll be big like daddy and me

So when bigger kids laugh and point out that you're small

I want you to stand up you're not tiny at all

You have the biggest smile with a big heart to match

You're kind to others you don't hit them or snatch

You follow the rules like big people too

You use all you're manners you're not spiteful or rude

So when you feel down because you're shorter than most

Remember that being tall is not something to boast

Tiny Tim you're big in all ways but one

But you're perfect to me and I love you my son



This is a really sweet poem. I can imagine it as a picture book to read aloud to pre-schoolers.

I think you could further improve it. There are a few lines which are a bit too long and could have a few words omitted to make it sound right when said out loud, for instance, by omitting the words in brackets below:

I can't reach the (high) shelves where (all) the sweet things may be

Hope that was helpful

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