U r normul part 1

by Anne Jordan
10th December 2014

1. U.R. Normul, part 1

i wonted them jimmy choos the ones in the advurt in the papur the dayly echo i thort they wood cheer me up. i had been down a lot and thinking that my lyfe woz going nowhere, cos im not clevur and im rubish at spelling werds make me gag and chouk me up.

The choos werre sise six only worn for too onurs wiv box bort from selfriges Lundon costin ovur one hundrud pownds my frend Mandy at werk toeld me about them but she sed she wonted them.to i like her a lot so i didnt say anythin cos Mandy is gud to me and she nowes abowt me and the spelling and all that and well she cant help havin same sise feet as me

But i REELY WONTED THEM CHOOS but wot could i do

By the way My name is Nicky Nettles age twenty five running is the ounly thing I am gud at so i go running at the weekend i run the wurds a way. my life has been boring till now but sumfing has hapuned that has chaynged me

last Saterday i went runnin. only been runnin for a few minites wen i felt somethin on me arm thort it was an itch so i scratced it then I saw it fly away and i new then it woz a wosp and it had stung me. Hert like anythin Wonted to run after it and kill it, it made me feel not normul agane like when i woz at skool

i began to feel dissy then i fell down on the grownd. Tung got biger cudnt breeth someone got an ambuelance and a bloke gave me an injecshun brort me bak to life orrible tasyte in me mowth like suking mettel they wudnt let me go home sed i had to go to hospitul.to be checed over then they kept me there for obsevratshun.and tests They sed i had anna somethin shock anover long word i cant spell.

The wumans bit ov the ward woz joyned on to the mens bit wiv a partishun in the middel whitch woz harf way open.you shud av herd sum ov the men snor at nite

Well bak to me sting it woz not gud nues. that blumin wosp gayv me an infeckshun. Me blood suger woz hi and i felt reelly tiyred like i had run the Lundon marathun it woz the aftur efect ov the stuff in the injecshun.Tests evry day same ones. not normul cant go home.

me truble started when me mum dyed. She lernt me all me letters wen i woz likkle befor i went to skool and she sed i woz a clever-gurl.

She woz gud to me and we wud dance to pet shop boys songs at bedtyme me in my blew spotted jammies that floppet rownd me ankuls i ended up forling on the sete cos i woz dissy wiv lafing.Then she got syck,, cancer it woz, me dad did not tell me but i new cos she got out ov breth when we dancd .Me dad and his mates put her bed neer to the telly so she cud wotch corrie it woz her favrite. Wen she dyed me hed went funny like me brane had moved to the rong place.

too munths layter me dad ran off gess he cudnt bare to luk at me cos i luked like me mum. Went to liv wiv me anty jen she woz ok but she throu me blew spotted jammies awy cos she sed they were likkle gurl jammies. At bedtime I wud cry in me pillo

Got bulied at skool too they cauled me nimrod nicky dont know wot it ment didnt sound nyce The teachurs made me reed from hard books then anser questshuns abowt wot i red, i wud read the questshun furst then ask to go to the loo cos i felt ill. frends lafted at me. But i got gud at running cos i woz alwaze runin away from the bullys. At home i wud cry in the gold fish bowl i used to fink that the goldfish woz the only one who cared abowt me and me dyslexea i never ever cryed to anty jen. i grew up lukin owt for me self.

Well bak to me stay in hostitul. boared out of my mind i woz yuk food boaring old peepu. But the nursis wer gud to me.

On day too i had the tests agane then the doc came and looked at that chart at the bottom ov the bed. Thort he woz going to say not normul yet like before but he smyled. Gud looking he woz with a smyle that made me hart go dissy like i woz weraring me blew spotted jammies agane and dancin wiv me mum Then he sed it. At leest i thort he did but this old womun in the next bed started to hollor it wos a noyse a pig wud make if you cort it by its throwt. Sed she cud not find the bell thoze poor nersis came runnin to sort her out wen she had shut up i got the nerse to me to find out wot the doc had sed. The ners sed she wud find owt and off she went.

Well howers went by and she didnt cum bak. i rekon she had forgot so i asked anothur nerse and she went off but this one came bak. Sed she didnt know wot the doc had sed. i think they had lost me test reezults so there i woz not knowin anythin. It woz a long nite and i didnt sleep a wink the pig womun kept on hollerin i rekon the nersis gave her somethin in the end to make her sleep. i dremt that the pig woman woz wareing me blue spotted jammys then i woke up but it woz stil dark i wonted me mum to cum and hug me.

Wen the doc came rownd the next mornin i didnt wate for him to speek i asked him strayt out about wot he had sed yesturday he gave me that dancin smyle and sed clever words abowt what they had dun and then wood you beleeve it that pig womun snorted agane and got owt of bed. She was hollerin sumethin abowt takin the dog for a wark. Then she went qwiet and fell on the flor. The doc and nerse went to help then they puled the screens rownd her bed. Then evry body went qyiet. It woz so qyiet i.cud hear the birds singin. Then the nerse came out from behynd the screen and puled all our screens arownd us..i didnt know thats wot they do when somwon dyes. It was orful it woz too qyiet and i didnt have the nurve to ask the doc abowt me tests.

