In the wood - Flash Fiction

by Paul Jauregui
21st September 2017

Keep out of the woods they said. There is an evil monster that takes delight in beautiful, youthful flesh.

            But I have always felt at ease among these green walls, and here I am.

            The air smells of damp leaves and wild garlic.

            A twig breaks to the left.

            My heart races. I hear his heavy breathing, smell his sweaty form.

            He intended to catch me unawares but has given his presence away.

            He breaks through the foliage and stands a few metres from me; contorted face and arms raised threateningly.

            He is large and strong.

            Can I outrun him?

            In a flash this race of life has begun. I dash through the bushes as fast as my legs allow. There are fewer than ten metres between us.

            Adrenalin pushes my muscles as I jump tree stumps and hollows. I cannot afford a slip or trip.

            His cries and shouts become louder.

            I save my breath for running.

            There are now only four or five metres between us.

            Faster. I must go faster. Help me now adrenalin.

            The edge of the wood is in sight and the pastures beyond will provide sanctuary from the monster.

            Faster. Faster.

            Two metres.


            The final trees are so near.

            An outstretched claw of a hand touches, now grasps.

            We both tumble to the ground by the final tree. Legs kicking, arms flailing, teeth sink into flesh and young blood flows.

            He begs for mercy.

            I give none.


            He should have listened to them.


Oops, flask means flash!!

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Sometimes it's hard to get the pacing right in a piece of flask fiction. However, you do it really well and the twist at the end is great. Short and sharp, well done!

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