Unfinished Piece of Art

by Tania Aboultaif
15th February 2016

Suffocating .

My heart falling ,

and my body fighting 

for it to stay in place.

I had finally realized , 

that my last breath was 

near me .


Closed the door 

without looking back.

Threw the keys ,

in the deepest of my wounds 

bounded to be untouched 

bounded to be unfixed.


What do I do ?

When I become a crumpled piece of paper, 

thrown away with the written words I once held.

I became unwanted , undesired , untouched .


Do not unfold me. 

Do not try to dive into my flesh ,

to understand my essence

my very core of existence;

for I am undone.


If I was a  piece of art , 

I would admire the creator . 

The artist who holds his brush 

to draw the pieces I have missing , 

to complete the admirable vision of what 

I  am supposed to be  like.

To discover me , 

entirely ,

completely .


I threw the keys in my deepest wounds , 

and allowed time to carry me through .

To be in a place with 

no complications.

No perfections .


A place where I can meet the artist , 

and the artist meets me ,

the unfinished piece of art.