Well the shouer woz neer to the nerses statshun and wen i woz in the shouer i cud heer the nerses torkin and i

herd one ov them say that the dokter woz gonna tell me i cud go home that day and the over nerse sed duz she no.

i didnt sleep well agane that night. i began to wunder if i mite dye too purhaps peepul like me who are not normul shud dye yung. Wen i woke up it woz gray and dismul. i felt gray and dismul too.Wots the poynt in tryin i thort but then i gave me self a gud torkin to. i sed Nicky youre alive not like the pig wuman. Well it woz bisy in the ward after that and a nue wuman woz put in the pig wumans bed. She woz out of it all. bet she cudnt heer that bleep bleep macheen next to her bed.it woz getin on me nurves so i thort i wud be brave and go and say hello to the peepul wot woz behind the partishun.

Well it tuk me all mornin to get me curage and i had to put up wiv them bleep bleeps but wen it woz visitin time i went. In the furst bed woz a man who woz just starein in to space.like those peepul who have demenshure i stud and watchted him for a minite or too. lukin at him made me feel stranyge like i woz little agane.it woz his iyes. i lucked for his name on his bed.i fink it sed Mr Coke it didnt make sense to me.The nerse sor me luk so i asket her about him but she woz not alowd to say anythin i wonted to no but she sed i had to go bak to me bed.

The next day i thort i wud sneek past the nerses and see him agane after me shouer cos i had this funnie feelin abowt him

Them wurds set me off. i started cryin cos i didnt no wot to fink i had chaynged me mind about goin home i wonted to no about Mr Coke well i new i cudnt stay in the shouer all day so i got meself dryed and began to wark bak to bed. Well on me way bak to bed a nerse stoped me and sed she had been given a letter from somewon to giv to me. Well i dont get leters so me hands shuk as i opend it.Well it had too many wurds on it for me to know wot it woz abowt so I asket the nerse to pull the screens rownd me bed and reed it to me.i had to lisen reely hard to folow it.It woz somethin like this




Well i had to ask the nerse to reed it agayne cos the first time it did me hed in.

Then it came to me.Cokes iyes. it woz me dads iyes i had seen luking in to spayce Me hart woz thumping in me ears now cos then i realysed the letter woz from me dad and that coke man woz me uncl jim.Well i no it tuk a wile to sink in but i rekon that the wosp sting poyson stuff had dun me brane in for gud

That letter mayd me cry it woz like me eyes wer leeking all the bully wurds owt of me but i felt better wen i stopped. then the nerse gave me a tishue i cudnt feel anythin abowt me dad it woz like he dyed wen me mum dyed. So i am not gonna luk for him but i am gona luk owt for me uncl jim cos hes dun nuthin rong.

Well the curtuns were arownd me for a long time cos the nerse woz a bit woried abowt me cos i woz torkin rubish .Bet the uva pashuns thort i had dyed Gess the shok woz like dyeing but in a gud way cos now i new i had an uncl to luv i wundered if he had nown me mum.then anover nurse put her head rownd the curtun and sed sumone had cum to see me and left sumfing for me then she shoved this parcul at me cos the bell woz ringin and she had to go. well me fingers were shakin like a strorberry jelly and i cudnt get the selotape off so i had to ask the first nerse to take it off and open it and then me iyes began to leek agane cos all i cud see woz these butiful lite blue bows and then silvur blue shimer color like the sea in sumer and then killur heels and i new wot they wer

And then the nerse sed theres a note and it woz from Mandy and she sed she had head abowt me in hospitul and she bort the jimmy choos for me and i cud pay her bak a bit at a tyme eech week. she sed she had gessed i had liket them to cos she nowes me too well.

Well that did it for me i cryed like a babby

Wen the first nerse went away i felt reely tyred gess it woz all that stuff in the leter and then getting the choos. i fell asleep and then i had a dreem wich made me think difrent abowt meself. In the dreem there woz this wosp wiv a big face but it woz smyling at me and it woz not skary and it had me mums eyes luking at me then this voyce sed clever gurl and i woz dancin but it woz not pet shop boys musik it i woz wiv me uncl jim and then me dad cayme but he went away like he woznt ment to be there. i think it woz heven then I herd this voyce sayin cup ov tee luv but it woz me mums face agayne and it melted away and i woke up. it woz the tee lady speeking to me by me bed.

Then she sed she had seen me visitin uncl jim and she sed i woz kind cos i woz the only one who had been to see him and him being not quite rite. she wisperd the last bit. Then she put me cup ov tee on me loker and bent down and wisperd something even more quyiet in me ear. Cudnt heer her at furst so i sed to her wot did yer say and she sed it agan but a bit lowder but just for me oun ears.wot she sed woz this

bet your glad your normul luv.

well alrite it woz not rite to say that peepul wiv demenshure are not normul but ferst time in me life somewun sed that i woz normul. to me it felt like me life had just begun..it woz better than the dokters clever wurds that never got sed cos i new the tee lady woz just like me. not clever but kind. like me mum

And then sudenly i new it woz like a new start and i wonted to go home Wen i get to heven i am gonna kiss that wosp best fing that hapened to me

Tell you wot i wont to do wiv my life now go to collidge lern to spell get a gud job and a gud house.

when i get home i am gonna buy some outsise blue spotted jammys and put me matchin jimmy choos on wiv them and i am going to dance on the sete til i get dissy and fall over and then im gonna showt free gud wurds. I AM NORMUL


I would suggest that the audience would appreciate the humor of what is written more if they were focused on what is being said rather than how it is being said. Personally I find,

"When I get home I'm gonna buy some outsized blue spotted jammies and put on me matching Jimmy Choos and I'm going to dance on the settee 'til I get dizzy and fall over..."

let's me focus on the amusing picture that you've created as a writer; the way the sentence is currently written, all my energy is going into reading what is said which takes from the humor of the picture.

Of course, you may have a very specific audience in mind and it might help to know more about the target you have in mind for this.

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