The Virus

by Peter Hill
14th April 2022

From a land far away

O’er great oceans I’ve roamed

Through careless indifference 

Great misery I’ve sown


If you still haven’t met me

There’s time for you yet

Our paths soon will cross

On that you can bet


Each of you when we meet

Your own toll shall you pay

Though the tithe that I take

Isn’t always the same


But take from you I will

There’s nought you can do

Once we have met

Know for sure I’ll own you


Yes some may escape

This is quite true

But don’t relax yet

I’ve not finished with you


Just when you think

The danger is passed

I’m learning and changing

And doing so fast


So try as you might

Science won’t save you alone

Sleep on watch if you dare

Of sleep I need none


My legions are growing 

Far worse days are yet to come

When you count up your losses

I’ll have barely begun


I’m in this for the long run

So if you’re not too

My victory’s assured

Your fate’s down to you.


Copyright Peter Hill 2021 all rights reserved

Areas of interest
